Northstar Vale Reviens-moi, mon Petit Agneau
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
Intended for @Chae, however other pledges (@Chesley, @Tousaint,, me) are welcome to join!
With the knowledge that her children were traveling without her of course Viskani had been worried, but when Chaudry arrived without Chae she felt true anxiety for the first time since her arrival. She greeted her older son warmly, yet could not help but feel some frustration towards him. She had left him with the younger boy for a reason; she had trusted him to keep him safe. To keep her baby safe. How was Chaudry to know whether or not Chae was alright if he was here, but Chae was not?

Her brow furrowed with her nerves she paced a few feet back and forth, occasionally pausing in the center. Staring up at the lower rocks Chaudry had climbed over she prayed silently that her younger son would soon do the same. She needed to know that he was alive, that she had not sentenced him to death with this trip as the other's in the mother pack had said.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
134 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Few came to the vale in the mountains- even when he roved beyond the borders, he found the area was not one frequented often by vagrants. In a way, it was good news- a pack of three wolves could easily be rousted from their home by a meager wandering band of five if they envied the vale enough. So long as they remained secretive, they remained safe. Thanks to Gandalf for that advice.

Viskani returned. Another scent appeared along the border where she had come from- one that smelled of wilderness, but also seemed slightly similar. Another son, Tousaint figured; a petty catch for one who had gone scouting for new addition.

Nevertheless, he greeted Viskani with a smile as he approached. Your travels were safe, I ‘ope? He asked, casual and congenial.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Tousaint was not spared a glance as he approached, her mind preoccupied. "No troubles, so I suppose so. I had to return early however - Chesley returned with his brother." She responded, eyes briefly tearing away from the mountains to glance at the boy.

"He did not arrive with my younger son, however. I'm waiting for him." Viskani did not speak of her worries, yet it was clear purely from the look in her eyes. Usually her troubles could be washed away with some preoccupation, but this was not something that she could simply choose not to think about.

He was no longer a puppy, but he was not a man either. He was a boy - a boy who in her mind was not yet ready to be on his own. Chae was never meant to be on his own. She should have brought him with her, she told herself - Chesley and Chaudry could handle themselves, Chae still needed guidance.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
134 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Two of her sons had come- and a third was en route, seemingly left behind. A little bit of family drama might create just enough of a crack that he felt he might be able to fill. 

I can go look, if you like, He offered. I cannot say I know de feeling, but I ‘ave seen ‘ow stressful it can be for a Mot’er to be missing ‘er child. A bit of empathy, whatever he could summon. His mothers had watched many of their children depart, and he saw the same look in Viskani’s eyes that he had seen before.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She was quick to shake her head. There was no need to search. "He will arrive safe - he should not have been for behind." The words were primarily to reassure herself, of course. "I do appreciate the sentiment however."

She thought that Tousaint was sweet, though a little bit sketchy. He did not seem to have any cruel intentions, however, and she was grateful to the boy for taking a chance on them.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
134 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She refused his offer, with such haste that Tousaint was led to believe that she might feel ashamed to accept his help. Her son had failed to bring the other- perhaps she was beginning to lose faith in them.

I am sure ‘e will show up. An’ den you will ‘ave your t’ree sons ‘ere, He said, willing to contribute to the hope that her son may still find his way. Any luck scouting for recruits? He asked.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"None yet." Finally she settled, laying down in a sphinx-like position. "I have spread the new of us however, that is important in it's own right." This was not something she wished to discuss now - there was enough on her mind. She would give him something else to speak of.

She considered their previous conversation with a frown. "Tell me, what is it that you wish to do? The role you desire here now that you have learned what there is to offer." It was something for them both to consider. Ranks were important, and he had spoken of power - but so had Chesley.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
Please read my player preferences here!

If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
134 Posts
Ooc — Jess
It seemed that Viskani’s luck had worn thin. Surely, it was not from lack of effort that her son had failed to show up, and that she had found no willing recruits. She sank to the ground, and he thought he heard something defensive in her tone that warned him away from commenting on what she might have felt was an admittance of failure. 

Criticism was too easy. Starting a pack was hard. 

She questioned him then, about his desire for position. He too sank into a loaf-position on the ground, his forepaws nearly tucked. Dere be only a few of us now; it be foolish of me to ask for a promotion when it be just us…Your sons would not like it, I am sure. ‘Owever- I dis will not last. De fall comes, an’ wid de cold will come dose looking for a home. He said. Something about his gaze sharpened. I would like to be promoted in front of an audience. He said. I ‘ave been ‘ere from de beginning. I ‘unt, patrol, an’ will gat’er ‘erbs for medicines…Where you put me in de ranks, it be your choice. But it should be a rank I deserve. 

He might hold onto his favour just a little longer.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She gave a nod, appearing to be pleased with his words. "Well, I'll be keeping an eye on you then." Pushing herself up to her feet she began to walk away, pausing momentarily.

"I am glad to have you here, Tousaint." She did not wait for the boy to respond before walking off.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
Please read my player preferences here!

If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.