Nimbus Summit you can learn about it soon
19 Posts
Ooc — Laur
All Welcome 
A day had passed, though Remmy was no less relaxed about his surroundings. The mountain loomed over them, its peak invisible and ever-reaching, while around them was nothing but stripped trees and dead grass. Whatever place this was, the boy wasn't sure if it was any better than what they had left behind. Perhaps if they went in a different direction? No, Giancarlo was a good Don, he would find them a place soon.

Keeping positive thoughts at the forefront of his mind, Remmy made his way towards a small path that led up the mountain, still being mindful to keep in earshot of the others. There was not much else to do for the time being, so exploring was the best option it seemed. He wasn't really one for socialising, even with his family. So upwards he travelled, turning over the odd rock and sniffing at the dirt underneath, wondering if anything thrived in this barren place.
Messages In This Thread
you can learn about it soon - by Remmy - May 13, 2016, 11:24 AM
RE: you can learn about it soon - by Giancarlo - May 13, 2016, 02:21 PM
RE: you can learn about it soon - by Giana - May 14, 2016, 02:58 AM
RE: you can learn about it soon - by Primo - May 21, 2016, 01:24 PM