Sleeping Dragon buy me a thorn before you buy me a rose
454 Posts
Ooc — romanova
Gyda spoke her thanks when Dio offered her the gopher and despite wanting to wait found herself eating it as her children gathered around him. Eske's ears slicked back to her skull as Freyja let out ungodly loud noisy singing that had the Grounder Princess lifting her upper lip to reveal a sharp milk tooth in displeasure. Eske slowly found her footing and squinted at Dio, hardly afraid of him but exhibiting instinctual caution all the same. He was not a constant. There were three others aside from Gyda that she recognized and whose presence she enjoyed. Gavriel, Wildfire and Thuringwethil. Eske did not know their names yet but she knew them. Dio however, she didn't know. She moved to Freyja's side, made to nip her sister lightly on the shoulder, not to hurt or to implore play but to let Freyja know she was there. The Grounder Princess studied the large male as he lowered himself and patted the ground with his paws, inviting them. Eske's nostrils flared as she inhaled his scent. He smelled, mostly, like outside. A little bit like her favorites. It was a familiar scent but also uniquely his own.

Gyda did not intervene on her youngest's assessment, not encouraging her interaction with Dio either way. Perhaps the new mother understood that the Grounder Princess needed to make her own deductions on the strangers of the pack as they came to greet the young Dragons. Either way, Eske didn't care much for her reasons, simply glad that Gyda was letting her do it on her own. Eske's assessment lasted only a few moments before she let out a noise and rushed at him, bowing her body down, her bum wagging in the air as she invited him to play before she pounced at one of his large paws and then attempted to scurry away with a peal of childish laughter, hoping he would not catch her.
roangeda · green-lit

— your hands are wet with the blood
of an empire. you lick it off.
Messages In This Thread
RE: buy me a thorn before you buy me a rose - by Dio - July 12, 2016, 01:19 AM
RE: buy me a thorn before you buy me a rose - by Dio - July 13, 2016, 10:11 PM
RE: buy me a thorn before you buy me a rose - by RIP Blodreina - July 16, 2016, 06:55 AM
RE: buy me a thorn before you buy me a rose - by Dio - July 18, 2016, 12:51 AM