Autumn came every year, a sweeping mess of oranges and red claiming the emerald greens of the setting; and no matter where he was Autumn was assured, for the seasons were as reliable as the stars at night. With a nose haunted by a million smells, Akai, a smallish white wolf with a silver tail and a mess of scars about his face, padded slowly and carefully through the new-lands with golden eyes ever-scanning the dim horizon. Soon it would be nightfall, and with it would come the skittering of prey against the decaying leaves at his feet.
To hunt in another's territory was always forbidden. Another assurance no matter where he went, but his lean and hungry frame bore no pity to the fat, fine-coated wolves that shimmered under the sunlight-- to them, what was one rabbit gone? In the winter, understandable, but they had claws to dig the rodents from their dens and teeth to snatch the fish from rivers… wolves were such selfish, arrogant and spiteful creatures, always thinking of themselves first. He knew this most of all… for he was the same.
With three black raven feathers tangled into his throat fur, Akai rose his head and pricked thick ears to listen to the call of bird-song rolling about the brush-- scrunched up his hind-legs and leapt nosielessly against the nearest dead tree with paws splayed against the surface. Wolves didn’t climb trees, well, this one did as the myriad of feathered creatures peered with beady eyes--
Perhaps the crows knew he would not hurt them… and that is why they stayed.
I don’t know where I am… He thought, resting against a leveled nook where a thick branch met the trunk, his ever steady gaze pointed North to where the smell of salt barely fringed the waning breeze… A place even I do not recognize… how far have I come this time?
Autumn came every year, a sweeping mess of oranges and red claiming the emerald greens of the setting; and no matter where he was Autumn was assured, for the seasons were as reliable as the stars at night. With a nose haunted by a million smells, Akai, a smallish white wolf with a silver tail and a mess of scars about his face, padded slowly and carefully through the new-lands with golden eyes ever-scanning the dim horizon. Soon it would be nightfall, and with it would come the skittering of prey against the decaying leaves at his feet.
To hunt in another's territory was always forbidden. Another assurance no matter where he went, but his lean and hungry frame bore no pity to the fat, fine-coated wolves that shimmered under the sunlight-- to them, what was one rabbit gone? In the winter, understandable, but they had claws to dig the rodents from their dens and teeth to snatch the fish from rivers… wolves were such selfish, arrogant and spiteful creatures, always thinking of themselves first. He knew this most of all… for he was the same.
With three black raven feathers tangled into his throat fur, Akai rose his head and pricked thick ears to listen to the call of bird-song rolling about the brush-- scrunched up his hind-legs and leapt nosielessly against the nearest dead tree with paws splayed against the surface. Wolves didn’t climb trees, well, this one did as the myriad of feathered creatures peered with beady eyes--
Perhaps the crows knew he would not hurt them… and that is why they stayed.
I don’t know where I am… He thought, resting against a leveled nook where a thick branch met the trunk, his ever steady gaze pointed North to where the smell of salt barely fringed the waning breeze… A place even I do not recognize… how far have I come this time?
October 11, 2020, 07:26 PM
There was a visitor in the woods.
She could smell them, could hear them crunch against the autumn leaves. They were not of Deorwine origin, nor' of a Kingslend pledge. She crossed the grounds to find the intruder, and was met with yet another, cursed wolf. She stood a bit away before introducing herself, fire-lit eyes giving a slight narrowed look on inspecting him so.
Then out from the shadows, Célnes held a warm smile as her body was upright in a noble regine, but a stern voice toward the cursed being, "You are in claimed lands, stranger. It isn't wise to be so close into my territory."
She could smell them, could hear them crunch against the autumn leaves. They were not of Deorwine origin, nor' of a Kingslend pledge. She crossed the grounds to find the intruder, and was met with yet another, cursed wolf. She stood a bit away before introducing herself, fire-lit eyes giving a slight narrowed look on inspecting him so.
Then out from the shadows, Célnes held a warm smile as her body was upright in a noble regine, but a stern voice toward the cursed being, "You are in claimed lands, stranger. It isn't wise to be so close into my territory."
