Forward-dated to the 13th. Maybe @Ezekiel? But AW!
After saying a cheerful goodbye to his wife, children, and the rest of the pack, Grayday set off toward Easthollow once more, his mind fixed on his elder son. There was something very convicting about looking at his tiny children and knowing one of his firstborn was so far from his heart. So, although Dawn had preceded him with the news of his siblings, Day was coming himself to see his estranged child.He moved quickly, this time, not pausing at any scent or trail. He had newborns at home, now, and though he wanted to spend some quality time with Sunny, he was still eager to be back with the rest of his family. He wished Sunny had never left - he'd make a good big brother to these ones, the way he'd always tried to be to Dawn.
The male pushed such thought away. There was nothing for it, and he didn't want to arrive in poor spirits. Instead, he tried to think about what he'd say to the boy when he saw him, and when he finally arrived at the borders of Easthollow, he had a pretty good idea of what needed to be done.
The male tipped back his muzzle and gave a jaunty howl.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
July 09, 2017, 08:52 AM
Ezekiel was out doing what he always did, which was patrolling. He heard a howl, a howl that he had heard before. He must've forgotten who it belonged too, which made him even more curious. He stopped to pee on one last stone, then he turned to go back to the source of the howl. When he arrived he saw a grey furred male, and he recognized him quickly. This was Grayday, Sunny's father, and an old friend. Ezekiel trotted towards him, his tail held high just out of habit, but with a friendly swing in his step.
Grayday.He greeted the other male, stopping a few feet away from the other and waiting for a response.

July 09, 2017, 01:46 PM
He'd worried that Sunny would refuse to see him after he'd sent Dawn to give him the news of his siblings. It'd seemed more important to get the information to him than to have it come from him, at the time, but now he wasn't sure it'd been a good idea. It seemed it needn't have worried, though, because as soon as Grayday called, there was Sunny, trotting toward him with a friendly wag of his tail.
For a moment, Grayday could only marvel at how big he'd gotten, before he realized that it wasn't Sunny at all. Grayday stared, grasping at straws, as he tried to figure out where he'd seen this very familiar wolf before. It was only when he spoke that his synapses seemed to click into place, and Grayday was able to respond with a weak, croaky, "Ezekiel?"
Could it really be him? Back with his family, safe and in one piece? Grayday took a half-step toward him before remembering the border, and then simply waiting for the other male to reach him, tail wagging vaguely and with a wild grin growing slowly over his face.
For a moment, Grayday could only marvel at how big he'd gotten, before he realized that it wasn't Sunny at all. Grayday stared, grasping at straws, as he tried to figure out where he'd seen this very familiar wolf before. It was only when he spoke that his synapses seemed to click into place, and Grayday was able to respond with a weak, croaky, "Ezekiel?"
Could it really be him? Back with his family, safe and in one piece? Grayday took a half-step toward him before remembering the border, and then simply waiting for the other male to reach him, tail wagging vaguely and with a wild grin growing slowly over his face.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
July 10, 2017, 12:33 PM
Ezekiel nodded when Grayday said his name, confirming that it was him. The older male started to come towards Ezekiel, but he stopped, respectfully acknowledging the border. Ezekiel went the rest of the way, and circled around his friend, taking in his scent and appearance. Grayday looked pretty much how he remembered him, but he smelled different. He smelled like pups, which made Zeke wonder if the gray male had more. He stepped back after he'd finished checking Grayday out, then stood so that Grayday could do the same to him.
You look good, how have you been?Ezekiel asked, he had more questions but he'd leave it there for now. What he really wanted to know was why did Grayday leave the Easthollow wolves in the first place? Had something happened that Zeke wasn't aware of? He waited for an answer from the other, his tail swinging calmly.

July 10, 2017, 07:44 PM
He laughed - he had to laugh. It was Ezekiel, back from the dead. Day remembered sitting between the standing stones, talking to Valette as she worked through her grief. Briefly, he wondered how she was taking it, thinking about Chaska and other deserters as he did. But no matter his reasoning for disappearing, Grayday decided right then and there that he was simply happy to see the other male alive.
"So do you," he replied, though this was not strictly true. He thought Ezekiel could stand to gain a few pounds, but that could be fixed with due time and a few good meals. "I've been great, actually. Never better. How about you?"
It was surreal, to stand there and talk to him like a scene from the past. Day felt a sad smile crease his face as he remembered the wolf that Ezekiel surely did. Maybe they were both ghosts.
"So do you," he replied, though this was not strictly true. He thought Ezekiel could stand to gain a few pounds, but that could be fixed with due time and a few good meals. "I've been great, actually. Never better. How about you?"
It was surreal, to stand there and talk to him like a scene from the past. Day felt a sad smile crease his face as he remembered the wolf that Ezekiel surely did. Maybe they were both ghosts.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
July 14, 2017, 08:17 AM
Ezekiel had mostly recovered from the starvation that had plagued him when he had first returned to his family, but it was true that he wasn't fully there yet. In some areas, his thick soft coat gave hints of hunger, where his bones threatened to show themselves. Despite this, he was still a tank, giant and stable. Ezekiel was glad to hear that Grayday was doing great, but when asked how he was, Ezekiel wasn't sure how to answer. He wasn't as great, he had been better. But he wasn't depressed anymore, and he and Valette were friends.
I'm alright. Ever since I've returned things have been different. But Val and I are friends again, and I am going to be the father to her children.He replied, a small smile when he spoke.

