Barrow Fields i would ask, almost insist, on treating you kind and fair
i'm a hold my cards close, i'm a wreck what i love most
123 Posts
Ooc —
im sorry this is wretched i wrote this on my phone whilst playing -.- i kept getting skipped over hueheheh

He sang out and she bobbed her head to and fro, spiritedly, using her foreclaw to surf along air with his mellifluous cadence.

After he finished, Twchyon scampered off to retrieve his execrable wares, returning with it toted betwixt his maw. With the (accurate) foresight that she may not allow him peace with his slop he scuttled away with his back to her. The hellrake did not think this very hospitable of him! She gathered her haunches under her hindend and flung her forefeet through the air, spanking her paws against the mushy loam with frolicsome fervor. "Oh oh! Wait I got one." she crowed, tromping like a standardbred champion over to the hunkered heap of wolf.

"Ah he he hem-- oh it's a haiku.

Puke puke puke puke puke,
Puke puke puke puke puke puke puke,
Puke puke puke puke puke,

She made retching noises, stooped over Tachyon's scrooched-down head as he made short work of the alms hoarded beneath him. High-stepping over his backside she pretended to wobble and stumble, her scruffy breeches collapsing and bearing down square upon his head. Perched there, like a stone-faced gargoyle on his revered watchtower, she snickered, hoping her difficult behavior was imposing on his din-din.

"I crown thee, King Butthead!" she brayed in a deep officiating voice, brow drudged down and hooding her eyes. Subtly peering down at him, Lu rose to her feet slightly, then plopped right back down asudden with the intention of giving him a facefull of moldered flesh on behalf of her tukhus.
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RE: i would ask, almost insist, on treating you kind and fair - by Lusca - November 28, 2015, 06:14 PM