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
October 11, 2020, 07:46 PM
Akai’s ears canted downwards; no fear or aggression showed upon his muzzle, nor did his eyes widen in immediate surprise. In fact there was little to no change in his expression as he stared unblinkingly down from the tree, wondering if that smile upon the others face was a mark of fiened pleasure.
“I know not where I am.” Placidly, methodically. “I came in on a breeze and plan to leave on one, too. I am sure I will be gone by daybreak.”
It wasn’t as if Célnes’s sternness was unheard, but simply that he didn’t care too much. There was no familiar scent of his sister anywhere… not on the bark, not on the ground. Whiskers twitching as he leant his skull against the trunk, a wistful sigh escaped the male. He would speak the words he always spoke when he came across strange canines.
"... I am looking for my sister, a white wolf with a silver tail. Have you heard of any? She would be carrying feathers in her fur... just like I am."
“I know not where I am.” Placidly, methodically. “I came in on a breeze and plan to leave on one, too. I am sure I will be gone by daybreak.”
It wasn’t as if Célnes’s sternness was unheard, but simply that he didn’t care too much. There was no familiar scent of his sister anywhere… not on the bark, not on the ground. Whiskers twitching as he leant his skull against the trunk, a wistful sigh escaped the male. He would speak the words he always spoke when he came across strange canines.
"... I am looking for my sister, a white wolf with a silver tail. Have you heard of any? She would be carrying feathers in her fur... just like I am."
October 11, 2020, 07:51 PM
"There are no white wolves in these forests," she wouldn't allow it. She could allow the gray-scales, the goldens, maybe leniancy on the unspoken blacks. But never, would she allow a pure white wolf to enter Kingslend. Thinking Whitney alone was a headache, and thankfully that wolf had not been introduced in a long while, not since her sister had announced she had survived.
It simply seemed like a bad omen, especially since this was the second one that the wolf had seen, "There are only Deorwine's and lost ones here- but we are too full to accept anymore." A reference to the children and her guard, the unholy ones that Célnes had accepted. It was true there was a lot- but there was still more room. Her mind was a bit on edge for the appearence of more white wolves.
It was a strong hint he should leave before too much trouble. All, with just a smile.
It simply seemed like a bad omen, especially since this was the second one that the wolf had seen, "There are only Deorwine's and lost ones here- but we are too full to accept anymore." A reference to the children and her guard, the unholy ones that Célnes had accepted. It was true there was a lot- but there was still more room. Her mind was a bit on edge for the appearence of more white wolves.
It was a strong hint he should leave before too much trouble. All, with just a smile.
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
October 11, 2020, 08:04 PM
He would believe her, simply because it was a stupid and minute thing to play lying games about-- coupled with her tone, it would probably have been better if he had cleared off entirely from the scene… but Akai didn’t. Instead, tipping his nose to the air as she spoke of ‘Deorwines’ and ‘Lost ones’ (the words had no meaning to he), the white wolf watched a common raven land upon the branches above him with a curious expression playing upon its face. It was not uncommon for ravens and crows to be drawn near to where song-birds gathered… it meant there was no beast near to harm them, but perhaps there would be food. This particular bird had been tailing him for miles now, and just when he thought he had lost its attention…
“I have nothing for you, my friend.” Whispered to the slick black avian, who hopped about its branch, turned its beak against its breast and pulled a small black feather out. Grooming? A coincidence? A sign? Akai made no facial indication of what it was as he landed quietly upon the ground to pick the tiny feather up, nuzzling it against his snowy mane.
“I see.” His gravelly voice was full of disinterest. “I do not wish to join you, I simply wish to pass through. Could you allow me that, at least…?”
“I have nothing for you, my friend.” Whispered to the slick black avian, who hopped about its branch, turned its beak against its breast and pulled a small black feather out. Grooming? A coincidence? A sign? Akai made no facial indication of what it was as he landed quietly upon the ground to pick the tiny feather up, nuzzling it against his snowy mane.
“I see.” His gravelly voice was full of disinterest. “I do not wish to join you, I simply wish to pass through. Could you allow me that, at least…?”
