Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: harsh language, misogynistic vibes, anti-feminist vibes
Warning: Ryzhov is a misogynist and prone to violence. Enter this AW with females at your own risk knowing they could offend him and provoke an attack.
The waiting game was perhaps the worst game of all. What the fuck was he supposed to do while his leader chased after this bitch of a bride? He prowled about, following hare trails in the hopes of being able to spook them out of their hidey holes to at least attend to his hunger. It was one of the things he missed about home: it felt like a woman’s work, preparing food and catching prey. It had been part of their obedience to serve.The man remained close to the vague area of the plain that Virion had left him in. His heart thumping as he wondered if the pack that supposedly had stolen what belonged to Virion even knew they had stolen, or if they would put up much of a fight. Over their ventures, he had become acutely aware to the fact that others did not think like he and Virion did… some were poisoned with the weak emotions of women, and it sickened him the hold that they were starting to take over the continent in this manner.
February 05, 2022, 11:44 AM
Hunting came easy to the man. His maw parted slightly to take in the scent of wild hare around him. The white beast rose from drinking the odor from the ground to look about the flat land. Sakai felt comfort in hunting, he knew what to expect and the end goal was clear. Much more clear than his commitment to his pack. The conversation with the Pharaoh had been continuously replaying in the back of his mind. He were to release Sayf as his prized lover, but did not want to by any means. The man was not well to be told how to live and what spoils to deny.
A ghoul amongst the frozen grassland, Kai’s appearance looked like an apparition at first glance. Lazily, the soldier’s eyes danced over rustling of land a far ways away. He was upwind, so could not make out who or what had fallen into his presence. A low howl to announce he too was occupying this space, a polite sentiment towards another wolf but a threat to any prey that dwell near.
A ghoul amongst the frozen grassland, Kai’s appearance looked like an apparition at first glance. Lazily, the soldier’s eyes danced over rustling of land a far ways away. He was upwind, so could not make out who or what had fallen into his presence. A low howl to announce he too was occupying this space, a polite sentiment towards another wolf but a threat to any prey that dwell near.
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February 05, 2022, 12:12 PM
There was a low howl, causing his ears to perk up and his eyes to scan over the flatlands. A form in the distance looking almost like his commander but lacked the distinct Russian accent the man carried from their homeland and their mothertongue. Still, there was curiosity in his gaze as he approached the man. He kept his composure, chest out as he proudly strutted across the land.
The similarities between the wolf in front of him and his Paktan were stunning, though he knew that Virion beat the man out in size, if only barely… and the man was younger, and as a result not as war torn or experience in battle as he or his friend were. Still, there was no reason to expect violence between men. He was just relieved it was not some independently-thinking сука running around like she owned the lands. He had enough irritation for one day. “Hello.” The thick Russian accent carried over in greeting.
The similarities between the wolf in front of him and his Paktan were stunning, though he knew that Virion beat the man out in size, if only barely… and the man was younger, and as a result not as war torn or experience in battle as he or his friend were. Still, there was no reason to expect violence between men. He was just relieved it was not some independently-thinking сука running around like she owned the lands. He had enough irritation for one day. “Hello.” The thick Russian accent carried over in greeting.
There was something absolutely wrong with him... him being Sakai, that is. As soon as the other man strut into view, the guard's eyes nearly lit with excitement and his jaws press tensely together with anticipation. The accent that rumbled from the other was wildly foreign to him as well as alarmingly enticing.
But it was the eyes and what they held that truly drew in the mazoi, the confidence and coloring. Outwardly, the white wolf held a polite composure and never let his eyes linger too long on any particular feature that drew him in. Kai was all too well aware that many men do not enjoy the attention he would otherwise love to give them. There was nothing wrong in looking a bit though.
"Good to see a friendly face out here. You never know these days." The gentleman offered a small smile and bowed his head in greeting. It was completely an assumption, but Sakai was always one to assume someone meant no harm to him until proven otherwise. Still, his black lined gaze never left the strapping figure before him. "My name is Sakai, I belong to Akashingo."
