Neverwinter Forest lockdown
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 
OOC: Open to anyone!

Her memory was fuzzy. Fragmented. The last thing she remembered was being in the mountains, to the east of this place. With a young stranger by her side. They had been attempting to hunt mountain sheep. Then darkness. 

Had she fallen down the mountainside? Blacked out from stress or over exertion? Or had the thin mountain air been to blame? She came to with a soft groan. Beneath her was not the unforgiving texture of stone, but of soft fir pine needles. The ground was no less cold, in part to frost coating, long sapped of summers warmth. She gathered herself up slowly, surprised to find that her body was miraculously, undamaged. Sore and leaner than before, but intact.

Alone in this strange forest, it didn't take long for her hunger to set in. She soon found a set of fresh tracks belonging to a hare, out to scrounge off the little edible greenery that remained. Malila was inexperienced, reckless and desperate. Without bothering to form even a minimal strategy, she rushed forward. She bolted way too soon, sending her target well out of reach, with moments to spare. To add insult to injury, the ground didn't help much. Clumsily, she slipped on the frost underfoot, knocking her jaw hard as she went tumbling.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Her mind was still abuzz with Fennec's words as she entered the forest. Blueberry wondered how far it was to the sea. It was possible, right? When they had left the island, they had all left the island. Vacated a home for the future—if no one else had moved in.

She traipsed through the pines, the snow overhead kept at bay by thick pine canopy. She was about to make a right turn when a sound to her left caught her ear, and. . .

Blueberry rushed upon the scene, witnessing the aftermath of a bad tumble, a gold-and-brown girl sprawled upon the ground. Oh, are you okay? she asked, hurrying over with some haste. The wolf was maybe a year her senior, and she thought briefly about trespass—

No. There had been no scents marking the forest. Blueberry stood awkwardly to the side, brows knitted in concern as she stared down at the girl.
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A shooting, throbbing pain soared in her lower jawbone. The cold of the earth didn't much help it either. In fact, her whole body began to ache from the ungraceful tumble she took. She groaned, only then hearing the sound of rapidly approaching paws.

Standing up above her still awkwardly sprawled frame on the forest floor, was another wolf. Pale in color, with the most interesting eyes she had ever seen. They reminded her of a type of berry, or perhaps a wildflower. Her expression was concerned, whereas Malila's was just downright embarrassed.

"Ugh...oh yeah. I just really hit my jaw when I fell." She groaned again, whilst lifting herself up, albeit sorely. Her blonde and chocolate pelt was now littered with soil, snow and the odd pine needle. She was an utter mess. "Was only just tryin to catch myself some lunch. Can you tell I failed miserably?" Her spirit was understandably deflated. But being the naturally sweet natured girl she was, Malila was hardly putting out any menacing vibes either. As far as this forest and that rabbit was concerned, she was a joke.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She laughed at the other's response, but it was one of those soft, sympathetic chuckles that signified, Oh girl, I've been there. What were you trying to catch? Blueberry asked. I feel like it's harder now that everyone's in the forest out of the snow. More places to hide.

The pale girl eased herself into the conversation, beginning to relax by inches. I'm Blueberry, by the way, she said. You don't, uh, live here, right?

Like mentioned earlier—she was 99 percent sure she was fine. But juuuust in case. . .
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She winced, every muscle in her body aching while she stood upright. The other girls chuckle earned a sheepish smile from Malila, who, was still a mess. "Nothing special. Just a rabbit I had my eye on." She shook her head, sighing. "You'd think they were the easy one's." How wrong she had been. They were fast little buggers.

The pale wolf introduced herself as Blueberry. "Oh, what a pretty name!" She piped up, some of her more usual lively enthusiasm showing through. Her tail even began to wag, just a little. "I um...ah...just love anything nature related." She confessed, cheeks heated. "I'm Malila...and no...I really don't live much of anywhere..."
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ah, rabbits. They were pretty fast, she'd give the other girl that, but at least they didn't rocket up trees and out of reach like squirrels. Although they did have burrows. . .

". . .what a pretty name!"

Blueberry looked a bit bashful at this praise, replying, Thanks. I'm not sure which parent named me. Doesn't really matter now.

Malila's a pretty name, too, she told the other wolf, smiling. And I don't live anywhere, either. Or with anyone. Kinda sucks.

Sure, she was standoffish and anti-social in most regards,  but damned if she didn't miss her sister nearly every waking moment.
4 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
The heaven above was covered tightly, what the weather looked like was unknown to him, sun had not come in between the pines for days and maybe it was the lack of sunshine, maybe it was the lack of sanity that made him wander through the pined forest for so long, but he had long since claimed it as home. The cold gripped at him like talons trying to push the air out of his lungs as steam erupted from his nostrils.

The voices carried by the quiet that usually lingered in these woods reached his ears and it displeased beyond repair. He growled and laughed half and half as he came closer to the voices and while the two ladies were chatting away he emerged from the pine trees, his grey fur almost falling in with the darkness that surrounded them, but he did nothing to hide his approach.

"Well, well, well..." He interrupted the chatting parrots and his large frame was soon in full view. Gigantic was the best word to describe the blue eyes dragon and he turned his growl into a wicked smile that ripped into his face. A short laugh burst from his mouth and he began circling the two smaller girls. One was tiny compared to Krauss, the other a bit larger, but no matter size, Krauss felt compelled to give them a gentle warning.

"Monster be lurking about."

That was all the warning he was gonna give. He ran toward the biggest girl (Blueberry) snapped his fangs right in front of her face and laughed loudly into her face. He fell back again and circled them once again. There was no leaving now, they had entered the dragon's domain. No one left the dragon's den without a scar to show for it.

Or was it their life? He couldn't remember.
175 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Thank you. I don't know what inspired my parents to give me that name, but I am happy with it." She found herself opening up, slowly. Not feeling as shy. Plus, the pain in her jaw was starting to subside. "I was born here in the Wilds. I'm trying to find..." Before she could continue her sentence, something, or rather, someone, shattered the peace.

The monstrous wolf came barging in straight out of nowhere. Laughing sinisterly, circling the two young girls. Malila shrank back, dwarfed by him. Then he charged, going right for Blueberry. Instantly she was reminded of the time, not long ago in Rivenwood, when a stranger had appeared in the heart of the territory. She had been alone. Froze in place, unsure of what to do. 

With a terrified screech as he snapped his jaws in front of her new acquaintance's face, Malila felt a surge of anger as he laughed. "W-what the hell?! jerk!" She was never one for conflict. She would sooner run away from a fight than face one. What's worse, she had zip in any formal training. She leapt, hoping only to push at him with her paws. Then, if given the chance to rebound, she'd turn to try and usher Blueberry in the direction of the closest exit.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
And, uh, now for something completely different?

Just as she was actually making a friend, a strange, lanky shadow entered stage left, cackling. Her brows drew together, concerned. Was he crazy, like that one lady with the skull?

Apparently so. She was about to ask him that question when he lunged toward her, teeth clacking maybe a paw's length from her face. Close enough that she felt his spittle spatter her cheeks, warm and sour-smelling.

Blueberry was scared, yes—but she was also Screech's daughter, God help her.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, YOU CREEP! she bellowed, tail lashing behind her. She saw Malila surged forward and she, too, charged, jaws wide, hoping to jab an incisor in one of those staring blue eyes.