July 14, 2017, 01:26 PM
A pang of hurt and something like anger rose up in Grayday's chest, flashing briefly across his face as he worked through his emotions. Steady's name was nearly on his tongue before he got a hold of himself. "That's good," he said, his voice a bit odd as he struggled to regain equalibrium. It was easy to pretend that Steady was still alive when he was back at Morningside - hearing about Valette moving on was a bit jarring. But they had done nothing wrong. It was good that they'd found happiness. "She's an incredible mother," Day added, much more sincerely, now. "You're a lucky man, Ezekiel."
His tail wagged as he thought of more tiny children running around. Their two litters would be about the same age, too - maybe they'd grow up together, like his first two alongside Keoni and Nikai.
"My mate gave birth to two girls and a boy a few days ago," he revealed. "Maybe we can arrange a playdate one day."
His tail wagged as he thought of more tiny children running around. Their two litters would be about the same age, too - maybe they'd grow up together, like his first two alongside Keoni and Nikai.
"My mate gave birth to two girls and a boy a few days ago," he revealed. "Maybe we can arrange a playdate one day."
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
July 20, 2017, 08:39 AM
When Day mentioned that Valette was an incredible mother, Ezekiel was momentarily confused. Then he remembered Keoni and Nikai, Valette's other children. He often forgot that she'd practically raised them, he'd only known them to be young adults and forgot they were still so young. Ezekiel felt bad for not getting to know the two as well, but at the same time if they wanted to get to know him they could try and seek him out. Ezekiel was stubborn like that, there were only so many wolves he would tolerate.
The large grey male smiled at his friend's next comment, any trace of confusion gone from his face as he thought about how lucky he truly was. Sometimes he thought about all the terrible things that had happened in his life, and forgot the good ones. For now at least, he was very lucky. Grayday went on to talk about his own kids, and said that he'd had three more!
Reflecting on the 'probably' of his previous sentence, Ezekiel remembered that he had never been a father before, and Grayday had. Maybe some advice from a friend could do him good.
The large grey male smiled at his friend's next comment, any trace of confusion gone from his face as he thought about how lucky he truly was. Sometimes he thought about all the terrible things that had happened in his life, and forgot the good ones. For now at least, he was very lucky. Grayday went on to talk about his own kids, and said that he'd had three more!
Grayday that'd great news! I'd love to have our kids meet. It's probably good for pups to know others their age.He said.
Reflecting on the 'probably' of his previous sentence, Ezekiel remembered that he had never been a father before, and Grayday had. Maybe some advice from a friend could do him good.
So, is it umm... hard to be a dad?He asked, looking down slightly, a bit ashamed that he had to ask.

July 28, 2017, 10:17 PM
Day's tail wagged excitedly in response to Ezekiel's approval of the idea. Part of him longed to rejoin Easthollow so that things could go back to the way they had been. He missed his easy friendship with the wolves there, and watching Sunny, Dawn, Nikai and Keoni play together. Maybe he'd done what he had set out to do. Maybe putting distance between himself and the territory had helped to ease some of the turmoil he'd felt.
He still couldn't come back, though. Though many of his past problems were healing or resolved, there were now different things keeping him away.
His wistful thoughts lasted until Ezekiel's next question, and automatically, the male's face fell into a grimace. He had to ask that question. "Yeah," he said at length, reluctant to take the shine off of fatherhood for the younger male, but equally unwilling to let him go into it blind. "It's the hardest thing I've ever done. Some days, I wonder how much more my heart can take," he admitted, feeling a certain sense of relief at revealing this to someone else. "But I love my kids more than anything. Sunny and Dawn make me prouder than I have any right to be, and when I look at them... well, it's worth all the trouble." He grinned. "Besides - you've got Val to help you. You're already way ahead of me."
He still couldn't come back, though. Though many of his past problems were healing or resolved, there were now different things keeping him away.
His wistful thoughts lasted until Ezekiel's next question, and automatically, the male's face fell into a grimace. He had to ask that question. "Yeah," he said at length, reluctant to take the shine off of fatherhood for the younger male, but equally unwilling to let him go into it blind. "It's the hardest thing I've ever done. Some days, I wonder how much more my heart can take," he admitted, feeling a certain sense of relief at revealing this to someone else. "But I love my kids more than anything. Sunny and Dawn make me prouder than I have any right to be, and when I look at them... well, it's worth all the trouble." He grinned. "Besides - you've got Val to help you. You're already way ahead of me."
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
July 31, 2017, 07:18 AM
Ezekiel didn't like the way Day grimaced, he figured that meant there was bad news on the way. Sure enough there was. Day said parenting was the hardest thing he'd ever done, and that made Ezekiel worry. Ezekiel wasn't the most friendly, easy to get a long with guy. What if his kids grew up and didn't like him? What if he turned into a parent like his mom? That thought haunted him, because he was sure that nothing could be worse than that. Grayday's next words did put a swing on it, but Ezekiel still wasn't sure how he felt.
Of course he would love his children, of course they would be worth it, but would they love him back. The one thing that truly did make him feel a little better was that he wasn't doing this alone. He did have Val, who he was certain would be a great mother. He smiled a little at that, glad that he had a good friend like Grayday to ease his worries (and lowkey make him worry more).
Of course he would love his children, of course they would be worth it, but would they love him back. The one thing that truly did make him feel a little better was that he wasn't doing this alone. He did have Val, who he was certain would be a great mother. He smiled a little at that, glad that he had a good friend like Grayday to ease his worries (and lowkey make him worry more).
Remember when you first joined Silvertip Mountain? And I really didn't like you that much?Ezekiel teased.

