Qeya River diver
5 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Though he still hated the River, he tried to take his father's advice. In the mornings he found his way to the shallow banks and set himself to the task of learning how to fish. Not only would he be able to provide for his parents and sister, but he would learn how to take care of himself enough that when he did go back, no one would argue he wasn't strong enough or big enough or ready enough to go.

So far, though, his efforts had been less than stellar, and he surfaced from the water with a gasp. Droplets flew about him and the fish sped away, silvered fins glinting in the soft glow of dawn. Shoot! Darrow plunged forward with a clap of his paws, but he hit empty water and slick river rock. 

He stumbled, and fell headlong into the shallow bank.

37 Posts
Ooc — metic
sparrow had been stumbling out of the nearby shrubbery with a bloody nose and a mean scowl when he happened across the older boy. he'd had an unfortunate start to his morning and without any nearby siblings to take out his bad attitude on, sparrow eyed up the only visible punching bag in the area. 

he rounded to the side of the embankment when the little fisherman took a spill. "ha, looosseerr," he teased through a menacing cackle. most of sparrow's littermates had learned to either clock him in the head or outright ignore his antics, but unfortunately for darrow, he was a new toy to be broken in.