Dawnlark Plains ~Along I go to the shore of memory….~
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
All Welcome 
Two days past and she is now nearing the coast little by little, anyone who may know something about John’s whereabouts may step in and muse her.

The coast, little by little, she could smell it frequenting the air. She was still in a plain, so she found an old hallowed out log and managed to make it well enough just for a small shelter. She set her rations inside, and went out to look for herbs that may be used for any reason. There were plenty of larks here, singing their morning songs. It pleased her, but made her think of the times when mom would sing hymns to her and John before bed.

She reveled in these soft memories, almost dreaming of them and Johns presence. She let them go, slowly slipping away. She turned her attention to the world around her, the larks had stopped singing for a brief moment…. She listened too around her, was someone there? Something perhaps, not just a mysteriously soft voice on the wind?
~A heart full of love~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
There were no rolling hills here. Cassian's gaze fell upon the world and in turn the world stared back at him with its verdant pastures. Here, it was eerie just how accentuated every single minor detail was. Off in the distance, a clump of limestone and its rotten stench wafting within the gentle coils of the wind. Further to the right, pools of muddied water from a recent rain that fell over the terrain and the petrichor that it brought forth was far more welcome than that of the ladder of the two. Oh, and far over to the left, there was a log. Moss grew atop it, coupled with some stray insects coiling around its protruding bark no doubt.

"This looks like a good place to rest for now. My paws are a bit sore from all the walking I've been doing, honestly!"

His voice was gentle, yet carefree at the same time. The sun-kissed wolf sauntered on over and leaned up against the spot he deemed safe enough to seek a brief respite in. Down he plopped, going so far as to lean up against the bark, only to hear it creak, groan, and eventually snap beneath his weight. Evidently, it was far older than he'd initially given it credit for. This revelation wrought forth genuine surprise from the situation that arose and caused Cassian to jolt up onto all fours. With the crack that formed in the middle, there was now a big enough window to see what lay inside.

Another wolf. Their eyes, golden like the honey that flowed from a beehive. Curious as could be, Cassian took steps forward, the moist dirt caving under the weight of his paws, before his snout pressed up and against the crack. A deep, heavy set of sniffs that grew progressively quicker as time passed by. They smelled...about as fantastical as a wolf that trudged the plains could, honestly.

"Hey! I didn't see you there. Isn't that uncomfortable?" He asked, a genuine inquisitiveness coating his usually calm, friendly tone. Then, his nose butted against the crack again, this time making it larger than it previously had been. "I don't know about you, but that sure scared me! I guess I should add checking logs to my list of things to do now, huh? Say, you're not with a pack, are you? I smell a few around here and if you're with them I think it might be best if I start leaving now. I don't really want to get marked to bits and pieces just for stepping over some imaginary, harmless line, you know?"
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
She woke, sharply. She heard a crack, and a groan from the log’s outside exterior. What had happened, she crawled out of the log, her makeshift home as flimsy as it was.

She shook, getting the bits and pieces of moss and grime off of her fur. She turned around, a young man standing there…. He had no doubt caught her scent. It took her a moment to stand and realize it. She faced him now, this was no threat, just another soul wandering just as she was.

He spoke, kind and carefree. Charming even. 

“A little,” she chuckled to herself, smiling, “At least it has a much better window.” She should thank him for finding her, as it was indeed getting a little bit lonely in that old log. He continued on about a pack and other scents, “No, I am not with a pack…. I am new here and know no others yet, what is your name?” He was right, it would be a shame if one got torn to pieces while unknowingly stepping on wrong land. 

Could he be looking for someone too? He seemed very friendly, she herself is friendly. So maybe they could benefit from one another. “There is no need to leave, I haven’t picked up any other wolf scents nearby so I’d assume we’re fine.”
~A heart full of love~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
"You could say that," Cassian responded, in regards to the window bit. A shoddy window at best, but a window nonetheless into the outside world. Now, she was outside of the makeshift home. The bits and pieces of gunk that once matted her fur were free of their temporary grip and she stood before him with a friendly disposition. Something that had begun to make a habit of itself with the encounters of wolves he'd come across since losing his memory. It was...welcomed, how gentle they could be when it came to crossing paths with somebody that was not exactly born of normal circumstances to begin with.

When she mentioned that she was not with a pack, the wolf's ears lopped on over to the side as a sign of relaxation. This one in particular had yet to cross into an opposing faction's territory, being eerily careful of them since his first warning. "It's good to know you're also riding solo! My name is Cassian! I don't know my last name, that part didn't stick around, but at least I've got my first name, haha!"

It was comical to him. Something he'd taken in carefree stride because, at the end of the day, there was nothing that could be done about it in the first place. Ramming his head into hard objects in an attempt to regain what was once lost led him nowhere save for a place full of aching, throbbing pain. She went on to speak about there being no other nearby wolf scents and, as an act of trust, Cassian sat down, now peering at her with his curious, warm brown eyes.

