"MIETTE!" He screamed.
A storm rattled limbs. He screamed- called again, again and again as he walked deeper and deeper through the tangle.
Winds blew violently on his coat, and there was him, he of Sapphique, soaked by rainfall. Though, home had always felt outlandish, he had never felt more alone than he did now. Trees that did not speak to him, waves from the sky that did not cradle him. Grass that did not bend to him, and creatures that stared and watched with glowing eyes, scattering calls. The arms of vines and thorns that tried to rip his fur out.
He did not lie.
He would not do nothing.
He would find his sister.
With or without his pack.
Frigid rain iced his skin. Thibault would not shiver. He would not go back. He would find his sister, he would find--
Thunder struck the earth as an arrow from cupid, drowning his screams and cries. He wanted his sister. He wanted to find Astera. Wanted to help. Step by step, the tides child walked into an earth not his own. Feet too big for his body, ears that were shivering and trembling with the roar of the earth.
A cracking voice, breaking further and further with each call, but he would not stop. Could not stop.
A storm rattled limbs. He screamed- called again, again and again as he walked deeper and deeper through the tangle.
Winds blew violently on his coat, and there was him, he of Sapphique, soaked by rainfall. Though, home had always felt outlandish, he had never felt more alone than he did now. Trees that did not speak to him, waves from the sky that did not cradle him. Grass that did not bend to him, and creatures that stared and watched with glowing eyes, scattering calls. The arms of vines and thorns that tried to rip his fur out.
He did not lie.
He would not do nothing.
He would find his sister.
With or without his pack.
Frigid rain iced his skin. Thibault would not shiver. He would not go back. He would find his sister, he would find--
Thunder struck the earth as an arrow from cupid, drowning his screams and cries. He wanted his sister. He wanted to find Astera. Wanted to help. Step by step, the tides child walked into an earth not his own. Feet too big for his body, ears that were shivering and trembling with the roar of the earth.
A cracking voice, breaking further and further with each call, but he would not stop. Could not stop.
November 17, 2023, 12:10 AM
(This post was last modified: November 17, 2023, 12:11 AM by Maleah.)
Miette was still missing, and Thibault was not alone, whether he realized it or not.
The longer the absence stretched, the more the worry churned at Maleah's stomach. Miette was not her daughter, but she was always there. Always crowing over her shoulder, always watching with eyes wide as marbles; came to her with questions peeped in that childlike, wondrous tone. Attached at her hip. Maleah had even been considering making her an apprentice, of sorts, before she had been —
And Astera, too, was still gone. Gone, swept to sea, and the thought that they may perhaps never find her body ruptured the ever-growing crack in the calm façade.
The search was tireless. The seawolves spread out wider and wider, and still, there was nothing. Not a clump of hair or a trace of scent, not a print in the ruddy loam. And now Thibault had gone after her himself. He had gone into the tangle.
The longer the absence stretched, the more the worry churned at Maleah's stomach. Miette was not her daughter, but she was always there. Always crowing over her shoulder, always watching with eyes wide as marbles; came to her with questions peeped in that childlike, wondrous tone. Attached at her hip. Maleah had even been considering making her an apprentice, of sorts, before she had been —
And Astera, too, was still gone. Gone, swept to sea, and the thought that they may perhaps never find her body ruptured the ever-growing crack in the calm façade.
The search was tireless. The seawolves spread out wider and wider, and still, there was nothing. Not a clump of hair or a trace of scent, not a print in the ruddy loam. And now Thibault had gone after her himself. He had gone into the tangle.
Thibault!his name became intermingled with the shrieks of Miette! and Sobeille! and Astera!; with him, at least, Maleah had a trail, and it sank deeper and deeper into the treacherous wild.
Thibault, please!
November 17, 2023, 12:21 AM
Maleah's voice was drowned in the song of the sky.
CRACK, as the sky wailed.