October 11, 2020, 11:04 PM
my brain shut off sorry but heres the ass
The songs of the earth was the only noise to fill his ears, as it should be. Kingslend's settlement was going well, even with the brief disturbance from the bird boy, and the apostles did not seem disturbed by their quick move into the forest. It was surely a confirmation from their god that this was indeed the perfect place. They were far from the other packs, though the hunter knew it would never be far enough. Kingslend would have disturbances...and it seemed today was no exception.
In the distance, voices were carried with the wind, one familiar one not. It was enough to draw the male from the undergrowth where he lurked. The sounds took him to the edges of their territory where he was soon able to pick up the voice of his cousin.
"There are no white wolves in these forests,"
He snorted at that, no there were none of the cursed, yet his King had still accepted the scorn. Why, if Célnes accepted a white wolf he was sure if the High Elk did not smite her where she stood, the pack would. Calhoun wasn't sure just what he was expecting to find by the time he found the two, though he never would have guessed it to be the ghastly male.
"I do not wish to join you, I simply wish to pass through."
The baron blinked, red gaze switching between the stranger and his cousin as a slow chuckle rose in his chest before blooming into a full-on laugh,
In the distance, voices were carried with the wind, one familiar one not. It was enough to draw the male from the undergrowth where he lurked. The sounds took him to the edges of their territory where he was soon able to pick up the voice of his cousin.
"There are no white wolves in these forests,"
He snorted at that, no there were none of the cursed, yet his King had still accepted the scorn. Why, if Célnes accepted a white wolf he was sure if the High Elk did not smite her where she stood, the pack would. Calhoun wasn't sure just what he was expecting to find by the time he found the two, though he never would have guessed it to be the ghastly male.
"I do not wish to join you, I simply wish to pass through."
The baron blinked, red gaze switching between the stranger and his cousin as a slow chuckle rose in his chest before blooming into a full-on laugh,
You—? Those stripped of His color are not welcome here. Your presence brings misfortune.Thank the High Elk Célnes had not fully lost it, at least not yet. The day a white wolf was accepted might be the day he found a new home with the High Elk.
#B22222 , pawprint, Calhoun's Playlist
6/10*, * = incomplete threads
Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!

Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!
October 12, 2020, 10:30 AM
Her cousin spoke words of truth, but Célnes would never say so with blunt. She could never know who was backing who- was this wasn't their old home. Enemies could be made easily, despite the wariness she held for their kind. She could only give him an apologetic smile, despite the untruthfulness of the situation she held.
"I apologize but we cannot offer you passage through. However we can have you go around- but with our guards."
"I apologize but we cannot offer you passage through. However we can have you go around- but with our guards."
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
October 12, 2020, 09:27 PM
Lay dormant, lay still, as still as a newborn fawn who’s mother has stepped away to graze.
That was often Min’s only thoughts as she lay still between twigs, grasses, stumps, anything that could provide the slightest bit of shelter from wind, rain, or others of her kind. Despite having found her paws in the last few months and successfully hunted several small prey animals, Akai still left her behind on his little excursions, never enough that she would think she were being abandoned, but ever enough to cause her innate boredom. However, as much as she enjoyed her time alone, there was only ever so many leaves, or toads she could bother before her nose led her back to the large male. Back home. Yes, the woods were their hunting grounds, her playground, but that wolf, with his odd scars, and chattering of birds, he was home to her in the end.
She exhaled quietly, eyes downcast as she chased after an invisible figure, driven only by scent. It seemed she trusted her nose far better than she ever would her sight. The harshness of the gleaming sun had seen to that early on. Still, as she ventured on, carried by scent and occasional flap of crow wings above, she found herself losing her train of thought, something she often did while alone. By the time reality settled in around her, images of her puphood vanishing in the blink of an eye, she found herself standing before a large tree, Akai’s scent flowing in from just beyond. However, with his scent was that of others, strangers that distorted the feeling of home and made her pelt crawl. Strangers or not, they hadn’t attacked him yet, hadn’t added to his mountain of scars, and as such, they weren’t a threat just yet. She knew of his desire to find a wolf much like himself.
She took a seat then, peeking from her newfound hiding place with a curiosity to rival that of a newborn. Had he found what he was looking for perhaps?