"I'll stay around for a bit, then! My feet are sore from all the aimless walking I've been doing, anyways. I don't really know the area all too well so I've been sticking around some areas for a few days to try and commit it as best as I can to memory before hauling tail somewhere else! There isn't all too much here, though. Just plains, as far as I can see! I can faintly make out some outlines of mountains and a stream, but they seem way too far away to really be worth it right now. What's got you out here in thick neck of the...uh...grass? Oh! And what's your name?"
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Fair enough, she nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Cassian.” He spoke of learning the area to memory, she knew that feeling well since she was very new here, he asked what she was doing here, she answered in earnest. “I’ve noticed that too, though they are beautiful plains I am making my way to the coast in search of my brother who has been missing…. It took her a minute, oh, her name, “Oh, my name is Adah.”

“I’ve come from upper Canada, which is quite cold compared to here. It’s nice and warm here, many more plains.” She explained, perhaps he would follow her to the coast. Though, clearly he has his own free will of travel, she only offer.
~A heart full of love~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
It's a pleasure to meet you Cassian.

Well, that was oddly nice of them! A pleasure? Cassian didn't view meeting himself as a pleasure. If anything, the wolf would've surmised that someone running into his path typically started off with confusion and sort of just stagnated there. Oh well! This was just a positive experience he could take mental note of. Something that Cassian would be able to maybe reference back on for future scenarios, too. A bigger case study was needed to know exactly what made this pleasurable, though.

She went on to speak. Her voice a steady, informative vessel for the information that she imparted him with. A brother? Did Cassian have any brothers? The thought rang through his mind; but, like most others, it died off within seconds without an answer. At some point in time, perhaps he did. As such, Cassian couldn't really sympathize all too well with this situation. Though, it didn't mean he couldn't learn. There was a gentle disposition to his voice. Then, she spoke of Canada. A place the wolf had never heard of before.

"It's...colder than it is here? That sounds awful, haha!"

The plains offered decent enough weather.

"But maybe it isn't all too bad? Also, what's it like having a brother? I don't think I have any siblings. You say he's missing....what makes you say that? What if he's just nearby and you missed his scent or something like that? Even if he is gone, why bother searching for him? Can't you just find someone else to spend your time with?"

Genuine questions. Others might have said them with malice, but the manner in which he asked them were purely inquisitive in nature. A stark contrast when paired with how most would handle this situation simply because he truly did not know or have any relatable experiences to bounce this back off of.
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
“Yes, much colder especially higher north.” It had only been about a week or two since she left, so it was quite the temp change. Though nights here were very similar to days up there.

He continued, steadily speaking, generally inquisitive. She had never met anyone with quite a bustling curiosity… did he have family here too? He had originally mentioned he had no last name to recall, so perhaps a number of things have happened. He spoke again, asking her what it’s like to have a brother, and then that maybe it’s not so bad… he was right, she had to really think on this one. “It’s wonderful having a brother, though at times we may not have always agreed.” What makes him missing? “He was taken away by large two legged things, I could do nothing myself without risk of getting taken too.” Could she have missed John’s scent somewhere? Had he indeed walked this route before her? These were all valid self questions for her to take in, to truly think about. John would offered to pray over the questions and hope in faith for an earnest answer.

Even if he is gone, why both searching for him? Can’t you just find someone else to spend your time with? 

This question struck her, “I-I…. Don’t know?” She wondered, did Cassian need someone to spend time with, could a greater force have brought them together for a reason? She had to ask, she felt so compelled. “Cassian, would you spend time with me? Travel with me to the coast?” “Of course, you may say no… it’s at your own discretion.”

She realized that no two wolves would be well off alone, and with the current state of her log, she may have to find somewhere else sooner rather than later. Did he know a place to stay? He seemed like someone that John would’ve liked had he been here now, John wouldn’t want her to be alone for any longer.
~A heart full of love~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Cassian, would you spend time with me?

The answer to that question in particular was an easy enough. It was a yes.

Travel with me to the coast?

That one, even easier.

"I've never been to the coast before. Is it fun? You can guide the way! I'll follow. I know I can say no, but this seems better than being alone all the time so I don't see why I wouldn't tag along with you. Thank you for the offer! Say, is there different food to eat at the coast? I had some frogs a while back and they were really juicy, but the texture was just...weird. So, I try not to eat them if I don't have to!"

She seemed nice enough. Warm, too. The woman radiated with an energy that was hospitable and that was all it took to convince Cassian. There were no ill memories within the wolf when it came to regarding others with caution so that was what led him to taking this offer with reckless abandon. A pair would work better, anyways. It would be more mouths to feed, but it was safer. Travelling alone, as Cassian had come to find out, was just not exactly the most entertaining thing one could actively engage in.

