Blackfeather Woods From even the greatest of horrors irony is seldom absent
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Ramsay meant to be present for the birth of her whelps as well, but instead he had been beyond the pack's borders, scouting the nearby creek and checking on the ice melt. The water was now accessible, and @Moonshadow now had three children that slept peacefully in the depths of Blackfeather Woods. Absentminded as he was these days, Ramsay only heard it through the grape vine some days later. Guiltily he sought out something to bring, and eventually secured a fat toad.

Not the best of meals to many inland wolves, but to a swamp wolf like Ramsay, it was delectable.

He crouched outside the den where she and her whimpering cubs presumably lay, the picture of submission. He may have been Blackfeather Woods' Morta, but here at the den of a new mother, he was the subordinate. Moonshadow? Are you in? he called softly into the darkness, pressing his paw down on the dead toad's slick back to keep it from tumbling into the den. It's Ramsay.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Motherhood was something very new to the sje wolf. However she wondered why she wasn’t like most she wolf’s were very determined to keep most out however she was protective of her children, she trusted only a few.

She had been resting since the pups birth, they didn’t do much other than sleep and eat. Just then she heard a voice coming from the entrance of her den. “Yes, I’m here.” She said with a chuckle; where else would she be. “Your welcome to come in.” This was one of the wolves that she trusted.
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Her clear voice rang out from the depths of the den, prompting the Morta to drop his head and seize the toad in his jaws once more. He crept awkwardly into the den on his belly, unwilling to impose more than he had to. The sweet scent of milk hit him first, followed by the warm, comforting smells and sounds of bodies. Ramsay didn't consider himself very sentimental, but he couldn't help the small smile that formed when his eyes adjusted and he spotted the small squirming bundles.

For you, he said, nudging the toad forward in the dim light. Are you all well?
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He came into the den and she smiled warmly as her gaze went from her whelps to him. It made her realize how far she had come since she came to the woods. “Thank you.” She said as she stretched out her neck and set the road aside. It was an interesting meal choice but any food was a blessing.

She would eat it soon. “How is everything with you?” It had been a while since they had officially spoken and she didn’t have that many visitors aside from Istoira.
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She didn't answer his question. Ramsay chocked it up to to fatigue. Surely giving birth was an ordeal that few could overcome without succumbing to their own exhaustion. He had no idea and never would.

I am well, Ramsay replied, doing his best not to stare at the newborns at Moonshadow's teats. How many? he wondered. He was capable of counting, of course, but... there was just something weird about it and he shied away from looking too closely. Better to let her preserve her privacy and tell him herself.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow let out a heavy sigh as she looked at him. “Their was a total of four but only three survived birth.” Yes he may of asked only about the living but in her eyes there had been four and she will forever say that. Moonshadow was going to make sure her dear pup wouldn’t be forgotten.
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Hm, he mused with pursed lips. He had no use for the dead, himself, but it was obviously important to Moonshadow to mention the deceased pup. Whatever is own beliefs, Ramsay would not disrespect her by revealing them here. May Mephala guide them to the daedra, he said out of respect. It felt strange on his tongue. He didn't often speak of his deities; anyway, he believed the dead went into Sithis' embrace at the end of their days, but Mephala was a gentler sort and caused less fright amongst Her followers than Sithis did.

What are their names? he wondered.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He was a man of few words and Moonshadow was okay with that. He then asked about the names of her brood and she was more than happy to tell him. She first pointed out the female with her nose. “Her name is Moonshine, the similar furred pup next to her is Rowan, and this little one...” She said referring to her white one. “...Is falling star.” She found her gaze fall on all of them now and she smiled.
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Moonshadow indicated each pup in turn and named them. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, Ramsay was warmed. They weren't names he would have chosen, but they fit so well with her name that it was impossible not to feel a little fuzzy about it. Lovely names, the Morta complimented, sweeping his gaze back over the three nestled pups.

And the one you lost? Given the way she'd spoken of her deceased cub, Ramsay assumed she had had a name picked out for them as well. A mere formality, perhaps... but he believed to name them would solidify the pup's memory.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She smiled softly at him. “I named her Ravaryn after my mother from which she resembled.” Moonshadow didn’t think badly of her mother, she hadn’t had a choice when they were abandoned.
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The Melonii silently tasted the name on his tongue, then nodded once in approval. It's a good name, he complimented, pausing to snag his tongue between his teeth before adding, I will ensure her memory lives on. There were plenty of places in Blackfeather Woods that remained unnamed, and even those with names were no longer fitting. He was certain he could find something to honour Moonshadow's lost cub.

For now, however, I'll let you rest. It was lovely seeing them. I'm glad you're doing well. He slowly backed out of the den with a formal dip of his head, intending to allow her her privacy with her pups and the quiet necessary to recuperate. Soon enough they would be running amok in the woods and her time for rest would come to an end.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.