Blackfeather Woods Let me sign
40 Posts
Ooc —

The Wound-binder assimilated and quietly conducted the tasks expected of her: stationed as a warrioress and huntress by her Nona, she patrolled, checked caches, and sparred with invisible opponents beneath the watchful eyes of the corvids. She hunted and padded the food stores with her efforts, though she conserved a percentage of it to make certain that Moonshadow ate her fill. Mothering was a career that produced great hunger in a woman. 

With a plump swamp rat clutched in her jaws, the rest of her brace of rodents from the day's hunt had already been stored within the communal cairns, the charred firewood loped to the thicket to meet her tiny family. 

She'd taken extra pains with her appearance and though she didn't appear it, Istoira was incredibly nervous. 

It had come time to admit her feelings to Moonshadow, to breach the unspoken tension that had formed between them as Keiedia continued to care for the blackbird and her childrens' well-being. 

With a soft chirp, the onyx femme called softly for the mother to join her beyond the thicket's entrance for a moment. 
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She heard the small howl that came from the woman she now considered a friend as well as companion. Her pups had had their fill and were sleeping soundly next to one of another. She slowly stepped out to the entrance of the den. “You called?”
40 Posts
Ooc —
"Aye, I did," she agreed, somewhat lamely, with a nervous clearing of her throat as she was again struck by the sight of the shadow she'd come to respect - fatigue lingered in her jade eyes, a sort of content tiredness that came with new parenthood, and she was all the more beautiful for it.

"Would you sit with me awhile, my lady?" She asked softly, pushing the rat closer in case she was hungry. 

"Moon," she began, inhaling shakily, "I must admit something to you. I've grown quite fond of you, enamored really," she murmured softly, uncharacteristically shy for once. 

"You're an astonishing woman. Even after what you've been through," for it was clear the onyx pearl had suffered great pain even if Istoira did not know all the details, "you are kind, loving, a wonderful mother." 

"Your children have filled my heart with joy as well," 
the girl added, glancing towards the den's entrance with a fond grin. 

"I would understand...if you don't feel the same way though if you don't view me in such a light, I would still very much like to be your friend and continue helping you with the bairns," she concluded anxiously, watching Moonshadow's face for some reaction.
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She certainly wasn’t expecting all that to be said but she sat next to her and listened to the rest of what she had to say. In truth Moonshadow herself had been feeling some type of way towards the female as well.

She sent a warm smile her way. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and my children and I would love for you to be apart of their lives and watch them grow. Perhaps teach them things that I may not.” Moonshadow nudged her softly. “I too feel the same.”
40 Posts
Ooc —
Istoira felt she were enduring some strange brand of torture, watching, waiting with her heart pounding from within her chest. When the words came, she felt my keel over in relief or whoop joyously - she didn't know which. 

She settled instead for a wagging tail, a beaming grin, and a nuzzle to the sylph's dark features. 

"I'd be honoured to," she answered eagerly, awaiting the day the babes would be old enough to mentor. 

"You've no idea how happy you've made me," she whispered tenderly, for Moon's ears alone, as she buried her face in the crook of Moonshadow's neck.
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She felt happy for once in her life she was fully happy only thing to make it complete would be her brother here with them. She warmed up to the females embrace and nudged her as well.