That was often Min’s only thoughts as she lay still between twigs, grasses, stumps, anything that could provide the slightest bit of shelter from wind, rain, or others of her kind. Despite having found her paws in the last few months and successfully hunted several small prey animals, Akai still left her behind on his little excursions, never enough that she would think she were being abandoned, but ever enough to cause her innate boredom. However, as much as she enjoyed her time alone, there was only ever so many leaves, or toads she could bother before her nose led her back to the large male. Back home. Yes, the woods were their hunting grounds, her playground, but that wolf, with his odd scars, and chattering of birds, he was home to her in the end.
She exhaled quietly, eyes downcast as she chased after an invisible figure, driven only by scent. It seemed she trusted her nose far better than she ever would her sight. The harshness of the gleaming sun had seen to that early on. Still, as she ventured on, carried by scent and occasional flap of crow wings above, she found herself losing her train of thought, something she often did while alone. By the time reality settled in around her, images of her puphood vanishing in the blink of an eye, she found herself standing before a large tree, Akai’s scent flowing in from just beyond. However, with his scent was that of others, strangers that distorted the feeling of home and made her pelt crawl. Strangers or not, they hadn’t attacked him yet, hadn’t added to his mountain of scars, and as such, they weren’t a threat just yet. She knew of his desire to find a wolf much like himself.
She took a seat then, peeking from her newfound hiding place with a curiosity to rival that of a newborn. Had he found what he was looking for perhaps?
October 12, 2020, 09:45 PM
She was but a child; Minah had a lot to learn when it came to the drifting currents of the wind, traces of her scent familiar in his nose the moment they swirled about the adults. Part of him prayed that neither of the two strangers had scented the wolfling a way aways, but the rational male knew that even as he shielded the others location with his body, taking a few tentative steps to the side… they would most likely already know she was there. The young wolf’s presence presence served to put his nerves on edge.
“Well, perhaps aiding us will not result in said spiritual misfortune, hm?” It was no threat; merely a humble suggestion. Oh, how the wandering wolf was fully versed in the ways of suspicious wolves adamant in avoiding the coats of white and black canines alike. It was the same across the land… beasts chasing stars and omens and myths; some more harmful than others. Akai’s gaze thinned ever so slightly.
What would they do… when they saw her?
“We will walk with your ‘guards’ around, if that would be the peaceful option.” The male gave a diligent nod of the head, not an ounce riled by Calhoun’s laughing. Submissively, stiffly, the white wolf would lower his head and flatten those thick ears, eyes ever-bright-- he would not dare mention their need for food, not while she was close. “I do not wish to quarrel. I only wish for neutral ground, so that me and my kin can rest for the night.”
“Well, perhaps aiding us will not result in said spiritual misfortune, hm?” It was no threat; merely a humble suggestion. Oh, how the wandering wolf was fully versed in the ways of suspicious wolves adamant in avoiding the coats of white and black canines alike. It was the same across the land… beasts chasing stars and omens and myths; some more harmful than others. Akai’s gaze thinned ever so slightly.
What would they do… when they saw her?
“We will walk with your ‘guards’ around, if that would be the peaceful option.” The male gave a diligent nod of the head, not an ounce riled by Calhoun’s laughing. Submissively, stiffly, the white wolf would lower his head and flatten those thick ears, eyes ever-bright-- he would not dare mention their need for food, not while she was close. “I do not wish to quarrel. I only wish for neutral ground, so that me and my kin can rest for the night.”
October 13, 2020, 01:11 PM
Luckily, Calhoun would not have to fight his cousin this time around. She would be denying the other male's stay though while he loathed the thought of being tasked to escort the other, it would ensure he did not cross their borders. His relief, however, was short-lived as another scent was carried on the wind. Suddenly, the hunter grew tense as his gaze hardened on the other. The traveler's terminology also had shifted to we. This man wasn't alone.
Once more, Calhoun cast a glance to his cousin looking for her own response. It seemed that as of late, every action the Baron carried was criticized in some way despite the family's best interest at heart. He'd rather not have another scolding, but he also would not take the disrespect at their own borders.
