Hushed Willows blurt
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
All Welcome 

The cry of a rabbit whistles through the willows that late morning. Her final squeal, felled to the jaws of a nomadic soul.

As the last breath left the creature, Hiro raised their bloodied jaw. Heafty breaths come out as thick plumes of warm smoke, soon to be evaporated when the sun came to its peak.

Come these next few months, he would not be able to take comfort in flame's proximety, for the cold months approached. It was slow, a crawl for now, but unstoppable.

Hiro shuddered as they collected their kill to be carried elsewhere,
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
With the cry catching her attention with ease Leto moved towards the noise. An unwise decision, maybe - but she was never one to avoid risk, or consider it for that matter.

Soon spotting the source as she made her way through the trees her ears perked. She was unsurprised to see the rabbit in the jaws of a wolf, however it was exciting to her nonetheless. She had been well fed as of late, so she didn't need the prey - but the opportunity for a conversation was never something that she would let slip by her.

She knew better than to make her move right away. She paused, analyzing the body language of the figure who was only a few large trees away from where she was standing now.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
They'd hope these woods were abandoned, for the cries of prey were bound to bring hungry bellies if they lurked about.

Such hopes were dashed by the sight of a stranger. Hiro came to a swift pause as soon as their eyes fell upon her pale figure. If she had any intention of making any moves for their kill they did not pick up on it. Hiro held a tense posture still. Teeth wound tightly around the rabbit's neck, muscles ready to spring to action if need be,
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She moved only her head forward, attempting to get a hint of the other's scent. Her tail had risen to a wag all on it's own, her posture remaining relaxed.

Seeing that the other appeared tense she decided to call out to them. It might not do much to help, but it was better than if she continued to approach in silence.

"I don't want anything you have, if that's why you look so tense."

It was meant to be reassuring, but whether or not it came off that way was not up to her.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Her stature was in stark contrast to their own, and they offered reassurance with a wag of her tail. It was enough for them to set down their meal, to speak, though the rabbit was still tucked between flexing forepaws.

Apologies. Hiro could not bring himself to look her in the eye, but his gaze was fixed to her paws. It has been some rough months.

Feminine company seems to bring out more than they're usually willing to give, it seemed.
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She nodded, carefully beginning to approach the other. She avoided her usual trot, worried it would upset the stranger.

"I can imagine - wolves are a bit nastier in the summer aren't they?"

It made some sense, after all with so many pups arriving around that time new parents were bound to be more aggressive. The heat didn't help either, of course.

She seemed to have no issue staring right at the other, not attempting to meet their eyes but not avoiding them either.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Her subtle movement was not cause for sudden action, though their pelt did twitch in discomfort.

Surprisingly. He'd enough experience to know that many tended to have a temper despite how plentiful the season was. Winter surely wouldn't help to put joy in their hearts.

As difficult as these months had been, there was peace to be found in the solitude. A small comfort, but enough to continue living this new life. The first certaintly did not provide such content.

I take it you haven't come across many kind faces. Their eyes rose slightly.
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Quite the opposite, really - I usually get along with other's decently well."

Thinking back, Pepper was the only significant wolf who had caused her any sort of difficulty - and now they got along great. She couldn't complain about much.

"I like the companionship, so I try not to cause trouble."

She smiled, stopping once again and sitting herself down. She wasn't sure how long they would be staying here.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
I see, they muttered. 

Mentions of such accomplishments, the woman's very character even, leaves a bitter taste on Hiro's tongue. They could never wrap their head around that outlook of the world. To go about life without wanting at the ones who've spat on you, and seeking to build companionship in such a cruel place. It must be nice, they thought. They looked upon wolves such as herself with a dash of envy. Part of them wished to adopt their attitude in some form, long after parting ways. But Hiro had come to terms with the fact that they were simply not wired that way.

They did not sit when she did.

Where have you come from?
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Far north - I haven't been around here for too long."

She wrapped her tail around her paws, the long strands of fur reaching to cover her front paws. It was a question she was nearly always asked, simple conversation - that was a good start in her mind.

"I plan on staying if I can. I've had pretty good luck so far."

She considered what she should ask in return, jumping to the obvious question.

"What about you? Are you from around here?"
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
They hummed their acknowledgement. Staying here alone? Hiro assumed she was in a similar position as they were; a pack scent was not clung to her willowy coat. But now with how she was so willing to conversate with a pent-up stranger, and her ease in doing so, he had doubts she hadn't aquired some companions with her kindness.

As for Hiro, they were well and truly alone. Nothing from present or past to comfort them.

He shook his head. I've never truly been from anywhere. They realized that answer was a bit cryptic a beat later. My... group. The group I was born into. Our work took us from one place to the next. Never stayed in one place for too long. Their brief recollection brought a strain to their voice.
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Sort of - sometimes I stick with another wolf for a while though. I plan on making my way into a pack eventually."

She responded to their question, tail flicking upwards. She rarely enjoyed complete solitude, so saying she was alone wasn't an option for her.

"The pack I belonged to at home was a lot like that!"

She smiled listening to their description, happy to have found something she could relate to.

"It's fun, isn't it? You get to see so much traveling like that."
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
As they slowly came to suspect, she wasn't alone. At least not in the grand scheme. Wolves came and went as the tide, so it seemed. And she was set to make the eventual decision most wolves came to make; to nestle into the ranks of another group. The ultimate cure to a solitary life, as printed on the tin.

She too was raised to be a traveler, though Hiro could not share her enthusiasm about it. 

There is certaintly much you can see. They spoke in an air of awkwardness, and the statement hinted to more on their mind, but they held their tongue.
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"We used to follow a similar route every year - following our prey I suppose."

She hummed, reflecting on the pleasant memory. She missed it quite a bit - but the chance for new experiences was nice too. That was why she was here.

"Did you follow the same general path too?"

If the wolf was willing to share even just a little bit, then she would continue to ask her many questions.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Food had its way of governing all living things. Pulling them this way and that. Hiro was no  stranger to its strings.

He nodded. We also followed our prey. A pause came. We'd travel between villiages willing to provide it for us, at least. Of which their were plenty. Simpilar times, they thought with a bitter chuckle.
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She blinked. Even a wolf as optimistic as Leto was surprised to hear hear such a thing.

"They were willing to share? Really?"

It was rare that she would meet wolves who were willing to share without something in return - not with strangers at least. That was what made her naturally extroverted nature so useful; it was difficult not to like her at least a little bit.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Yes. Another nod. For a price. Flesh for flesh. The statement was so distant .

Hiro learned there was one thing men craved more than a meal, and that was the embrace of a woman.

Sharing came easy to them then.
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
While she didn't understand what the words meant exactly, she still nodded. She didn't need to understand, she just had to listen and learn.

"Well, if it keeps you fed that's what matters right?"

Leto never had much trouble with food. She knew how to adapt to new settings and new prey quickly, even if it took some practice.
       Why Wait to Live?
20 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Yes. Their voice returned as they continued to speak. That's what matters.

Flesh for flesh. The woman's swift understanding of this code was a comfort.

What is your name?
common . japanese
146 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Leto." She was quick to respond, little hesitation in her words. "Could I ask yours?"

She tilted her head slightly as she asked the question. She found this wolf to be interesting - if she could keep note of who they were then she may be able to find them again later on.
       Why Wait to Live?