But it was the eyes and what they held that truly drew in the mazoi, the confidence and coloring. Outwardly, the white wolf held a polite composure and never let his eyes linger too long on any particular feature that drew him in. Kai was all too well aware that many men do not enjoy the attention he would otherwise love to give them. There was nothing wrong in looking a bit though.
"Good to see a friendly face out here. You never know these days." The gentleman offered a small smile and bowed his head in greeting. It was completely an assumption, but Sakai was always one to assume someone meant no harm to him until proven otherwise. Still, his black lined gaze never left the strapping figure before him. "My name is Sakai, I belong to Akashingo."
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February 05, 2022, 03:13 PM
Ryzhov remained an impenetrable fortress against the man’s rather disturbing joy at his appearance in front of him. It was more than enough for the man to shake any similarities he had seen between his commander and the man in front of him. Still, there was an opportunity to learn about the area, to scout out their next move. He needed to take it. Friendly face. If the man thought his face friendly, then he was concerned as to the treatment he might receive elsewhere. While men were strong, there were men who were simply weaker than others… it was the natural order of things. Ryz himself was weaker than his commander, even in his crazed infatuation with the русская шлюхa that he chased after.
He offered a name, Sakai… and a name. Akashingo. The man assumed it to be a commander and interest piqued him him. “Ryzhov.” The name was offered back in a single utterance as a man of few words. The only one who could bring more from him was the brother he was bound to by oath. “Who is this Akashingo you speak of? Why does he own you?” The questions fell from his tongue with a certain domineering need to know. Perhaps Virion would be pleased with the information he acquired in his absence.
He offered a name, Sakai… and a name. Akashingo. The man assumed it to be a commander and interest piqued him him. “Ryzhov.” The name was offered back in a single utterance as a man of few words. The only one who could bring more from him was the brother he was bound to by oath. “Who is this Akashingo you speak of? Why does he own you?” The questions fell from his tongue with a certain domineering need to know. Perhaps Virion would be pleased with the information he acquired in his absence.
Please be advised, Ryzhov is a mature character, prone to all sorts of violence and gore. He is a misogynist and will not hesitate to share his opinions on the role he thinks women should play in society. Please enter his threads at your own risk.
February 05, 2022, 03:47 PM
It was unfortunate that Sakai enjoyed being dominated from time to time, because he was more than likely about to be played like a fiddle by Ryzhov.
"Akashingo is the pack I belong to."
I'll tell you whatever you want.
"It gave me a purpose in life again, I was a fuck up before I joined. So, I owe my allegiance."
Don't say too much, remember your loyalty.
The ghost mentally flip flopped between the idea of being an open book or being reserved. It all depending on what this wanderer could offer him. "What about you? Do your loyalties lie with another?"
"Akashingo is the pack I belong to."
I'll tell you whatever you want.
"It gave me a purpose in life again, I was a fuck up before I joined. So, I owe my allegiance."
Don't say too much, remember your loyalty.
The ghost mentally flip flopped between the idea of being an open book or being reserved. It all depending on what this wanderer could offer him. "What about you? Do your loyalties lie with another?"
Content is Rated M
February 05, 2022, 04:07 PM
Ryzhov did not know what to expect when the answer escaped into open air, clinging to it with his mind. It was a pack. Were they nearby? Perhaps it was where the runaway bitch was hiding out… the very pack that Virion was on his way to now. He explained his loyalty and Ryzhov hummed. In his experience? Once a fuck up, always a fuck up.
Still, there was a certain vitality amongst the man that he found intriguing. With it came his own question and a daring and almost devious grin crossed his features at the question. “An undying loyalty, yes.” He gave no other information, standing as he circled the man simply to get a good look at him. “Akashingo… it is the pack not far from here, yes?” The question fell idly from his lips. “Is there a woman here by the name of Aquene?” He asked once more, prying, hints of a devious tone lingering through it.
