Hoshor Plains Three hearts
246 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
For @Nephele, although any of the alpha pair family is welcome :)

Envy had been scrambling ever since she'd caught the scent of changed hormones clinging to the alpha female.

She'd prove herself a good doctor and build up some immunity. Selfish, wasn't it? Regardless, she was probably the most prepared for an event she'd ever been in her life. Bloody pawpads had come to be worth it.

The new life was exciting, three little whelps, eyes still sealed, rolling around and letting out demanding sqeuals. Envy felt a detachment, the realization that at one point, every wolf had started off so meek dawning on her. She wondered if her own mother had ever looked at her with the same love Nephele somehow contained within her gaze.

She wondered if even she could have felt such a strong care, or if she was destined to always be just that little bit wrong. Unloving. Unlovable. Hand in miserable hand.

But this was not about her. Not at all. Shaken from her thoughts, she pressed forward with raspberry leaves, furs of fox and beaver, wettened moss, and some dried borage leaves for extra measure. The labour had gone well, but the challenge was not done yet.

Am I okay to come in? I've brought some things She asked with courtesy, head peeked around a corner.
[Image: Bone.gif]
Bearclaw Valley
230 Posts
Ooc — metic
the short days following the arrival of her children were both easy and yet exhausting. motherhood was a joy greater than she imagined and yet there was no denying the physical and mental fatigue it had created. her husband, though present, was distant. she did not mind that he'd kept to himself, for she had received much of what she'd desired of him from their relationship.

each of her babes was swaddled near, content and asleep when the rustling outside the den caught nephele's attention. she had expected it to be arktos depositing a meal for her, but instead it was the sound of envy's voice that greeted her.

there was an overprotectiveness set deep in the newfound mother, but she knew of her packmate's skill in medicine and knew of it's worth. "you may enter," she directed while snuggling alasdair near to her side to make room for the other woman to join them.
246 Posts
Ooc — Bone
The little den was crowded with her own intrusion accounted for, though she took care to try and fold herself in a graceless display to conserve some space, luckily there wasn't much to her, making it all the easier to perform this contortionist act.

Have you been well miss? And the little ones too? She queiries, pairing it with an investigatory crook of her head as she peered at each of the little whelps buried in their mother's snow-kissed fur. None had any abrasions nor defects that she could see.

A little disappointing, truth be told, but that thought was best kept to herself.

I brought some things that will help you recover in the coming days. Some raspberry leaf tea, to soothe any pains. Even if you are not in pain, you should drink some of it. It will heal your body quicker. Envy slips a well-kept bundle of wettened moss to the nursing alpha, careful not to let it pick up any dirt or dust along the way.
It is cold, but it will taste nice. She informs with a gleam in her eyes and an appeasatory smile, her crooked tail beginning to tuck beneath her hide.
[Image: Bone.gif]