Swiftcurrent Creek my name in your mouth, that was all it took
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For ten long days, he searched for any sign of a pup with fur like sunlight and stormy eyes. It was difficult, especially without a scent to track, but Cambria made a point to scour the ground @Etienne hadn’t yet covered. He didn’t find so much as a trace, not a single strand of golden hair.

He made his way to the creek’s borders with a limp rabbit in his jaws and a dejected look on his face. How he wished he could bring the healer better news—or any news at all. Cambria hung his head and dropped his kill, not bothering to straighten out until he’d steadied himself with a few deep breaths.

He’s here for Etienne but I’d love for him to meet some others from the creek!
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The little Barracuda had taken to the borders today, greeted by the sight of a strange man stood with a dead rabbit. She was quick to wrinkle her nose.

Who are you? She called out, her tone accusatory. To her, the existence of borders made her nearly impenetrable. She could simply run to maman or her uncle and they could do nothing about it! Right?
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After a few minutes, Cambria began to ponder the merits of calling. He hated to disturb Etienne—or anyone else, for that matter—especially when they were likely focused on searching for the wayward Requin. Perhaps he could just send up a brief howl letting someone know where to find his offering, then leave to let them collect it at their leisure.

Before he could execute this plan, a svelte and silvery figure appeared. Cambria peered at the young girl, struck wondering if she might be one of Requin’s sisters. Before he could ask, she shot him a sharp-tongued question. The yearling didn’t mind her tone. Good for you, he thought toward her.

Shooting her what he hoped was a reassuring if careworn smile, he called back, I’m Cambria. I’m a friend of Eti’s, he mentioned to hopefully put her at ease. If he was right about her, Etienne was her uncle. I just came by to give him this.

And, of course, he’d hoped to inquire about Requin. Maybe the Dragonling hadn’t found him because he was back home, safe and sound. He didn’t dare bring that up, at least not yet. Instead, he remained mum, letting the girl get a word in edgewise.
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — Xenon
A friend of her uncle Etienne, is his claim. Ears twitch, and her hard stare seems unfaltering - though it's difficult to take her too seriously at her age and runt size. Why? She asks, nose scrunching. Did you do something?

Surely her uncle could feed himself, so for what reason was he bringing him a meal? It made little sense to her.

For Leonore, this was her first experience with someone who could be truly considered an outsider. She wasn't too sure of what to think; maybe that they smelled a bit funny? It was definitely different.
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Sh didn’t soften at the mention of Etienne’s name. Cambria wondered if he’d misidentified her. Before he could ponder that further, she demanded to know what he’d done. He didn’t mind the interrogation, which was perfectly justifiable, but her pointy question gave the weary yearling pause.

After a moment, he said truthfully, It’s just a token of friendship, to let him know I care about him. Has anyone ever given you a gift, just because…?
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — Xenon
She nodded. Mhm, uncle Eti brings me lot's of gifts. Her response was honest, there was no reason not to be. But you're weird. Mean, but nobody is here to stop her.

He knows how to hunt, it's a bad gift. The girl proclaimed. The stranger should have brought some cool - like a rock. Are you not afraid that swiftcurrent creek wolves will bite you? He was so close! Surely it was a concern.

He must really like her uncle if he was willing to take such a risk.
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Had she been older, her allegations might have hurt his feelings. But she was so young, Cambria’s lips could only twitch into a smile. A little huff of laughter even escaped him. She certainly didn’t pull her punches. The yearling appreciated her frankness.

Should I be? he rejoined lightly, tail twitching. Are you thinking about biting me?

That triggered a memory of Ruckus attacking him with all the savagery an underfed toddler could muster. It made Cambria’s chest twinge, though he gave no outward indication of the passing ache other than sipping in a breath. His two-toned gaze remained fixed on the girl—Etienne’s niece, after all—and waited to see what she might say next.
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — Xenon
She seemed to puff up as she sensed his amusement - or well, heard it. He was being pretty obvious. No, Her eyes darted to the side, a bit embarrassed now. But I could call maman - or big Fred. Her uncle's friend seemed friendly enough however, so she saw no reason to.

But still, she had listed who she thought to be the creeks most intimidating wolves. Just in case.

Feeling a bit braver now, she inched forward to lean her head just enough that she could grab a better hold of his scent.
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Big Fred, he repeated. He sounds intimidating.