If you wish for neutral ground, you best not hide information from those graciously leaving you unharmed.
Once more, Calhoun cast a glance to his cousin looking for her own response. It seemed that as of late, every action the Baron carried was criticized in some way despite the family's best interest at heart. He'd rather not have another scolding, but he also would not take the disrespect at their own borders.
Show your kin, if that is who I smell downwind.
#B22222 , pawprint, Calhoun's Playlist
6/10*, * = incomplete threads
Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!

Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!
October 13, 2020, 07:54 PM
"We can escort you out to neutral ground- but it may be best for your companion to reveal herself." Just as Calhoun said, she repeated so. An omen- she was no seer to the Deorwine people. However what she had known was that the white-folk always bring sort of a fear into her so. She had gotten over quite a few misgivings over the other colors, but something about white-kin, seemingly brought misfortune.
She was wary, but hid so with a smile of warmth despite the small hostility that was forming between them all.
She was wary, but hid so with a smile of warmth despite the small hostility that was forming between them all.
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
October 14, 2020, 04:18 PM
Wind, of course, how could she have forgotten such an important detail?
Her small form shrank away, curiosity having gotten the better of her, the hope that Akai had found what he was looking for after so long. That damaging hope. She swallowed weakly, head briefly pressing to the mossy trunk of the tree she hid behind. An uneasy breath, an uncomfortable pause, and she gathered herself enough to break her cover completely. Her movements were unlike those prior, her walk was near ghostly, long limbs drifting over fallen branches, stones, as though they weren’t there, silent. It was all an act in a sense, a desire to protect herself, and kin. If others never saw how they affected you….she froze for a moment, gaze downcast. Act or not...she could never bring herself to gaze into the eyes of another. Not even Akai. Still, she crept closer, nose following the scent of her kin before coming to rest at the side of the tree she assumed he was in. It seems that these wolves were far from allies...a rather grand mistake on her part.
She cleared her throat, voice whispery, “I am Minah, may the gods shine brightly upon you both.” Her words came in the company of a lowly bow, an effort to appease, or perhaps charm these strangers. She chanced a flicker then, a daring glance, onto the faces of those that would be ‘escorting’ them. Where she knew not, though the sound of more wolves than she had seen in months appearing out of the blue, well, it made her tail twitch uncomfortably. Her expression, thankfully, did not betray her, an air of calm radiating off of her.
Her small form shrank away, curiosity having gotten the better of her, the hope that Akai had found what he was looking for after so long. That damaging hope. She swallowed weakly, head briefly pressing to the mossy trunk of the tree she hid behind. An uneasy breath, an uncomfortable pause, and she gathered herself enough to break her cover completely. Her movements were unlike those prior, her walk was near ghostly, long limbs drifting over fallen branches, stones, as though they weren’t there, silent. It was all an act in a sense, a desire to protect herself, and kin. If others never saw how they affected you….she froze for a moment, gaze downcast. Act or not...she could never bring herself to gaze into the eyes of another. Not even Akai. Still, she crept closer, nose following the scent of her kin before coming to rest at the side of the tree she assumed he was in. It seems that these wolves were far from allies...a rather grand mistake on her part.
She cleared her throat, voice whispery, “I am Minah, may the gods shine brightly upon you both.” Her words came in the company of a lowly bow, an effort to appease, or perhaps charm these strangers. She chanced a flicker then, a daring glance, onto the faces of those that would be ‘escorting’ them. Where she knew not, though the sound of more wolves than she had seen in months appearing out of the blue, well, it made her tail twitch uncomfortably. Her expression, thankfully, did not betray her, an air of calm radiating off of her.