July 31, 2017, 09:22 PM
"You'll make a good dad," said Grayday, seeing the doubt on the other male's face. Truthfully, Grayday wasn't sure what kind of father Ezekiel would be. The male had always come off as sort of cold and gruff to him, but Valette had obviously found something to like about him, both before he'd left and after. Besides - Day acted around his children in ways he would never act around the surly wolf before him.
His lips quirked in amusement at the male's words. Day did remember that. In fact - "I wasn't aware of that ever changing," he admitted. Day had felt that Ezekiel didn't like him until the day he disappeared, and only now that the other brought this up did he remember that nothing had changed, and that it was odd for them to be speaking so candidly.
His lips quirked in amusement at the male's words. Day did remember that. In fact - "I wasn't aware of that ever changing," he admitted. Day had felt that Ezekiel didn't like him until the day he disappeared, and only now that the other brought this up did he remember that nothing had changed, and that it was odd for them to be speaking so candidly.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 03, 2017, 07:54 AM
Ezekiel smiled at Grayday's reassurance, though he wasn't fully reassured. He hoped the other male told the truth, but how could Grayday really know what kind of father Ezekiel would be? Ezekiel next comment about the past made Grayday smile a bit, and Grayday's reply coaxed a true laugh from Zeke's mouth. It was kind of true, Zeke had always been a little cold to Grayday. Maybe it was only now that they were getting to know each other. That did make Zeke feel a little bad, he should've given the other male a better chance.
I guess I was always sort of rude to you. Yeah sorry 'bout that.He said, an apology in his voice but he still felt the conversation to be light, and conversational.

August 06, 2017, 10:40 PM
Day wagged his tail - all was forgiven between them, although he was a bit touched by the other male's apology. Perhaps this was the beginning of a real friendship between them.
"I never held it against you," Day promised, unable to help the smile that'd stretched across his face. Damn, but he was getting sentimental in his old age. "I guess I've come to consider you a friend - family, even. We didn't always get along, but we were packmates, and that always meant more to me than our less pleasant exchanges."
His face was abruptly serious once more. "It was awful for all of us when we realized you and Niita weren't around. Steady and Val took it the hardest, but... well, I missed you, too," he said earnestly. "And it makes me feel better to have Sunny so far, knowing that you're here to look after these folks, too."
"I never held it against you," Day promised, unable to help the smile that'd stretched across his face. Damn, but he was getting sentimental in his old age. "I guess I've come to consider you a friend - family, even. We didn't always get along, but we were packmates, and that always meant more to me than our less pleasant exchanges."
His face was abruptly serious once more. "It was awful for all of us when we realized you and Niita weren't around. Steady and Val took it the hardest, but... well, I missed you, too," he said earnestly. "And it makes me feel better to have Sunny so far, knowing that you're here to look after these folks, too."
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 08, 2017, 07:05 AM
Grayday's words meant a lot to Zeke. He didn't know he'd meant so much to so many wolves. Even wolves like Grayday, who he didn't always get along with. At the mention of Steady, Ezekiel's pale eyes darkened a bit. He hated having to think about how he left it with his best friend. The male probably thought Zeke was dead, and that was the last he'd ever heard from him. One more day, and Zeke could've had so much less guilt and grief. But life was cruel sometimes, it wasn't always this kind.
I will make sure your son is safe. What happened to Steady won't happen to him as long as I'm around.Zeke added, then thinking of Sunny he realized something.
You probably came to visit Sunny didn't you? You can go on, I need to finish this patrol anyway.He said, stepping aside as a gesture of welcome.

August 14, 2017, 08:13 PM
Day dipped his head in silent respect, though his tail continued to wag without the expected comportment. He was too happy to see Ezekiel again to remember such trivial details, especially when he'd not had to bother with such niceties in several long months.
"Thank you - it's great to see you again," said Grayday, reluctantly allowing Ezekiel to exit his vision. He continued on his way, though he did not get far into the territory before calling for Sunny once more.
"Thank you - it's great to see you again," said Grayday, reluctantly allowing Ezekiel to exit his vision. He continued on his way, though he did not get far into the territory before calling for Sunny once more.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
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