Cambria meant to say something more, though the girl began moving toward him. He fell silent and very still, as if afraid any sort of sound or movement might spook her. Only his facial muscles moved, rearranging into what he hoped was an encouraging smile.

Only after she’d paused to take in his scent did he speak again to say, Suzu is your maman, right? The French word came out sounding very clunky, so Cambria fully expected her to make fun. Are you Caliste? Or maybe Leonore? he said in the next breath, dredging up the list of names from memory.

She could be Saturin, he supposed, but he’d picked the two most feminine names. He knew there were two boys and two girls and that obviously Requin was one of the former. The yearling chewed at his lip as thoughts of the missing pup crossed his mind again. Maybe he would soon ask after him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — Xenon
Tag is for ref!

She gave a nod with a 'mhm' at the notion of @Frederick's intimidating nature.

An eyebrow was raised at his pronunciation - how had he managed to make such a simple word sound strange? I am Leonore. Maman calls me barracuda sometimes, though. She confirmed his suspicion without hesitation, assuming her uncle may have mentioned her.
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His tired eyes brightened at the mention of her nickname. Images of Dragontooth—his island birthplace—flashed through Cambria’s mind. Come to think of it, she did sort of resemble a fish, with her silvery fur and svelte figure.

But the nickname also reminded him of something else: Etienne’s emotional account of his nephew’s disappearance. Requin also had a nickname inspired by the ocean. Cambria wondered if there were very many golden sharks, though he dismissed that errant thought.

Hey, Barracuda—can I call you that?—I was wondering if there was any news about Shark. Have they found him yet? he asked, heart pounding a little harder in his chest.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
As the man spoke, she eyed him with the expression of one who had been puzzled. Shark? She repeated. What happened to him?

Leonore waited for an answer now, her expression purely curious. She had noticed that the adults had been acting rather odd recently; upset by something. Why could they not find her brother?

She had thought him to be ill, resting. He was still in Swiftcurrent Creek's territory.
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Her confusion caught him completely off guard. Cambria froze, his breath catching in his throat as a horrible realization—I’ve fucked up—swept through him. He had never anticipated that she might be oblivious to her brother’s disappearance somehow. It had never occurred to him that Etienne, Suzu et al may have tried to shield the other children by avoiding telling them the truth.

Or maybe, he reasoned, exhaling raggedly, he’s back. The more he thought about it, it was the only thing that made any kind of sense. Surely she would’ve noticed her brother’s absence if it had gone on long enough. She was young but from these past few minutes, Cambria could already tell she was smart.

Oh, I must be confused, he said slowly. How is he? And how are your other brother and sister? Caliste and Saturin, right? the yearling asked. Eti’s told me all about you guys. He cares about you a great deal, he said, thinking of recently finding him sobbing over Requin’s disappearance and fighting a frown.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Her ears have dropped somewhat now.

Something is wrong. She knows it.

I haven't seen Requin. I thought he was sick. There is a pout to her lip now. She had been told little; her brain filling in the missing pieces with only what she knew to be possible. He's here. I just don't know where.

But then, why was this man asking her if he had been found.

Wolves did not disappear. He had to be with someone.
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She wilted like a flower deprived of sunlight. Cambria’s stomach sank even further. He should’ve thought it through more before questioning a child he scarcely knew about such a heavy subject. This was really none of his business anyway. He grappled with an urge to tuck tail, run for the hills and never return. He couldn’t face Etienne’s inevitable distaste once he found out what he’d done.

I’m sure Requin will be alright, Barracuda, he offered weakly, desperately trying to infuse optimism despite his internal agonizing. Anyway, you should get back to your family and I should be on my way. If you’d like to give that to Etienne, I would be grateful, he said, motioning at the hare.

He then shot her a final, apologetic glance and cringed back from the borders. Cambria supposed he would take some time to think it over and process his feelings, perhaps arriving at a different decision later. But for now, he felt as though he could never again show his face here.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
No more words are exchanged, she only nods. She feels no anger towards the stranger; maybe he is a bit odd, but he is a friend of her uncle. Now she only feels confused.

Picking up the rabbit, she offers a wave of her tail as the man backs away from the borders before leaving to find @Etienne and give him the gift. She knows that she will not speak of what has happened; only that she met his friend, that he seemed nice.
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