Broken Antler Fen Beaver Brunch
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Hunt Roll Results: Beaver with Low Success Score

As Andr walked through the Broken Antler Fen he took in his surroundings. This area of wetland was filled with sweet-smelling cedar and willow. But there were smaller trees too, some that had teeth marks on their trunks and others that had been completely cut down. Andr was sure there were beavers in the area and sought to make one of them his lunch for the day. He continued to observe the trees and steered himself towards a small dammed body of water where he could see the heads of beavers popping in and out of the water's surface.

He lowered himself to the ground and used the nearby foliage for cover. Getting them in the water would be difficult and give them a clear advantage. His best chance was to ambush one out of the water. Sure enough, after a period of waiting a beaver wobbled its way out of the water. A few body lengths out of the water it stopped and caught sight of Andr. Dam!

The beaver turned and started to rush back to the water. Andr sprang from his hiding place. The beaver was almost entirely in the water when Andr managed to grab the tip of its tail and began pulling it from the water. The other beavers turned their back to him and began splashing him with their tails. The water splashing in his face meant he had to close his eyes often and with the beaver in his jaws curling back around in an attempt to bite him he had to frequently let go and regain his grip.

It was not a clean hunt but over the course of a couple of minutes, Andr little by little got the beaver out of the water and onto the shore where he went back and forth with the beaver until it was too injured or tired to continue. He then dragged it further way from the water, both to distance himself from the aggravated beavers but he also felt weird about eating his catch right in front of them if he had an option not to.

With his prey now subdued and angered observers out of sight he began to work his way into the carcass of his catch.
85 Posts
Ooc — Bees
she studied the ground for dryness, and wetness that only lightly bent beneath her paws. carefully, the braided female advanced trough the fen.

it was from the other shore of a lake, that she saw a ruddy hunter attempt to make a catch. unease lifted the hairs along her spine, but curiosity had her making a slow circle around the body of water.

the вук's technique was interesting, at best, yet entertaining at worst. medalina's long, narrow face took its place between two treestumps, observing.

at one point, she let out a rumbly giggle, quickly quieted.
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175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A noise nearby caused his ears to flick. He wasn’t sure what it was and stopped what he was doing to begin scanning the area for what it might be. As he looked around a creamy colored figure stood out between two stumps. He scented the air and was surprised to find something he had never smelled before.

The hair on the creature was long and it appeared to lay along it’s body in a strange way. Almost like flat horns running along its head and body. Unsure of what it was and curious Andr began to slowly and cautiously approach them.
85 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the вук and the хрт locked eyes.

the laugh died on her lips.

every muscle beneath her coat tensed. medalina took a step backwards, into the deeper treeline.

eyes never once left the predator, but the mind was omniscient. a gap between the cedars. a felled branch resting against a trunk. stretch of semi-muck across a clearing.

another step backwise, watching each of the predator's.
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175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The creature was just as cautious as he was and with every step he took, it took another back. It went deeper into the treeline and Andr stopped. If it were to get fully into the trees, it would be too easy for it to quickly turn and run and for him to lose it. He thought about how he could track the creature even if it did decide to run, but not knowing what it was and the potential capabilities of the creature, he wasn't sure he wanted to run blindly after it. He would need to take another approach.

Instead of approaching the creature, he walked to the side, and allowed for it to have a better view of the beaver he had caught. He looked at the beaver and back at the creature and sat down. Unsure of what it was Andr had no clue that the creature could have understood him if he spoke. Perhaps the prospect of food out would lure the creature out so that Andr could have a better look.
p.s. Andr is very unlikely to attack Medalina without being provoked, but I understand that she doesn't know that. :)
85 Posts
Ooc — Bees
eyes smoothly sailed from the hunter, to the catch.

then in a strike returned to the first, as if during their lapse in attention, the вук might've advanced-

but they hadn't.

it was odd behavior, unclear. difficult to read into. was she being offered a share? but why...

eyes to the catch, and back to the hunter.

"...yuu h'nt, sloh." the hound said at last. criticism cobbled together with painstaking care.
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175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The creature did not advance, instead, it seemed to speak. 'You hunt slow' is the translation Andr heard and with his initial shock at the creature's attempt to communicate, he missed entirely the potential insult. Its words were not clear, and he wasn't even sure if this is what the creature meant to say. His inclination was that this creature was perhaps canine in some capacity like a coyote or fox variety.

Would you care for some?" he spoke clearly looking again back at his catch before returning his gaze to the creature.
85 Posts
Ooc — Bees
brows knit together with the effort to translate. she thought she understood.

"vai?" the head lifted, eyes mistrustful. twice so far she'd caught and shared, but her motives were simple thankfulness.

first, for company, second, for help.

she had no trust in good motives of greater predators. see their eyes? they wondered if she was good meat, her pelt a good prize.
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175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Sorry for the late reply. Had several IRL events take place this month

Again the creature spoke but he was unsure what it was trying to communicate. The tone of its voice and the tilt of its head communicated a question or confusion. 

He trotted over to the beaver and swiftly ripped off a large chunk. He then chucked it over in the direction of this creature. Perhaps a more direct approach was needed.
85 Posts
Ooc — Bees
ur talking with the resident hiatus-taking menace <3

the chunk - a hindleg's meat - sailed trough the air, landing softly in the grass, before her paws. 

eyes on the hunter, medalina lowered her head, and took a pair of measured sniffs.


her head rose again. she looked at the chunk, brows furrowed, one raised, head tilted.

with a motion similar to the way one might use a gardening spade, she grabbed, chewed and swallowed the meat in one fine, fluid motion.

сасвим безбедно.

her tongue flicked out to wipe away smudge of red.

"ve, eks-cheynj nau. yes?" the braided head tilted to the other side.
[Image: cebae967fed35a715aa1615025eef76b85a596fd.gif]
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Although hesitant at first the creature accepted Andrs offer, but still had a somewhat confused look on its face. It attempted to communicate again, but at this point, Andr had accepted that the two were simply not going to be able to have a normal conversation. The "Yes" at the end of the phrase is all he could comprehend. 

The excessive hair on its lean body also didn't paint the picture of a worthwhile hunt if Andr did decide to have a change of heart. He turned back to the beaver and separated another portion of the beaver, approximately 1/3 of its remaining size. "You may have it if you like" he stated, before gesturing to the carcass again. He picked up his 2/3 share and was ready to give this creature the space it seemed to need to eat.

An interesting opportunity to witness a new species of wildlife, although less fruitful than Andr would have hoped.