Still, there was a certain vitality amongst the man that he found intriguing. With it came his own question and a daring and almost devious grin crossed his features at the question. “An undying loyalty, yes.” He gave no other information, standing as he circled the man simply to get a good look at him. “Akashingo… it is the pack not far from here, yes?” The question fell idly from his lips. “Is there a woman here by the name of Aquene?” He asked once more, prying, hints of a devious tone lingering through it.
Please be advised, Ryzhov is a mature character, prone to all sorts of violence and gore. He is a misogynist and will not hesitate to share his opinions on the role he thinks women should play in society. Please enter his threads at your own risk.
February 05, 2022, 04:19 PM
The way Ryzhov circled him sent his fur to stand on end. The entire scenario was unfolding exactly as he had hoped for. Sakai simply smiled warmly and stared straight ahead as the other looked him up and down, wondering if the foreigner liked what he saw. It didn't matter if this man respected him, but instead he only wanted to keep his attention... and so he spoke again.
"Undying loyalty, sounds intense." Kai enjoyed the concept as he eyed the wolf who encircled him. "I've never been one for commitment... maybe I could learn a thing or two from you on the subject." Treacherous waters the tall fiend was navigating, but the thrill kept him charging forward. The conversation landed on the idea that Sakai might know of a lady.
"We don't have an Aquene. What does she look like?"
"Undying loyalty, sounds intense." Kai enjoyed the concept as he eyed the wolf who encircled him. "I've never been one for commitment... maybe I could learn a thing or two from you on the subject." Treacherous waters the tall fiend was navigating, but the thrill kept him charging forward. The conversation landed on the idea that Sakai might know of a lady.
"We don't have an Aquene. What does she look like?"
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February 05, 2022, 10:05 PM
Ryzhov missed the implications of what the other man was thinking. His examination was purely analytical. He was large, an athletic build that Ryz could appreciate… he could be a good soldier if he wanted to. His eyes were dull but his personality seemed to mitigate that lack of a spark. Ryzhov hardly thought that undying loyalty was intense. “It is the life of a soldier, to be loyal to one’s commander.” It helped that the commander was his friend as well, they had a bond that ran deep.
He kept a sharp analytical gaze on the man. A man without commitment was hardly a man at all. It was the nature of their ways… and he hummed, considering for a moment teaching the man of commitment, likely not in the way that the man before him was intending to come across. There was a soft sigh at the lack of the woman’s presence in his memory. “Black fur, brown eyes… always reeks of the herbs she so desperately clings to in order to feel alive.” It was his own interpretation of the incident. He had learned basic healing structures simply because he did not wish to rely on a woman for anything… it wouldn’t look pretty, and it would scar, but he could prevent someone from dying at least.
“Commitment is an artform.” He simply stated, finally taking a seat in front of the man though that sharp gaze never dissipated. “What could you possibly know of it. Not for you? It is a mindset, not a way of life.”
He kept a sharp analytical gaze on the man. A man without commitment was hardly a man at all. It was the nature of their ways… and he hummed, considering for a moment teaching the man of commitment, likely not in the way that the man before him was intending to come across. There was a soft sigh at the lack of the woman’s presence in his memory. “Black fur, brown eyes… always reeks of the herbs she so desperately clings to in order to feel alive.” It was his own interpretation of the incident. He had learned basic healing structures simply because he did not wish to rely on a woman for anything… it wouldn’t look pretty, and it would scar, but he could prevent someone from dying at least.
“Commitment is an artform.” He simply stated, finally taking a seat in front of the man though that sharp gaze never dissipated. “What could you possibly know of it. Not for you? It is a mindset, not a way of life.”
Please be advised, Ryzhov is a mature character, prone to all sorts of violence and gore. He is a misogynist and will not hesitate to share his opinions on the role he thinks women should play in society. Please enter his threads at your own risk.
February 08, 2022, 12:51 PM
The words that came next sent the soldier on edge. If it were the way of a soldier, he must be a shit one. Of course he felt a strong loyalty to his Pharaoh. The fact that the will of the Sun God was able to fully trump the Ghost’s desires was a miracle within itself.
