Two Rivers Isle emesis
5 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Limit Two 
With no way of knowing the meat she had hastily consumed was laced with poison, Zero enjoyed the feeling of a full belly for all of ten hours before it came back to bite her a hundredfold.

Like any self-respecting canine species, Zero preferred to hunt and eat fresh meat, but she was not above scavenging when necessary. She did so often, being alone, and had eaten far worse than this on more than one occasion. Her digestive system was made to hold and process even the most rancid of meats without upset, and yet...

Her slight figure heaved for what felt like the fiftieth time, a thin rope of drool leaking from her lips. There was nothing left to come up, but her stomach continued its perilous roiling. She slumped back on narrow haunches, swallowing thickly and steadying herself. She knew she should eat some snow, get some liquid in her system, but merely bending over made her heave and retch once again.
81 Posts
Ooc — Bees
a wet sound turned her auds.

then, a waft twisted her neck.

that scent most delectable to the starveling roused and raised her onto all fours, she uncurling from amidst the roots she'd cradled in.

her steps were near-weightless upon the deciduous debris and retreating snow. softest of sounds accompanied them.

her head poked out in-between two near tree-trunks, ears facing and eyes gaped.

the pupils dipped past the prærieulv and widened at the steaming slush on the ground.

licking her muzzle, she asked; vill you eat that?
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unreliable narrator
5 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The hapless creature that crawled out of the forest was even more unfortunate than poor Zero's stomach, which was settled for the moment. Between the sound of her own traitorous body evacuating what little remained to it and the emaciated wolf's slipper-soft steps, the coyote had not noticed it until it spoke.

When it did, she started, and instantly wondered how she could have missed this thing's approach. It reeked worse than the mud of the swamp. It reeked worse than Zero's vomit did, and that was saying something. The smell of sickness turned her stomach into a writhing mass of knots. She couldn't determine anything about this wolf's sex or age from either appearance or scent, for it stunk worse than death and was half-starved, half-bald, and was covered in weeping pustules all along the length of its legs.

If Zero hadn't been ill before, the sight and smell of this dog was enough to send her reeling away with a gag. The thing's request didn't even register. Get away from me, she hissed at it, putting as much space between her and the unsightly leper as she could before her stomach lurched and she heaved once more.

The strange dog remained where it was, seeming to heed her warning. Zero swiped her foreleg across her mouth, made a low sound of disgust in her throat, and beat a hasty retreat.