Duck Lake Break
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The shadowy woman was in the wilds once again leaving her children. They were now old enough to take care of themselves now and she felt it okay to depart from her little demons who were now the same size if not bigger than her.

She wanted to hunt and an unsuspecting hare caught her eye as she ran after the animal grabbing it with her jaws and breaking its neck with one swift bite.

”Common” "Spanish"
11 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
Tori had decided to linger within the valley for a short time, her eyes in their narrowed creases as she always had. There was a low rumble from her chest, finding herself on edge as she stalked about for prey. There was a certain aimless strategy to it. Her nose guiding her more than anything at this point.

That was when the scent of blood hit her, mixed with the scent of wolf and she began to prowl forward even further. The low grumble halted for a moment as she made her way through, creeping until she was within eyesight of the woman.

And then, she would simply stare.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female smelt the metallic taste of blood hit her tongue and dripped out her muzzle as she held the rabbit’s lifeless body in her jaws. She didn’t smell the woman on the account of all the blood flooding her senses but she did notice the woman staring and she dropped the animal at her feet to speak, blood still dripping. “Are you just gonna stare or do you speak?” The warrior questioned, this wolf hadn’t greeted her like most wolves she encountered did and she was skeptical since she had just killed this rabbit she wondered if this woman was a threat to her meal.
”Common” "Spanish"
11 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
The woman would question back, her own nature gruff that Tori could find herself appreciating if she were not so irritated by her simply presence in her path. “You gonna share, or am I going to have to fight you for it?” Her jaws would snap in an irate manner, a challenging look on her features as she tilted her chin up. Her stomach grumbled lightly even as she said it, before another idea approached her mind. “Or do you have interest in bigger game? I caught a scent not far off if you’re up for a challenge. Equal split, equal reward.”
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The woman was feisty and Serem herself was amused with this she wolf. She chuckled as she looked down at the rabbit. “I have no interest in fighting someone over something as small as a rabbit.” To the woman it just was not worth it and she took it as an insult to her skill set. 

Her ears perked forward however at the woman’s proposition. She had been thinking about going after something bigger but despite her large size she would still need help going after such a creature. “Lead the way.” It was an offer the dark woman would be stupid to turn down however she would keep an eye on this woman for now.
”Common” "Spanish"
11 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
Torianna was the woman who fought simply to prove she was better than others. The idea of obtaining a rabbit as compensation for her win seemed to be all the better… but the promise of bigger prey? That was enough to temporarily satiate her bloodlust in favor of the promise of something more… of something that would fill her stomach… and it seemed the woman thought the same. That would only work in her benefit.

She would motion with her head, remaining far enough back to keep an eye on her newfound companion whilst they walked, always on edge and never trusting. The herd was a decent pace away, taking them some time to get there but the promise of food was enough for Tori to press on. When the herd came into view, there was one deer that had a noticeable limp, and was old to begin with meaning they’d be slower than their compatriots.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The woman remained by her backside and it made the dark woman cautious. She didn’t trust this woman and she looked back on occasion to make sure she was still behind and not planning anything. She too noticed the sick one and turned around. “I’ll drive it away from the herd and towards you.” She hoped that the buck wouldn’t try and protect it however normally they didn’t and with that if agreed the woman would speed off
”Common” "Spanish"
11 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
At one point, she might have considered leading the woman into danger… but the promise of a larger meal, one the woman could not possibly fight her over for the entirety of it… that was something that was too promising to her. She spoke, promising to drive it towards her… and Torianna would offer a simple nod, sulking off as her eyes remained fixed on the woman and the promise she had offered… she watched her speed off, and Torianna was preparing to launch out at the beast when it would near, her teeth barring as a soft growl crept out and rumbled uncomfortably against her throat.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Just as the dark woman figured as she rushed toward the old one’s side pushing it away from the herd; the buck didn’t care much as the rest of them ran off leaving the one they eyed to fend for itself.

She nipped at its heels and drove it toward the other female as she herself lunged forward towards it trying to latch herself on a peice of its flesh.
”Common” "Spanish"