“I’ve not come across a woman like that, I am sorry I can’t be of more service there.” Kai shook his head to empathize with his acquaintance’s plight. The description he had received dripped of disgust and he wondered what this runaway meant to Ryzhov.
Appreciation as the man before him felt comfortable enough to take a seat, so he relaxed on his haunches as well.
“I suppose I’ve picked up other art forms- mindsets, in my life. I don’t know much of commitment, it’s true. I’ve never seen it properly until joining Akashingo. Every master artist must start as a novice, no?” The tone he offered was light hearted but filled with a part of him he didn’t share regularly… mostly because no one asked. Hard hitting and self displaying questions seldom bothered him, even when it showcased his weaknesses. The soldier could work on his worth more and more each day because of it.
“I’ve not come across a woman like that, I am sorry I can’t be of more service there.” Kai shook his head to empathize with his acquaintance’s plight. The description he had received dripped of disgust and he wondered what this runaway meant to Ryzhov.
Appreciation as the man before him felt comfortable enough to take a seat, so he relaxed on his haunches as well.
“I suppose I’ve picked up other art forms- mindsets, in my life. I don’t know much of commitment, it’s true. I’ve never seen it properly until joining Akashingo. Every master artist must start as a novice, no?” The tone he offered was light hearted but filled with a part of him he didn’t share regularly… mostly because no one asked. Hard hitting and self displaying questions seldom bothered him, even when it showcased his weaknesses. The soldier could work on his worth more and more each day because of it.
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February 08, 2022, 11:14 PM
The fact that there was no Aquene meant he was from another pack and it became a resource and information gathering mission. Who knew what information he might be able to draw out of the seemingly pliable man. “It is okay. It was just worth a shot.” It gave him more information than the other man would realize.
The runaway and multiple packs in the area meant potential drama, and it was not something he was a fan of. No nonsense, no drama. He spoke of other artforms and he hummed softly. “I suppose. Novice is just another word for amateur.” He offered once more, a harder gaze though he was still raking his gaze over his form with intrigue. He wasn’t entirely sure where the intrigue was…
He had relaxed in his presence, drawing a hard line on his maw as he stopped in front of him. “Tell me more… what is Akashingo like? What do you like about it.” The man seemed fond of it, therefore he would play on the edges of curiosity, though the information would be used for nothing more than to report to Virion about it.
The runaway and multiple packs in the area meant potential drama, and it was not something he was a fan of. No nonsense, no drama. He spoke of other artforms and he hummed softly. “I suppose. Novice is just another word for amateur.” He offered once more, a harder gaze though he was still raking his gaze over his form with intrigue. He wasn’t entirely sure where the intrigue was…
He had relaxed in his presence, drawing a hard line on his maw as he stopped in front of him. “Tell me more… what is Akashingo like? What do you like about it.” The man seemed fond of it, therefore he would play on the edges of curiosity, though the information would be used for nothing more than to report to Virion about it.
Please be advised, Ryzhov is a mature character, prone to all sorts of violence and gore. He is a misogynist and will not hesitate to share his opinions on the role he thinks women should play in society. Please enter his threads at your own risk.
February 11, 2022, 05:54 PM
(This post was last modified: February 11, 2022, 05:56 PM by Sakai.)
He had never been called an amateur before and of course, the man’s mind went immediately to inappropriate things. “Amateur is something I’ve never been called before.” Sakai mused for a moment as his mind continued down into the gutter.
He watched as the loner took in his large form with severity. Hit was obvious now from the short interaction the two had so far that Ryzhov wouldn’t probably appreciate a once over back. Tail lay still, eyes focused on the odd color gaze of the man in front of him and no coy smile graced his lips: a perfectly composed man of war. Part of him wanted to impress Ryzhov.
Sakai was pretty stupid, but luckily not too stupid. He knew what revealing too much about his pack may lead to as he had seen the repercussions before. “The leader is the Pharaoh of the lands, a Sun God in his right.”
