Hoshor Plains And do you ever feel the time slip by? I can say that I have
23 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Oh, she did hope she wasn't too late to be of help!

Nasamiituuq stood at the borders of the pack, shifting anxiously beneath the weight of her packs. Various herbs filled the pelts she carried with her, courtesy of her beloved grandmother. But all the supplies in the world didn't mean she was ready.

All the same, she called out.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
93 Posts
Ooc — Bone
still open to leadership, will probably call them in a further reply :)

Weasling her way around the outskirts of the plains in search of herbs once more, a call had rung out through the air, and curiosity overpowered as it often did. She couldn't help but be a little nosy, and had initially come with the intention of lingering from a distance while the big guns dealt with whatever it was, but when she arrived, she'd come upon a lone figure sat all prim and proper on the cusp of their borders. Envy was first here, much to the detriment of this little stranger.

The scent of herbs wafted in on the wind and Envy felt a pang of vicious jealousy tickling the back of her neck. Protectiveness, maybe, She loathed competition and her mind did her no favours as it flooded her with the feeling that she was being threatened here. Her role. Hers. For what need would anybody have of her if there was backup? Theives of joy. Theives of practice. She quivered with unease and it was no secret. She was filled with a desire to hurt and there was no angel on her shoulder telling her otherwise.

But we were getting ahead of ourselves here. Envy took a sharp breath and thrust herself forward without hesitation and without caution.

Sure, it was her responsibility to attend the borders, but today, she pursued it out of far more than duty—no, this was self-preservation that spurred her toothpick legs to work overtime.

..You look like you want something. She chimes, snaking her way over and casting the girl a scrutinizing look, one that flayed her skin and dripped with tension.