Ouroboros Spine With every passing moment,
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
All Welcome 
She had returned to Moonglow, as she'd wanted to for a while now. Though her wish was granted and cause of her content, the village had been in a time of mourning. It was best to tread carefully.

It would also be best if she went out later to collect some herbs, in preparation for the ritual of loss. She had not done so since the loss of her children, and didn't think she'd be preforming another so soon. Centri, in truth, didn't desire another reminder of how she failed as a mother, bit it was the least the fae could do. This was her home now, soon to be her family -- to do nothing was to waste away.

The edge of a familiar-looking lake came to veiw as her toes treaded just shy of the shores, and allowed the wadding waters to cool off her paws. It was pretty hot today....
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
my mind turns your life into folklore
133 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Moving to present day with permission! Set for August 4th.

Earlier in the day, one of her teeth had begun to wiggle, and she was quite fond of the newfound discovery. She often pressed her tongue against it to get it moving, which was entertaining, but after some serious roughhousing between her tooth and tongue, she pushed it hard enough to make it start bleeding. While it didn't hurt, she knew blood wasn't a good thing, and she began to fret over her tooth. 

With a mouth-full of blood, she headed in the direction of the lake. It was closer than her parent's  or the healing dens, and she figured she could wash it out and assess the situation before getting an adult involved. She was a big kid, after all, and felt she could handle this on her own.  Or so she thought she could. 

There was another wolf there when she arrived—a stranger—but she paid little mind to her. Instead, she paused nearby, spitting out the blood she'd been holding in her mouth on the shore. Upon inspecting the spit pile, she noticed something else there: her tooth.

She let out a piercing scream and gazed in horror at the ground.
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
One minute, she'd been staring into the lake. The next, at the child that fast-approched.

A little blonde girl, who couldn't have been older than a couple months, approached the shores with a purpose unbeknownst to her. Tri always had a soft spot when it came to kids, and couldn't sheild the soft, greeting smile that lit her face upon seeing the golden fawn. Though she seemed too preoccupied with her own business to notice Tri's presence.

Before she could even mutter a hello, she spit. A viscous, red liquid dripped from the pup's lips -- likely blood -- which alarmed the flower fae and caused her smile to vanish. Following an ear-peicing scream, the woman immediately rushed over to where the young girl stood.

What happened, are you okay!? 
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
my mind turns your life into folklore
133 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"What happened, are you okay!?" Centri asked. 

After the question was asked, there was a moment of quiet as Nantahala stared at Centri with her bloodied lip trembling. M-MY TOOTH!!! she cried out as she regained her voice. IT'S ON THE GROUND!!! Why had it fallen out? Why was there blood? She had more questions than she had answers. 

I DON'T KNOW WHY IT'S THERE??? as she elaborated, tears formed in her eyes and her voice broke.
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
Sorry for the wait! ToT

Centri’s ears folded back, as if reminded that there was a reason why she’d been alarmed in the first place. For someone so small, this young girl sure had a voice on her. The woman could have sworn she heard a flock of birds take off in the distance, too.

The flower nymph looked down and, surely enough, her tooth had been on the ground — likely why she’d been bleeding profusely in the first place. Are you sure you didn’t fall and hit your head earlier? This just happened out of the blue? Strangely enough, knowing more information on what happened calmed her down a little.

Just a little. There was still a bloody mess around them.
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"