Dawn Treader Valley Keep Going
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
She stirs. The restless energy within her never able to stay quiet for long. Alas burning energy was far less fun alone than with those around you. And at present, she had no one. 

She couldn't pinpoint what happened. One moment she was a part of Paleo, a budding healer striving for more adventure. The next she was roaming, seeking something beyond definition, or perhaps something unattainable. By the time she returned, there was nothing left.

Angry with herself she moved south, an area of the wilds she had yet to venture in her lone days. Forcing fate to take her, no plan... not even a mission other than to have no mission. But that was boring. A folktale with no suspense, and she was made for the suspense.

Bounding through the tall grass of the valley she sprints. Forcing her weight into the ground as her paws hit the soil below and pushes herself, the dial on high... with a goal of continuing until she no longer can, or something else crosses her path.
86 Posts
Ooc —
The oasis faded into the distance and with it, his dreams of establishing a stronghold in the middle of the desert, where creatures could come to trade goods and services for a drink of water. Perhaps such things weren't meant to be bartered, and perhaps he had been a bad man to even think of demanding a price for something that could save a wolf's life. 

Gemstones sparkled high in the air, tucked away safely in a vulture's nest. He'd stashed the rest with the carrion-eater, promising infrequent meals as he travelled whenever the creature circled him overhead. Ruefully, he wondered if he too might become a meal for the bird, and how ironic it might be to pay the price with his own body. 

The sand was cooler where the grasses grew, so he headed off in the direction of a place that would not sap him of energy. With the seasons changing, even the deserts became more tolerable- but it surprised him nevertheless to see a wolf bounding with such energy through the valley. 

No stones weighing her soul down, he thought.
32 Posts
Ooc — Twin
People. Foreigners, barbarians, in his claim;
The creek cuts the valley in half, and he had been up to his elbows in it when he felt the thunder of paws against the ground, the smell of strangers. Wolven. Two of them; were they here together? Were they related to that strange girl Andromache had dragged in?
Instinctively, he rolls up to the shore with a shake of oilslick fur. His head tips in a call: I am here, this is my land. Not a challenge, nor a threat; but not a welcome either. They may come to him if they wish.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Apologies for the wait

In her ears was her own breath. The sound of her huffing and puffing to keep up with the rapid beating of her heart. Along with the rustling of grass brushing past her coat and crunching under her feet. But then something new, a howl, and Paeon slowed down and listened.

'I am here, this is my land' Neither a threat or an invitation, but a statement of fact.

She stayed still for a moment and when she was sure the message was completed she made the decision to seek them out. Unsure of what to expect she made the assumption that it wouldn't hurt her to find out.

The call coming from downwind she turned and began trotting in said direction. Still oblivious to the additional set of eyes following her from a distance within the meadow. (Tumbleweed)