Lost Creek Hollow A hollow place
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
All Welcome 
Small paws of gray and white traced circles in the dirt. Eyes of the prettiest blue studied the sky with intent. The birds that flew. The way the clouds painted pictures with their wreaths of white smoke. She saw a frog, and then a rose and there was a mountain and then a face. She couldn't stop staring. Though her neck had begun to ache a little. 

She shifted and then flopped to her belly then her side and then a weird little shuffle so she could stare up without the pain on her neck, her tail tucked tightly around legs and side.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I hope it's okay if I swipe this... <3

The young wolf had ventured further from the den than he would normally be allowed. His boyish paws had carried him clumsily through the brush until he had found the figure of another.

The girl was fixated on something in the distance. Her neck was craned back so that she could gaze up at the looming terrain. Stormpup shifted on his paws, following her line of sight with a quizzical whimper that would reveal his place in the shadows.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Absolutely <3 I love me some Teo threads

Enelise heard a small whimper and tilted her head towards it. One of the newest ones. One that her father, no Ingram he had rescinded his title told her to stay away that they were not her siblings. Balderdash in her opinion. Mom took care of them. They were all part. She even had a Tia Silver.

This one was if she wasn't mistaken Stormpup.

She motioned for him to come closer. Unsure if the youth spoke english or his mother's tongue. She tried English first. 

I'm making pictures in the clouds.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She motioned. Stormpup took a few steps closer. He kept a reasonable distance between them, despite his curiosity. 

The girl was making pictures in the clouds. No matter his desire to stay aloof, Stormpup lacked the maturity to keep himself from scrunching his face and canting his head. 

You what? he asked childishly. This was the boy’s invitation to elaborate. Before he made up his mind on her sanity.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
This one wasn't as cuddly as his sibling. But that was okay. Enelise wasn't much of a physical touch kinda wolf either. Except for her mom and her sister. But she'd allow the little too if they wanted.

I'm making pictures. See come look. She found an easy one. She lifted a paw and pointed. Though she had to roll to her back to do so.

See there the head and the ears and the little nose it looks like a bunny. She traced it with her paw.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The answer she gave was simple. She invited him to come closer so that she might explain what she was talking about. Stormpup eyed her with one lifted paw. Hesitation didn’t settle well in his belly. He didn’t wish to be someone who turned away from the unknown.

Pale legs carried him nearer. She rolled to her back and pointed up to what she described as being a rabbit. She was even able to point out the head, the ears, and the nose. Stormpup lifted his head back and squinted sharply against the bright light. He couldn’t figure out what she saw. The longer he stared, the more frustration bubbled within him.

No… show another.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
He came nearer to her and she offered a smile to the youth and nodded waiting for him to settle near her.

She looked and then motioned again. There see the tree? Branches and trunk.

She used her paw to trace it slowly 4 or 5 times.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
When she smiled at him, Stormpup recoiled and turned his eyes to the dirt. A frown found his young face. He was not certain how he might deal with such unearned warmth. They were both young, yes. He simply didn't have the same penchant for socialization as these other pups.

Still, when she gestured to the sky and outlined the tree for him, Stormpup squinted upwards and his frown deepened. He saw it. He didn't want to admit that he saw it, but the shape was easier to identify with her assistance.

I guess, he grumbled to her. It was the best she would get. Stormpup licked his chops and looked to her expectantly. He wondered if she would have another shape to show him.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
He was quite sullen. She wasn't fond of it. Wasn't it him that had come out and bothered her while she was cloud searching. Wasn't it he that had asked questions. She was only doing what he wanted. Why did he have to go an act all like a sulky suzy.

Hmm she looked around and motioned. There's a squirrel. See the little ears and the tufty tail?

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A squirrel this time. She pointed out its ears and tail, trying to show him the image.

Surly as he might have seemed, Stormpup merely believed that the girl was a loon. She must have had something wrong with her to find animals in the skies. No matter how he tried, he could not squint an image into the clouds. It welled frustration in his stomach, twisting his face into a more sullen expression.

Yeah, a squirrel, he echoed, hoping that she wouldn't think he was dumb for not seeing her imaginary friends.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Clearly this was not the same type of fun that the pup liked to do. So she stood and bent downwards in a playbow. 

Perhaps he'd rather play in this way. Though as surly as he was, she doubted it, but she would try. She was new to this big sister stuff. Because for awhile she had stayed away when Ingram had growled at her for calling them siblings, but he was gone and they weren't so she decided to ignore what he had to say.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Now this was something that Stormpup could do. 

She bowed to him, initiating play. He had only experienced some play fighting with Shadowpup. It was nothing that would shape him, of course. They were much too young to take interest in fighting and defending. 

Stormpup curled his lip and growled. The young wolf circled halfway, paused, and then switched directions. His eyes were trained on her before he jumped forward and aimed his clumsy paws for her figure.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
This seemed to get a better reaction out of him than the clouds. Though honestly she preferred the former, but beggers couldn't be choosers so she jumped into action. 

She growled back and dabbed a paw at him and then darted backwards. It was fun and a small smile lit up her face. 

He went for her side and he touched pelt and then muscle. It unbalanced her, but she pressed back.

41 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Stormpup enjoyed this activity much more than finding pictures in the clouds. There was no rush of adrenaline in the skies above. He could not feel the rabbit thump of his heart when staring at the white-fluff of the clouded heavens.

Getting to wrestle with the girl was good. It made him feel stronger than he was. As she pushed back, fighting his sparring techniques with her own, Stormpup grew in confidence. He wanted to show her that he was strong.

A yap sounded as he reared back on his legs and swung forward with his clumsy puppy paws.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
He seemed to enjoy this a little better than the other game she was trying. And that was okay. She lived and she learned. She liked these ones better than Akavir's brood.

He gave pound for pound. She reared back and growled low. Her paw darting out to swing at his paws. He got her in the jaw though with one of his own when he swung. IT was painful, but not terribly so.