Whitewater Gorge And now I’ve finally brought you inside
40 Posts
Ooc — Decay

The days grew longer, it seemed, rather than shorter. She despised it.

Traveling had become a bore. And yet, she hadn't stopped. How could she? The end of this journey was near. She could feel it deep within her bones.

Is it all worth it? She once asked herself.

The answer had become clear. The worth of it all would not be found but created. Time would not tell, for she would make it so.

Her vision would become a reality. And none could stop her.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A living shadow arrived at the ravine. A far cry from the open, barren land she was used to. In her short life, Elentari had experienced a variety of terrain, but this was not one of them. Her breath came even and slow, eyes calm as she mapped out the canyon before her.

It was treacherous. And being new to the Teekons, intent on further exploration, she preferred to air on the side of caution. She turned away from the gouge in the earth, to walk safely along the high ground, to see where it took her.
40 Posts
Ooc — Decay
A new scent mingled with the many old.

The hair upon her back lifted, snout rising quickly. 

Newly caution found her, for she knew not what or who was near. One could never be too careful.

Lowering her dark frame to the ground, she stepped on lightly. If there was something or someone here, she wanted to be the first to find them, rather it be vice versa.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Someone had picked up her scent. Not long after further exploring the ravine, she too, caught theirs. Slowly, she straightened. Raising her head a little higher, ears sitting fully erect. Ever on the lookout. Scanning. Searching. Unsure of whether or not the other wolf was ahead of her or some ways behind, she reverted to the most basic of instincts.

In her wake she left a fresh scent marker. For them to follow or to ignore was of their choosing. For good measure, she whuffed several times. Calling out just loud enough to forewarn them of her location should they be close by.
40 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Someone was here. This much was confirmed.

And clearly they knew she was present as well, for they left small markings along the earth.

Curious, the mountain woman followed.

Soon enough, she was face to face with another. A dark wolf with firm presentation.

Who you? She asked, blunt and orderly.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `