Bearclaw Valley I hold your beating chambers until they beat no more
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Pack Activity 
@Scarlett @Raziel @Néa @Rhythm @Normandy @Outcry @Adlartok @Honihetane
This pack activity is, by no means, mandatory. We do hope many of you will join in, though.
With the success of our weekly back hunt, the wolves were rewarded with the heart of a deer. The pack members will be called to play a game of rugby (or at least something similar) with said heart. Tackling is allowed in the game, things will most likely end up getting competitive, but it's more for fun. Takes place in the open space outside of the maple forest, on the side of the river opposite to boulder path. First round ends on April 12th.

During their most recent hunt, the wolves had managed to bring down a buck. It'd been young and foolish, and, best of all, injured from what was believed to be a fight with another male. The task of bringing it down had been easier than if it'd been matured and healthy, and left the pack with a fine meal. The first few bites after ending it's life had been wonderful, and Kove hoped that it would be just as good even after the passing of a day. He made his way to the cache in which it'd been stored. Once the carcass had been uncovered, and the man had eaten what he'd wanted to, he started to return it to it's previous place. He stopped, however, when he'd caught sight of the best organ—the heart. His head darted in and he went to work with detaching it from the rest of the body.

The first thought that entered his mind once he'd freed it from the inside of the body was to eat it. Then, that was replaced by the idea of an event, a game within the pack. Gently, he took the heart between his maw and started towards an open space, steps careful so as not to damage the soft organ. Not yet, anyways. It was bound to be destroyed over the course of the game, especially if things got competitive. Kove crossed through the river in the shallowest place he could find, and didn't stop until he was farther into the open space on the other side of it. The heart was then placed on the ground as carefully as he could manage, and his head immediately tilted back right after. He called for every member of the pack, then sat down and waited with the life-organ at his paws. Even before anyone arrived, he held a wide grin across his face, excited to do some pack-bonding.
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