Duskfire Glacier and everytime i play an ace, my partner always trumps
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
All Welcome 

lómion had finally decided to enter duskfire glacier and already he felt out of place.
he crept along the edge of the chilled lake alone with shoulders hunched and tail tucked close to his belly. there was a heavy feeling that weighed down on his chest with each quiet step he took.
how he wished his mother were here, or his sisters, or inkalorë. he wanted something familiar in this unfamiliar place.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
After spending a whole day away from the Glacier, Ensio finally decided to return home. Admittedly, he didn't feel much better. His mood was still stormy at best. His heart still quivered, his anger simmering. It would take time. A long, long time for he and Arius to get over the loss of their parents. No child, especially one's so young, should have the center of their world taken away like this. But it had happened and there was no changing the past.

Grimly, he sat at the edge of the lake. An image of ice and stone, seemingly as solid as his surroundings. Inside he was suffering. Trying to toughen up, mend his soul. Down he stared at his reflection, seeing not himself, but the memory of his parents. "Why didn't I spend more time with you, Dad? I'll never get to truly know you now. And Mom...how could you be so selfish? Such a coward?" 

He lashed out then, striking a pebble harshly to send it skipping across the water.
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
lucky for lómion, the gilded star-child was never far from one of their siblings these days. they'd hastened to follow him the moment they noticed him leaving — only to be delayed by a thorn to the paw. even after removal, it was stinging and bleeding and generally a nuisance while walking. hindered, but far from foiled, inkalorë had been forced to follow at a slower pace.
their three-legged hop was beginning to wear on parts of their body that they'd never considered before by the time they caught up to their brother at duskfire glacier. once they spotted him, though, all else was forgotten. they bounded toward him at full speed, which was still slightly slow minus one foot. lómion! they shouted cheerfully, oblivious to all else.
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
his eyes ross from his paws, and when they did they caught sight of a boy. he heard the longing for his father, curses towards his mother. then he watched with heightened fur and widened eyes as he cast a pebble into the water.
lómion coward away almost instantly after that. he turned with a nervous gulp and meant to make a quick exit before he was spotted. that is until inkalorë, bright and oblivious as always, came rushing towards him.
inkalorë- it was too late to plead for silence. they’d already called out and most likely alerted the boy the the sibling’s presence, if he hadn’t noticed already.
lómion froze with a wince. i think we should leave, he urged under his breath. he dare not turn back.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
His head shot up, ears pricking tightly. A voice he didn't recognize called out, but not to him. To someone else - [size=small]Lómion. It wasn't a name he had ever heard of before, and therefore, earned his curiosity. Then another voice followed the other, [/size]addressing[size=small] them. [/size][size=small]inkalorë. Another [/size]foreign[size=small] name. Ensio hadn't been as alone as he had thought.[/size]

[size=small]He turned then, away from the lake. His anger, while still very much alive and well, fizzled for now. It was not for them, nor for any of their guests. He wasn't like his sister, who would blatantly and recklessly unleash their wrath unto anyone for the smallest reason. In fact, the discovery of two other new kids his age brightened his spirts. Just enough to make him stop moping, at least. [/size]

[size=small]"Hey, wait." He called out, taking one, then two slow steps forward. "Don't go. Who are you guys? I haven't seen you around here before."[/size]
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
so sorry for the wait on this!
things happened very quickly after inkalorë arrived. lómion seemed displeased with their presence, urging them away — which hurt their feelings quite a bit, but they didn't get any time to think about that. another boy called out, one who ink hadn't seen, and it quickly dawned on them what was happening. lómi was spying!
they wanted to tell him how mean that was, but they didn't want to get him in trouble. so instead they focused on the boy. maybe if they distracted both of them from what was going on in the first place, it would all be okay! hi! i'm inkalorë! this is lómion! we came here from far away with our village, moonglow, they blurted out far too much all at once, rambling nervously rather than creating any real distractions. um, your eyes are pretty!
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
the sound of the other boy’s voice made his throat go dry. no more pleas to leave, and certainly no fleeing from this. inkalorë had successfully trapped them both. now they must face the wrath of the angry duskfire child.
lómion turned cautiously as his sibling gave the boy their names (information he was not thrilled to give). they’d also told him his eyes were pretty. The boy’s mounting fear was briefly masked with confusion.
there’s nothing special about them, he thought aloud with a mumble. they’re only eyes.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
OOC: We can keep this going if you like?

Though very much angry with the recent turn of events, it had not at all been his intent to extend that anger towards the Glaciers guests. He drew in a slow, deep breath to calm his nerves. To show the Moonglow kids that he was trying. 

The first, with a striking golden coat, seemed quite chatty, complimenting his eyes. The other, the stormy colored boy, seemed less enthused. Inklore and Lomion. Ensio sat down quietly, averting his eyes, not knowing how to take the comments. "Oh, well uh, thanks anyways." 

He looked back up then, ears slightly splayed. "Didn't mean to scare you guys. Some stuff happened recently..." He trailed off, ending it then and there. "I heard about Moonglow. But I dunno where it is. What is it like there?" He asked, trying to open the floor for conversation.