Emberwood Sundew [m]
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess

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She couldn’t fight it.

Despite the aching in her heart, she turned away from her broken marriage, and pulled from a mind hazy with longing a narrative that put her as the one who had been spurned. It didn’t matter now that she had been the one to leave- he had turned his back on her when he refused to follow.

Now, she had been sent out to find others- and she searched relentlessly. Not only for potential packmates, but now with renewed fervour for someone who might not just become a part of the pack, but who might help grow it as well.

Her song was a thread of silk, splitting the golden hour. Through the Emberwood she strode, leaving behind markings and calling for someone who might attend to her. 

She would judge them when they came- but for now, she summoned the vast wilderness for any stranger who might seem fit in her eyes.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He'd meant to go no further than the marsh. Kel's intentions didn't seem to have much bearing on reality these days, though. The scent and the calls drew him through the wetland and into the Emberwood with paws muddied and pelt in disarray from carelessly brushing through whatever foliage was in his path. He thought many things as he followed, overwhelmed by a looming sense of helplessness.
He remembered none of them by the time he found her. Tall and pale and shrouded in a pack scent he did not know. Kel slowed before he got too close, self-conscious now, aware of his untidy state and the fact that she would know what brought him here. She would know how little control he had over himself. This was forbidden and he knew it. That thought was enough to halt him, but not enough to turn him back, and so at first he only chuffed hesitantly and tapered his pursuit to a slow stop.
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She weighed the man who drew near in many ways, measuring out by eye and nose what might be his assets and drawbacks. 

First and foremost, he smelled of others- and not of a pack she recognized. She’d strayed far from her home in the process of seeking recruits, far enough perhaps she had come closer to packs who would never be close enough to become either allies or enemies. 

But to steal a man from a pack…It could create bad blood. But if he went willingly,  perhaps they might be forgiven.

In looks, she found him handsome. Perhaps not as tall or broad as she might have preferred- as she aspired for her children to be giants among wolves- but there was strength in agility too. And not all of her children would need to be soldiers. 

There was also the matter of his appearance- and he looked as if he’d taken no pride in keeping himself tidy. The timidity she sensed in his stance, as well, lacked the authority she hoped to see. 

She would let him down, then- but gently.

”I’m not looking for someone from another pack.” She clarified, clearing her throat. Some part of her felt desperate and helpless, faced with her impossible standards, and desired him nonetheless- but she could silence that need for now. 

Or, at least, she could try. The wilderness within her sought any opportunity- and begged her to gentle her posture slightly- as though willing him to beg her to change her mind.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel felt her gaze as keenly and sharply as a knife cutting into the deepest parts of him. He was reminded of Erzulie, the way she had seemed to see right through him. Discomfort washed away any desire he might have felt, and it was with relief that he noted the lessening of nature's pull on him. He was being judged, he felt, and did not like it.
But he had brought it on himself. Of course he didn't blame her for having standards. He nodded slowly as she spoke, almost rejoining with something thoughtless like I can't have children anyway, or you could do better. Kel caught himself just in time, though what came out in the end was no less clueless than the other options. Do you want me to leave? His voice was quiet but level. He made no move to leave for now.
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess
he seemed to wilt some under the scrutiny of her gaze, so she softened some. Instinct bade her to look upon him again, with a more appealing gaze, eyes that might see through a rose-tinted lens. She did not have to look hard to see some potential in him, beneath the ill-kept chocolate and chestnut of his pelt. 

He gave her an option- and when given a choice, her instincts were quick to steal her tongue. ”Yes.” She said, and drew nearer to him a step. ”Leave your pack; and come with me.”
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
His mouth went dry. Kel wanted to retreat from her, but was held in place by some invisible force. This wasn't how things went; this wasn't the narrative he normally clung to. It didn't matter just then whether she saw something special in him or if she was just stringing him along. The latter seemed a stronger possibility than the former, but ultimately it just wasn't relevant. Either way, Kel was unused to this kind of attention.
Where? He asked before he could think about it, his voice lowering in pitch as his newfound control began to slip almost as soon as he'd found it. Nothing in him wished to abandon Riverclan, or Crowfeather — or Faun! — but these things seemed so far away now that they were only fleeting thoughts and flashes of guilt. It passed him by rather quickly, and then he was only focused on the woman with eyes that reminded him of Willowspire.
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She thought she saw him tremble, which caused her to soften her gaze, she sat, then, having been given the impression he might have been feeling overwhelmed. He seemed young- perhaps not yet a father, and inexperienced in the presence of one who likely stirred new feelings within him. 

They could address those feelings later, perhaps.

”A hallowed place,” She said. ”Chosen for us, by the Old Gods- a place of peace, benevolence, and honour where we abide by noble virtues.” She said. ”What is your name?” She asked, aiming momentarily to address something that would likely be more comfortable and familiar to him.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Some part of him was still afraid, and that part only grew stronger as she began to speak of gods. Kel was never quite sure how to feel about religion. Some of it seemed, to him, rooted heavily in mental unwellness. Other times it wasn't so bad, but he still found himself unsettled when confronted by it.
Overall he was finding little appeal in this woman aside from her scent and her enchanting green eyes — but the chance to be a father...
It was forbidden. He had to remind himself of that, but he couldn't think clearly with that scent all around... Kel. And if I follow you... then what? There was only curiosity in his tone, though he knew he wasn't doing a great job at hiding his nerves. There was nothing Kel hated more than uncertainty. This situation held quite a bit of it — because romance, desire, those were things he'd never dared to touch and still would not reach for. He wasn't sure if that was what she wanted, but he knew it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted children, and for the first time he was daring to allow himself that want. Just a little, before he turned back for Riverclan.
It wasn't as if he'd actually leave them, he thought, mostly to reassure himself.
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She sensed some reservation. He had ties already. He might be leery of abandoning those he cared about, especially when it meant going somewhere unknown. She saw it as opportunity- but that was simply because she was in the know, and she knew the value in choosing to become a part of Hjlodrfell. 

”What do you desire, Kel?” She asked, with a light fluttering of her eyelashes. He seemed at least somewhat interested- which was an indication that he did not have too many roots to pull up from his current home. And if he could be persuaded at least to talk, then perhaps he might also come to realize that he might want more than what he already had. 

Solveig knew her pack could possibly offer him what he desired- if he wanted the kind of life that she felt was ideal.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
What I want... Kel hesitated, his eyes darkening with sorrow. Is impossible. And I shouldn't have wasted your time. I apologize. I can't give you children. Knowing what it meant, the taint they would carry through his blood — and if he should produce a son — !
Even if he did not believe that men were inherently weak, untrustworthy creatures until tested and proven otherwise, Kel had proven himself exactly that. When faced with the opportunity to become more... he had run. And that was why The Evergarden was closed to him forever; why he would never be the father any child deserved.
I hope you find what you're looking for, He offered quietly; parting words, and then he turned to take his leave. If he stayed here another moment, he knew he would lose this sudden resolve.