Calhoun’s tone was enough to make the fur against his spine quiver, but determined to keep up that submissive facade, Akai would not let the biting spite of the red wolf’s growling turn him from his path. Under his breath, with a measured amount of annoyance flavoring his own words, Akai stated with a side eye back--
“Said companion wasn’t supposed to be here.” It wasn’t that difficult of an instruction! Simply wait for him to return with word of a safe path, but what was it about younglings and not listening to their elders?! This was neither the time nor place to scold as the white wolf stepped backwards ever so lightly, the light settling against the blazing snowy fur of the younger. Akai knew immediately that her talk and the pinkish-red hues of her eyes would be an affront to these strange wolves and their whimsical traditions, and so snapping quickly after her minutely frazzled greeting--
“Gods of the suns and stars and nature; nothing malicious.” Defensive and resolute, he did not want the already bias wolves to think they could have been worshiping death itself, for that could in turn bring death upon them. If only Minah hadn’t mentioned them at all… statuesque and unknowing if their chances for even having escorts had been blown, the wolf turned his head to bite away at the cord wrapped around a ravens feather. It came away with the gentlest tugging, ebony and royal purple fringed with white-- it was dropped politely at his paws, and nudged with his nose carefully towards Célnes, the more polite seeming of the two. There was no smile breaking the even line of that blunt, heavily scarred muzzle, but the fur ruffled the long fur of his throat almost ominously the moment that the male was shorn of the item.
“In thanks for your service I would you offer this; a mark for the friends of ravenskin. A friend of the birds.”
Noticeably, this wasn’t offered to Calhoun.
“Said companion wasn’t supposed to be here.” It wasn’t that difficult of an instruction! Simply wait for him to return with word of a safe path, but what was it about younglings and not listening to their elders?! This was neither the time nor place to scold as the white wolf stepped backwards ever so lightly, the light settling against the blazing snowy fur of the younger. Akai knew immediately that her talk and the pinkish-red hues of her eyes would be an affront to these strange wolves and their whimsical traditions, and so snapping quickly after her minutely frazzled greeting--
“Gods of the suns and stars and nature; nothing malicious.” Defensive and resolute, he did not want the already bias wolves to think they could have been worshiping death itself, for that could in turn bring death upon them. If only Minah hadn’t mentioned them at all… statuesque and unknowing if their chances for even having escorts had been blown, the wolf turned his head to bite away at the cord wrapped around a ravens feather. It came away with the gentlest tugging, ebony and royal purple fringed with white-- it was dropped politely at his paws, and nudged with his nose carefully towards Célnes, the more polite seeming of the two. There was no smile breaking the even line of that blunt, heavily scarred muzzle, but the fur ruffled the long fur of his throat almost ominously the moment that the male was shorn of the item.
“In thanks for your service I would you offer this; a mark for the friends of ravenskin. A friend of the birds.”
Noticeably, this wasn’t offered to Calhoun.
October 16, 2020, 01:04 PM
Once more his King agreed and though there was a short pause, a girl of white would eventually step out and reveal herself. Without thought, the hunter inhaled sharply. It was bad enough that there was one, but she was worse than the first. A witch to these lands as she offered her feeble blessing of the Gods, but there was only one God.
The scarred one was quick to speak up and perhaps give his best attempt at apologizing with an indirect scolding, though any sliver of respect for the action was quickly squashed by his follow up of false Gods.
Red eyes dropped to the feather before his cousin, an offering...from the birds? God was this guy dense. To even suggest that the birds might be worth more than their elk was insanity, but for once he kept his mouth shut only offering a roll of his eyes. Surely Celnes would give her little smile and thanks in hopes of some kind of appreciation from these two.
The scarred one was quick to speak up and perhaps give his best attempt at apologizing with an indirect scolding, though any sliver of respect for the action was quickly squashed by his follow up of false Gods.
Only the High Elk may control the happenings of this world. I'd like to believe your intention is well, but your words are an insult to him. I would offer a warning, though it's obvious that he has already shunned you and your kin.
Red eyes dropped to the feather before his cousin, an offering...from the birds? God was this guy dense. To even suggest that the birds might be worth more than their elk was insanity, but for once he kept his mouth shut only offering a roll of his eyes. Surely Celnes would give her little smile and thanks in hopes of some kind of appreciation from these two.
#B22222 , pawprint, Calhoun's Playlist
6/10*, * = incomplete threads
Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!

Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!
October 16, 2020, 01:30 PM
Célnes rose a paw to her cousin, to say 'halt' to more words.. She understood her cousins dismay over not one, but now two cursed beings entering, and asking to go forth into their forest. They offered guidance around, but perhaps they were not satisfied with this. It was definitely suspicious that one was hiding, perhaps but just a late arrival, but held a wariness from the King. He said she was not supposed to, but they had every right to assume otherwise.