"Maybe we'll find your brother? Oh, maybe we can even go up north, too! I've never been up to any place that's super cold like you were explaining earlier. We'll go to some fun places, right?"
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Are you good to end the thread after this? I’ve got a busy couple days coming up :) I would love to thread again soon
He said yes…. This she was not expecting, but it was more than welcome! She was glad that he agreed, he knew that it would be fun and that they were both better together. Points made that they were two mouths to feed, but then again two can hunt better than one. “You are very welcome, and thank you for coming.” They were two fully capable adult wolves, they could take care of themselves.
“I have seldom been to the coast, but I’m sure there are many cliffs and vast oceans. Perhaps my brother will be there, that’s the hope!!” “Perhaps there will be fish, a common food where I am from, next to red meats.” She felt a feeling, of relief to have another wolf with her, blessed? Was that what John would have called it? “I’m sure those were interesting, I’ve never had frog and clearly they must not be a popular dish eh?”

He himself radiated an energy, energetic.. curious, and..kind. She thought of her brother’s more playful side as a pup. “We should find a resting place, then head out in the morning.” “Do you know of anywhere beside an old rickety log?”
~A heart full of love~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
"Haha, no problem! I don't see a reason as to why I shouldn't join, you know? You're so nice about everything and I think it would be a nice experience, is all!"

Being around another individual had its own, vast appeal. Cassian was a grown, adult wolf, yes, but the wolf lacked a variety of experiences in the game that was known as life. A game that, well, essentially reset for him some few moons ago. Now, however, there was a soul kind enough to take him in. Somebody that would, in one way or another, grant him with new memories to lock into his mind. Things that he could, hopefully, one day look upon with a fond gaze.

She went on to speak, her voice softer than the willows he'd passed by on the way to this location. Fish? Why, he'd never thought about attempting to catch those pesky mongrels before. They were slippery. Evasive. Oh, and the one time he tried they ended up slapping him silly across the cheeks for even fathoming such a hapless thought into existence! It was such a humorous situation, in fact, that he was capable of looking back upon it with glee.

"I've tried catching fish before. They aren't exactly the easiest things to get ahold of! Slippery little bastards that love to mock you for even trying. That must mean you're experienced in catching them, yeah? You should teach me!"

Enthusiastic. Brimming with the ability and capacity for grabbing foot of things that were beyond his reach with shameless fervor.

The conversation routed over to a place to head to for brief respite. Cassian's head tilted to the right, then to the left, and a frown found its home around his countenance.

"Do I know of anywhere besides this log? Uh...no! I don't. I normally just sleep out in some bushes, or a cave, if I'm lucky. I don't know this area all too well, haha! But! I'm sure we could find something? Here, follow my lead! I'll help you on this one and then you can pay me back with the fish thing later on, okay?"

Up he rose, and then off he went, northbound. Fueled on solely hopes and dreams of finding someplace for himself and Adah. What a nice name.

"While we're walking, why don't you tell me more about your brother? He must've been some guy for you to be searching for him alone until you ran into me. How long has it been since he was gone? What was his name? What's it like having a sibling?"
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
I’ll archive after this last post, awesome thread! Slow fade time. :)

“You’re so nice” he said, and she knew at this moment, her mother had done a good job. She had raised a good girl.

 He himself was a nice young man, a childlike curiosity which was charming. Clearly he was alone, so was she. A friend for each other, a comrade, one to help the other in their ventures.. however long that may last. He didn’t know of any place to stay, so they went on about their way. 

It was settled, they would go northwest to the coast of sequoia. She would repay him with fishing, she knew some from when her brother would pull one or two from the local lakes and rivers back home. Sometimes puddles if they were lucky, yet sometimes she would drop them back in, feeling pity for them. Frozen…. In a puddle. Poor fish. “I will,” she said gleefully with a small relaxed smile.

“I guess we’ll get there when we get there.” “That’s all part of the journey right?”

They trotted on…. He went on about fish, she understood how fast they were. Then, John. He asked about John, what it was like having a brother. Who was he? She could only answer however best she could. How could one describe such an honest, wholesome man as he? “His name was- is John. He was taken away a year ago by long legged things, never to return. I waited, and the family waited too…. Until we assumed he was gone.” She remembered it like it was yesterday, she hated breaking the news to her father and mother. However, she would vow to find him that very next year. And here she was, and with help along the way too. How pleasant. “A holy man, a believer in a higher being that creates us all and cares for us equally. He also fishes quite a bit more than I, he’s good at it too, at least I remember so.” Why did she want to find him? To bring him home perhaps? No…. She couldn’t do that. This was likely his home now, yes she would offer to him, but no, he would likely not accept. Knowing her brothers stubborn pup side. “He is kind as well, always looking to care for someone, much like myself.” “He was a shepherd, the world was his flock of sheep. Whether they liked it or not”

She turned to him for a minute, then turned to walk in front of before her “Thank you Cassian, for enlightening me, and coming with me. I really appreciate it….”
~A heart full of love~