Profile of Seth Eleos: Quick Facts
Seth Eleos
Played By: Sable
Basic Info
Full Name: Seth Eleos
Subspecies: Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf (50%) x Arctic Wolf (50%)
Sex: Female
Age: 5 (01/30/13)
Birthplace: Off-WolfRPG
At a Glance
Quick Description--
Northern Rocky Mountain x Arctic Wolf
Large--33 inches, 115 pounds
Pure white, brown eyes

A cunning and mischievous wolf. Enjoys chaos, being influential, intimate conversation, and sunny days.
Profile of Seth Eleos: Details
Though not a trained fighter, Seth sports a promising build for one. Tall at thirty-three inches and lean-muscled at one hundred fifteen pounds, she could very easily hold her own if inclined to partake in fights, whether for recreational or self-defense purposes. However, for amusement if not for keeping her skill secret, she tends not to carry herself as a fighter does and is deceptively spry on her feet as befitting of a runner instead, deflecting from the fact she does know how to use her body moderately and can become a weapon when threatened or provoked. Her coat of long, soft, wispy fur is colored a pristine and untarnished white, bearing no marking or deviation across the entirety of her body. Standing out starkly against her coat is a pair of deep, warm brown eyes, unassuming and rather simplistic in nature.

Seth lives her life somewhat as an actor. She learned early on that playing certain roles enabled her to get in good with those who could take care of her and see something about her worth investing in. Because of this, she always presents her "best side," a friendly, sometimes flirty, persona that compliments and plays off the strengths of her company. She can make friends with just about anyone, though those friendships are typically shallow and only kept as long as they serve a purpose.

Having been betrayed by her previous pack, she is reluctant to tie herself down with another just yet, but she misses the organized, driven nature that packs run with. Constantly desiring a purpose, Seth does best within a pack setting, using her charms, cunning, and smarts for the benefit of those she considers her allies and, in some instances, friends. Prone to seeking trouble when bored, pack life tends to direct her energies toward more productive avenues.

Though her complimentary "best side" is mostly for show, there is still a degree of truth to the act she portrays. It is not, however, quite so sweet as she would lead others to believe. Around those she truly considers comrades, she can happily express herself honestly, including all the judgmental, devious, and manipulative thoughts that cross her mind. While not outright bad, she does find sowing seeds of chaos, whether small-scale or large, to be amusing and the allure of gaining influence tantalizing, so her vices tend to both entertain her and lead her into the occasional bit of trouble.
Pre-Teekon Wilds: Born in the wilds, Seth was given a hard road from the start. Her mother was paranoid and weak, and her only sibling was born frail. Living as rogues did them no good, and when her brother passed away her mother's paranoia took a turn for the worst. What used to seem so horrible to her mother suddenly became the only answer, and Seth was driven by her mother's madness to seek a pack to save herself.

She was reluctant at first, though eventually she allied herself with one. Playing upon the sympathy and pity of their kind hearts, she wheedled her way in and then left when life became too stagnant. Another pack was eventually found, with great plans of conquest in the works. Enchanted by the idea, Seth made herself a valuable asset to them by gathering information.

As their campaign drew nearer to completion, however, strife with their competition drove them to sell Seth's life in exchange for the pack, pinning her as the mastermind behind the scheme as well as the informant, only the latter of which was actually true. Sold out, she fled before she could be caught and handed over.

Alone and on her own now, boredom is beginning to take over, but Seth is eager to find a new beginning and a new purpose somewhere new.

Post-Teekon Wilds: To come.
Father: Unknown
Mother: Lora

Brother: Cohen
Pack History
Entered Teekon Wilds: 00/00/00
Lone Wolf - 00/00 to Present
Profile of Seth Eleos: Additional Information
Registered on February 18, 2016, last visited August 25, 2018, 12:37 PM
[Image: counselor.gif] Counselor: I II III IV V
[Image: outrider.gif] Scout: I II III IV V
Art Credits
Pictures credit to Kati H. of Dawnthieves
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