Nontheless, a smile and a warmth in her tone, "I thank you for the offering, in return, we can only hope the High Elk graces your kin." Specific words were given, neither was she disrespecting the High Elk, nor' was she holding hosilities toward the two silverfish. Only to wish that while they may be cursed, the future will not be.
"Calhoun will guide you out of the forest," said the King, as Célnes stepped forth to retrieve the feathers- but she did not bend to pick them up. Rather a paw to guide them closer to herself, while waiting for a confirmation, they would leave with the Baron.
Though she could not forget, "I am Célnes Déorwine, King of Kingslend- do remember us so."
Nontheless, a smile and a warmth in her tone, "I thank you for the offering, in return, we can only hope the High Elk graces your kin." Specific words were given, neither was she disrespecting the High Elk, nor' was she holding hosilities toward the two silverfish. Only to wish that while they may be cursed, the future will not be.
"Calhoun will guide you out of the forest," said the King, as Célnes stepped forth to retrieve the feathers- but she did not bend to pick them up. Rather a paw to guide them closer to herself, while waiting for a confirmation, they would leave with the Baron.
Though she could not forget, "I am Célnes Déorwine, King of Kingslend- do remember us so."
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
October 17, 2020, 10:06 PM
Her gaze narrowed as Akai quickly corrected her attempts at a friendly greeting, even more so when he chastised her for her very presence. She flicked her tail absently but said nothing in the wake of his words. There was no shame in her stance, even less so as she took a careless seat beside her father.
Were these wolves so brainless as to believe she’d wish them ill will upon a first meeting? The thought was minorly amusing but she kept it to herself, not wanting to gain more of Akai’s attention. She’d already broken a rule he often imposed on her. Not that it was…entirely her fault of course. How could he expect her to sit still when there were strangers lying in wait in the forest around them? They were far more entertaining than the toads she found under rotting logs.
Kingslend, they called themselves.
King? Slend?
Kings lend?
So preoccupied in her own breakdown of their name was she that she nearly missed Akai’s gift, the feathers he wore upon his very being. Had she not been worrying for his safety she would have scoffed then. To gift them something so soon after meeting, even if the intent was to appease them, it left a bitter taste in her mouth. However, she didn’t allow the words to linger for longer than a moment before the other wolf’s words reached her ears.
A twitch of the lip.
A frosty glance.
Their god had shunned them? She could almost laugh. Such a sorry sight this wolf was, to both insist that there was only one god, and to name such a god an elk of all things. Even young pups knew he was a glorious stag! Oh how Luon would laugh upon this creature for mistaking him for such! Any anger that had built in her system melted away, realizing these wolves were merely lost. Calhoun. Célnes. She tilted her head as she took in their names. Perhaps, with due time, the gods would shine truth upon their shadowy forms.
At the very least Célnes seemed like the brighter one of the two. She offered the she-wolf a slight bow, devoid of any honors, “A pleasure to have graced your presence on this fine day.” There was a playful glint in her gaze as she looked to Akai, as if the wolf would somehow be able to tell how amusing she found these two.
A dangerous game.
Yes, this was dangerous.
They were in their lands after all. Had they met elsewhere…and without Akai, well, she would have enjoyed a game or two. She knew Akai would never approve of such actions.
Were these wolves so brainless as to believe she’d wish them ill will upon a first meeting? The thought was minorly amusing but she kept it to herself, not wanting to gain more of Akai’s attention. She’d already broken a rule he often imposed on her. Not that it was…entirely her fault of course. How could he expect her to sit still when there were strangers lying in wait in the forest around them? They were far more entertaining than the toads she found under rotting logs.
Kingslend, they called themselves.
King? Slend?
Kings lend?
So preoccupied in her own breakdown of their name was she that she nearly missed Akai’s gift, the feathers he wore upon his very being. Had she not been worrying for his safety she would have scoffed then. To gift them something so soon after meeting, even if the intent was to appease them, it left a bitter taste in her mouth. However, she didn’t allow the words to linger for longer than a moment before the other wolf’s words reached her ears.
