The Tangle Lost Puppy
49 Posts
Ooc —

'Uhg, this place gives me the creeps,' Oliver thought to himself as he traversed the barren rock-littered landscape. It seemed as though he was the only thing alive and moving out here, there were no other animals in sight. Not that anything could survive in such a wasteland. Even the trees were all dead, their twisted sun-bleached forms reminding him of bones. One particular tree stood out to him, it's rotting limbs looked like outstretched talons ready to snatch him up. He tore his eyes away. 'I'd better get back,' he said, putting the tree behind him.

He walked for a bit, but the landscape stretched out in front of him with no end in sight. 'It shouldn't be taking this long to get out,' he thought anxiously, as he picked up a leggy trot. His ears twitched and swiveled nervously at every sound and his eyes darted about, trying to pick out anything familiar. Then he found himself back at the tree. He'd gone in a circle.

'Oh shit, I'm lost,' he realized with a jolt of cold fear. He stopped running and tried to remain calm. The rise wasn't too far away, maybe they'd hear him howl for help. But before he could make a sound he heard a creek from the creepy tree. "Someone there?" He squeaked in terror, certain he was about to be devoured by a demon.
Messages In This Thread
Lost Puppy - by oliver1 - July 10, 2015, 07:18 PM
RE: Lost Puppy - by RIP Issun - July 11, 2015, 01:01 PM
RE: Lost Puppy - by oliver1 - July 11, 2015, 04:24 PM