What did he like about it? The idea that he could have power over the fellahin in any way he liked and the idea that he could sink his teeth into another for a higher cause. The nothingness he felt as his eyes turned to black during war comforted him. He never knew how nice it was to feel nothing. These were things he would not say.
“I’ve been given opportunity to make something of myself and reap the benefits. I am treated well and with respect. I have no issues with anyone I serve or anyone who serves me. The idea of stability alone is something I’ve learned to appreciate. Chaos burns bright for a while, but dies with time. I intend to continue to burn however I can.”
He wanted to know more as well. “Who holds your loyalty, Ryzhov?”
He watched as the loner took in his large form with severity. Hit was obvious now from the short interaction the two had so far that Ryzhov wouldn’t probably appreciate a once over back. Tail lay still, eyes focused on the odd color gaze of the man in front of him and no coy smile graced his lips: a perfectly composed man of war. Part of him wanted to impress Ryzhov.
Sakai was pretty stupid, but luckily not too stupid. He knew what revealing too much about his pack may lead to as he had seen the repercussions before. “The leader is the Pharaoh of the lands, a Sun God in his right.”
What did he like about it? The idea that he could have power over the fellahin in any way he liked and the idea that he could sink his teeth into another for a higher cause. The nothingness he felt as his eyes turned to black during war comforted him. He never knew how nice it was to feel nothing. These were things he would not say.
“I’ve been given opportunity to make something of myself and reap the benefits. I am treated well and with respect. I have no issues with anyone I serve or anyone who serves me. The idea of stability alone is something I’ve learned to appreciate. Chaos burns bright for a while, but dies with time. I intend to continue to burn however I can.”
He wanted to know more as well. “Who holds your loyalty, Ryzhov?”
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February 12, 2022, 06:42 PM
Ryzhov couldn’t help the sly smirk on his features, the question falling almost honey-like from his tongue for a moment. “Is that so? Have other wolves who have met you simply been blind or have you simply never pushed yourself to try something new?” He asked with a tip of his head to the side. “Everyone is an amateur at something.” He was an amateur at things as well, even if he leaned on his specialties he was not daft enough to believe himself a god, immortal from incompetency in something.
He held himself different, causing a flash of intrigue but nothing more, and certainly nothing to act on. A God? Now that sounded like a pompous man. “Tell me… what qualifies this man as a God? Does he raise the sun every morn, and cause it’s set every night? Or is it simply a title he’s placed upon himself with a crown and a kingdom?” Virion had earned his loyalty through action, not through false claims of being a deity… and so Ryzhov pried further.
Still, he spoke of the benefits that he saw. He is treated well and respected. Ryzhov could respect that even if he did not understand what comfort had to do with anything. There was a glimmer in his eyes at the question of his own loyalty. “A decorated war hero by the name of Virion Callas.” He stated, his chest puffing slightly from the pride that carried in his voice. “My best friend and commander. He fights tooth and claw in what he believes in.” It was the similar beliefs, the fierceness in battle, and the cunning mind that he appreciated.
He held himself different, causing a flash of intrigue but nothing more, and certainly nothing to act on. A God? Now that sounded like a pompous man. “Tell me… what qualifies this man as a God? Does he raise the sun every morn, and cause it’s set every night? Or is it simply a title he’s placed upon himself with a crown and a kingdom?” Virion had earned his loyalty through action, not through false claims of being a deity… and so Ryzhov pried further.
Still, he spoke of the benefits that he saw. He is treated well and respected. Ryzhov could respect that even if he did not understand what comfort had to do with anything. There was a glimmer in his eyes at the question of his own loyalty. “A decorated war hero by the name of Virion Callas.” He stated, his chest puffing slightly from the pride that carried in his voice. “My best friend and commander. He fights tooth and claw in what he believes in.” It was the similar beliefs, the fierceness in battle, and the cunning mind that he appreciated.
Please be advised, Ryzhov is a mature character, prone to all sorts of violence and gore. He is a misogynist and will not hesitate to share his opinions on the role he thinks women should play in society. Please enter his threads at your own risk.
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