A twitch of the lip.
A frosty glance.
Their god had shunned them? She could almost laugh. Such a sorry sight this wolf was, to both insist that there was only one god, and to name such a god an elk of all things. Even young pups knew he was a glorious stag! Oh how Luon would laugh upon this creature for mistaking him for such! Any anger that had built in her system melted away, realizing these wolves were merely lost. Calhoun. Célnes. She tilted her head as she took in their names. Perhaps, with due time, the gods would shine truth upon their shadowy forms.
At the very least Célnes seemed like the brighter one of the two. She offered the she-wolf a slight bow, devoid of any honors, “A pleasure to have graced your presence on this fine day.” There was a playful glint in her gaze as she looked to Akai, as if the wolf would somehow be able to tell how amusing she found these two.
A dangerous game.
Yes, this was dangerous.
They were in their lands after all. Had they met elsewhere…and without Akai, well, she would have enjoyed a game or two. She knew Akai would never approve of such actions.
November 03, 2020, 10:56 PM
'High Elk'.
They treated this entity as if it meant anything to he-of-many-gods, as if their play-pretend heathenistic beliefs held any water or ground or anything of anything of real substance. Talk of shunning and other drivel entered one ear and left through the other, never phased by the insults, completely stoic to the coldness in which Calhoun spoke with. There was simply the slight narrowing of his pretty eyes and the twitching of fine white whiskers as the male touched his nose to Minah's head,
"... This one is Minah, and I am Akai. Lead us well; we do not make the same mistakes twice." The white wolf breathed, the latter part of the sentence pointed directly at the little she-wolf who had gone roaming with that loose tongue of hers. A single glance to the pawed feather, the sparcest catching of Celnes's citrus gaze... and they would follow the Kingslend's Baron in complete silence, never daring to look back.
They treated this entity as if it meant anything to he-of-many-gods, as if their play-pretend heathenistic beliefs held any water or ground or anything of anything of real substance. Talk of shunning and other drivel entered one ear and left through the other, never phased by the insults, completely stoic to the coldness in which Calhoun spoke with. There was simply the slight narrowing of his pretty eyes and the twitching of fine white whiskers as the male touched his nose to Minah's head,
"... This one is Minah, and I am Akai. Lead us well; we do not make the same mistakes twice." The white wolf breathed, the latter part of the sentence pointed directly at the little she-wolf who had gone roaming with that loose tongue of hers. A single glance to the pawed feather, the sparcest catching of Celnes's citrus gaze... and they would follow the Kingslend's Baron in complete silence, never daring to look back.
~ END.
November 11, 2020, 02:01 AM
(This post was last modified: November 11, 2020, 02:01 AM by Calhoun.)
The hunter found no need to introduce himself as his king already offered his name, though the task he was assigned was less than thrilling. Calhoun took note of the other twos names, not that he cared for them, but you never knew when something would become valuable information. With pleasantries out of the way (if you could really call them pleasant, Cal gave a final glance to his cousin before motioning with his head for the two to follow. The sooner he was done the sooner the cursed hides would be gone.
Come.It was a single word command, one simple enough to follow with little room to offer more conversation.
The High Elk waits for none.If there were no protests he would take them to the northern side of their borders to send them on their way.
#B22222 , pawprint, Calhoun's Playlist
6/10*, * = incomplete threads
Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!

Cal has family members up for adoption including his half brother!
November 12, 2020, 01:45 AM
She only smiled at the white wolf, as he indirectly swore to never come back. It was a real shame, for he looked like a loyal, and strongbound breed, and yet, he was born so different to their cultures, that even if Célnes wanted him to join; the rest would leave. She dare not think of that possibility yet, shoving the fear of 'cursed' to the back of her mind, as the thoughts of greed filled moreso.
She hummed lightly, as the feather played between her paws. Lightly so, picking it up, and placing onto her chest, before disappearing into the forest.
She hummed lightly, as the feather played between her paws. Lightly so, picking it up, and placing onto her chest, before disappearing into the forest.
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