He missed her so. Oh, so dearly, he missed her so. Distant did not mean he did not love, distant did not mean he did not miss her. Every day, and every night that passed, he felt an ache that grew, grew and grew. There was a special kind of love that ran there, that only a shared mother could bring, and that was the unconditional heart he had for his sister. She was still his sister.
Never had he walked beyond pack borders.
Farther he went, farther from home, and farther to find his sister. Even Astera, somewhere, she was a sister. Family. What was happening to his family?
Footsteps creaked into his ears, and his name, he heard her- he heard Maleah, 'Thibault, please!'
So, he had been followed. Thibault didn't dare look back, and though he did not run, his walk was fast, flinching only to the sounds of thunder. "I'm finding my sister!" he yelled to Maleah! Frantic. Naive. He missed her.
CRACK, as the sky wailed.
He missed her so. Oh, so dearly, he missed her so. Distant did not mean he did not love, distant did not mean he did not miss her. Every day, and every night that passed, he felt an ache that grew, grew and grew. There was a special kind of love that ran there, that only a shared mother could bring, and that was the unconditional heart he had for his sister. She was still his sister.
Never had he walked beyond pack borders.
Farther he went, farther from home, and farther to find his sister. Even Astera, somewhere, she was a sister. Family. What was happening to his family?
Footsteps creaked into his ears, and his name, he heard her- he heard Maleah, 'Thibault, please!'
So, he had been followed. Thibault didn't dare look back, and though he did not run, his walk was fast, flinching only to the sounds of thunder. "I'm finding my sister!" he yelled to Maleah! Frantic. Naive. He missed her.
November 24, 2023, 03:36 PM
The sky is enraged; an ugly, stewing indigo lashes from between the treetops. Her scent is metallic and tinged with rain.
Thibault, rete!
Running, lunging between burrs, until she can swoop down and snip her teeth toward his nape in the hopes of grabbing him; in the hopes of stopping him from meeting a similar fate. Sapphique was not to lose another child.
You can't do it alone, Thibault. Please!
December 07, 2023, 07:08 PM
When he stopped, through the cries of Maleah and the wretched ones of his own and deafening thunder, he collapsed.
Drowned by frustration and confusion. Never had he been this far, and never did he want it to be for such a reason as this. Never did he believe he would be without his sister. Even Astera. Too young to fully grasp the potential of loss. In his mind, if they searched long enough, they would come. But they had not.
”Where do dey be goin’!?” And too young to realize he had no game plan for this. Only to find. But food? Shelter? Water? Lost?
Drowned by frustration and confusion. Never had he been this far, and never did he want it to be for such a reason as this. Never did he believe he would be without his sister. Even Astera. Too young to fully grasp the potential of loss. In his mind, if they searched long enough, they would come. But they had not.
”Where do dey be goin’!?” And too young to realize he had no game plan for this. Only to find. But food? Shelter? Water? Lost?
gonna tack an endcap on this for trade purposes <3 if u ever wanna un-archive this just lmk!!
oh, thibault.
the boy crumbled to the floor as lightning snapped above. maleah, too, crouched to be beside him now that she was not snapping for his heels like a wild dog.
she forces a sigh from deep in her chest as she huddles beside him in a feeble attempt at sheltering him from the rain. this poor boy. when she looks at him, she sees herself. scared, lonesome — life did not come with a handbook.
the boy crumbled to the floor as lightning snapped above. maleah, too, crouched to be beside him now that she was not snapping for his heels like a wild dog.
we don't know, sweetheart,she croons.
but we'll find your sisters, okay? i promise.
she forces a sigh from deep in her chest as she huddles beside him in a feeble attempt at sheltering him from the rain. this poor boy. when she looks at him, she sees herself. scared, lonesome — life did not come with a handbook.
how about we go find maman, yeah? we talk to her?maleah watches for his nod of approval, even if it does not come for a while. she holds his hand on the way home, soft hums and croons to keep his ears away from the howling thunder and the growing sense of terror that built within sapphique.
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