Profile of Pluto: Quick Facts
Played By: Beeb
Basic Info
Full Name: Pluto
Subspecies: Coyote
Sex: Male
Age: 2 (May 31, 2013)
Birthplace: Wildberry Plains
At a Glance
Small and a mixture of greys and cloudy whites, peppered with many pale scars along with two crossing over one of his eyes. While it is not entirely blind, vision out of that eye is slightly hazy. His fur is tufted and mostly short, and his ears are large and fleabitten.
Profile of Pluto: Details
A small, greyish blue coyote complete with the occasional white patch on his belly and in the inside of his large, fleabitten ears. His entire body is crisscrossed with pale scars, with the largest being a large bitemark on his left hip area. Two long scars run down one of his dark eyes, stretching down the side of his muzzle and ending past his chin. His paws are small and dainty, with small, dull grey claws completing each toe. His fur is tufty, thickening near the tail and scruff area while thinning around his paws. His eyes are black.

[Image: Plutoavatar_zpsm0ikrt2w.jpg] (Beautiful art done by Ravel!)
Sarcastic, crude, smart enough to know how to press your buttons but not smart enough to know when to stop; all in all, a smartass. Pluto's known for occasionally attempting to snatch a bite to eat from much large predators (hence his scars), but his quickness and small size do sometimes allow him to succeed in his efforts. When he can't steal, he'll begrudgingly catch his own meals consisting of mice, rats, and the occasional rabbit, but when there is not prey to be found he will occasionally nibble on wild berries. When Pluto's not being a smartass, he's being a prideful prick refusing help from others and acting as if he's twice his size, which is conveniently about the size of his ego. He has interest in forging bonds with larger animals purely for protection reasons, but when the favor has to be returned he suddenly seems a lot less willing to be by your side.
Pluto was born into a small group of coyotes, leaving the group at the age of a year old to place his mark on the world. So far, he's not doing so well, but perhaps in these new lands he'll fare better.
Pack History
Used to belong to a small group of coyotes consisting of his mother, sister, father, and a few others.
Profile of Pluto: Additional Information
Registered on February 23, 2016, last visited March 23, 2016, 06:45 PM
Art Credits
lacomj- Flickr
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