Rosewater Oasis ivory
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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coyote-trot ate away miles.

zoug followed antelope. in the distance they were only a cloud of dust rising from beneath many hooves.

he could not go so far. but soon. soon, he could make a longer hunt.

the water of the oasis was sweet and soon filled his mouth as the one-eye stopped for a rest.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the preacherman came for payment.

they all looked the same to him.

but this one, this one he knew.

the man stood in the dust of the road, looking at the curved neck of the savage bent over a drink, still with heretical red staining his hackles, for the moment unaware of the wolf's presence.

and the wolf dropped to a stalk, to approach without noise.
[Image: 1a8230a1e0276e4b2873413a6c3fb50f82be59c5.gif]
apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was no sound save for his tongue upon the water.

a man of his age did not survive without canniness. zoug was seized with a sense of premonition he attributed swiftly to the unprotected nature of the place.

he lifted his head sharply, searching the heated emptiness of the oasis, seeing a hare standing stiffly along the far edge of the water. it wore a similar expression.

the coyote grunted and moved to drink again.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
and he wouldn't get to swallow it, the wolf leaping the last distance to topple his quarry into the water with all might thinned limbs could muster.

keep him held down, too.
[Image: 1a8230a1e0276e4b2873413a6c3fb50f82be59c5.gif]
apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the water's reflection held a shadow.

zoug lunged to the side, not enough to avoid the jaws and the weight which crushed him into the oasis waters. it was only a space to throw the bite off-kilter, his shoulder rather than his nape.

twisting face to one side, he snapped for what he could find, aware in the colder recesses of himself that this was a fight to the death.

but coyotes screamed for their own kind, and zoug's screech was enough to raise the dead.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
The Tribe
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She can certainly get wounded she is a 4 month old bebe after all. But she is bigger already than most of her kind, being that her daddy was a wolf

Four months old and already bigger than some of the other small coyotes. IT was clear she was not all Coyote in the way she moved, the rangy motion of her legs, and the shape of her face. The Screech that resounded throughout the lowlands, made her blood run cold. And all she could think about was to help. It didn't matter what that meant for her. Only that Someone was calling for aid.

So with a small amount of trepidation, but a strong will she ran towards the call. Finding Zoug fighting with someone much bigger than him or her. But she jumped into the fray. Aiming for the side of the beast hurting Zoug nearest her. 

If you would rather she was not in here. I have no problem deleting this.
The Tribe
82 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
The huntress followed her little niece, who was charging off much further from safety then what would ever be approved. She did not store her kill safely, nor take the time to shout out for her mother. Instead, it was Zoug's shout which cleared the skies. 

The coywolf came upon tne scene, to be met with a dark wolf she had seen once before, during her season no less. The rogue had been attacked by Tribe then and perhaps now sought his revenge.

Ko'a came from behind, going for a hind ankle to rip out from under him.
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[Image: jackal_grass_dark_123286_2560x1440.jpg]
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the vermin made him miss - instead, small fangs scraped the ill parts of his skin. 

his chance spent, ambush turned to a fight, the wolf still aimed to subdue his lesser.

they were found as a whirlwind of snarls and teeth, oasis waters a whirlpool around them.

and he - the moon-eyed one - unaware of their approach but for a flash of fur caught in the corner of his vision.
[Image: 1a8230a1e0276e4b2873413a6c3fb50f82be59c5.gif]
apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the tribe came for zoug.

filled with desperate, relieved wrath, the clan man attacked from the side opposite ko'a.

blood for blood for blood; a wolf's head to drag back, to show s'ari. to prove that to be wolf was to be enemy.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
The Tribe
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Andi didn't know what she was doing. And it was clear by the way she moved. She was doing her best, but probably more hindrance than relief.

She snapped and she clawed. But she was not as careful as she could be of course.
The Tribe
82 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Their oponant moved quickly, like fire spreading in the stillness of twilight and he looked the part, too. With each bite from the coyotes, he circles around and snaps back in order to keep them at bay. Yet, he would tire soon, like a deer being hunted. 

Ko'a circles, trying to keep a watchful eye on her cousin and would bite and tug on the wolf to distract him each time the young struck. The coywolf plays dirty, aiming between the legs of the wolf to seek the prize between for her own. He had not given her his seed before when she had called out to him, so now she would take them by force!
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[Image: jackal_grass_dark_123286_2560x1440.jpg]
30 Posts
Ooc — Bees
forgiveness beloveds <33

vermin! vermin! vermin!

the fumbling girl he saw first, and struck the child true.

the large one took his chance to latch onto the wolf's throat, but low enough to the chest that savage's jaws couldn't close.

in a brilliant moment of assured superiority, girl tightly in his grip, the wolf felt confidence as the Lord setting foot on tumultuous waters of the sea of gennesaret-

he'd forgotten the third.

pain incomparable to any of a female's pierced him from tail to mouth, which opened to scream and let go of its catch.

howling, blinded, he moved to assault the bitch, although he was weighted down and not in full control of his body -- thinking he'd only been bit.

feel free to assume koa has take one of the twins xoxoxo
[Image: 1a8230a1e0276e4b2873413a6c3fb50f82be59c5.gif]
apophis is rated r for enactment of religious and sexual abuse
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony


blossoming arcs of gore and strings of crimson in the air.

zoug kept himself close, driving the wolf back from ko'a with straining legs and the single wild eye, cutting flesh where his jaws had struck, dragging on the torment of the one who had tried to take his life.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
The Tribe
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A yelp was pulled free from youngling throat as he latched onto her. Teeth digging deeply into nape and shoulder. Eyes watering she tried to pull away, but every pull was excruciating. Until finally finally he let her blood soaked nape free. 

Sheslipped  away and curled tightly into and. Under small rock. Blood and pain blossoming and spreading throughout.
The Tribe
82 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
warning for the gore!

The wolf jerked and arched, trying to free himself from her grip and, as he hoped and with one good pull from both of them, he did get free. And his manly gift of god? It was no more now then a torn bag of treats, where one of two inside snagged and ripped away, as though ripe for the harvest. Ko'a would dance backward, trotting along with a head held high with her trophy.

Yet her victory must be saved fully for later, for their young had been injured by more then a few cuts and bruises. She would go to her, ready to round her up back home now that the battle had been won.
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[Image: jackal_grass_dark_123286_2560x1440.jpg]