Swiftcurrent Creek A Proper Young Lady Does Not Bite.
Swiftcurrent Creek
20 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
tags are for reference <3

By now Leonore understood that @Suzu or @Etienne were always nearby, which usually kept her on her best behaviour. Usually. Growing comfortable walking further from the den, her growing little legs had taken on what to her was adventure.

Tail high and waving she dragged along a branch that was far too large for her to carry far, yet the familiar look of frustration in her eyes suggested that she would continue to pull it along despite this. Though on the brighter side of things, it would leave her tired out for her mother.

Small growls sounded out as she went along, likely amusing to spectators yet annoying for her. There were few issues Leonore faced that were bigger than this branch.
Swiftcurrent Creek
72 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Pukei had yet to introduce herself to the pack's newest members. Not out of any ill intent, of course, she just thought it would be wise to give a new mother some space. The puppies were at their most vulnerable before their first moon, and the Delta didn't want to give a bad first impression by barging in somewhere where she was not wanted.

She figured it best to simply wait until she came across them, whenever they were ready to start exploring the Creek...and it seemed today she would meet one of the youngest newcomers – did they still count as a newcomer even if they were born here?

The sound of something being awkwardly dragged through the dirt alerted her first, before Pukei came across the hilarious sight of a small child pulling a ginormous branch to...wherever she planning to go. Who knew what was going on in their tiny heads.

"D'ya need some help there?" she chirped with a laugh, falling into step alongside the struggling girl. Her offer was genuine, but Pukei wondered how many words she actually understood at this age.
Swiftcurrent Creek
20 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Intelligence growing by the day, Leonore had been quick to learn many things, yet her social skills were lacking. She was still testing those around her, learning what was okay to do and what was not.

A stranger had approached, and an offer had been made. What was she meant to do in such a situation? A bit nerve-wracked, she furrowed her brow as she considered.

It would certainly make things easier, but it was her branch. Would the stranger steal it? If they did, what was she to do? Nip at them just as she would to Shark, she supposed.

Releasing the branch from her splintered mouth she made her decision. "Yes." Her vocabulary was limited, but she spoke with enough attitude to communicate her point. She thought so at least.
Swiftcurrent Creek
72 Posts
Ooc — Laur
She was a cute little thing, cloaked in pale fur with her darker guard hairs just barely beginning to grow in, and sharp milk teeth still visible as she answered with a curt yes. It was a decision made after a moment of what looked like deep thought, and Pukei wondered at what the child was internally debating on. Regardless, she was glad the girl allowed some help on her quest. It was an important lesson to learn early on; to always ask for help when struggling with something!

"Great! I'll grab this side then..." she said, padding over to the larger, weightier end of the branch that had been dragging along the ground, before motioning with a paw for the girl to pick her side back up. "And you keep that end. Sound good?" she paused a moment, then quirked one ear with a grin.

"Where were ya heading to with this big 'ol stick, anyways?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
20 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She looked to the other with a frown pasted on her small face as the question was asked. Where was she going? She had yet to decide where her quest would end.

Eyes looking from left to right, she looked back to the path in front of her. "Until maman stops me." That was her honest answer. She did not know enough to have a specific end to her journey, she was only exploring for now.

The branch, however, she planned to take back to the den once she was finished.