Neverwinter Forest giant steps are what you take, walking on the moon
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104 Posts
Ooc — Koffey
Marruz first detected the newcomer by dint of faint crunching sounds in the snow. His fur bristled instinctually along his nape, but as he turned he was rather unperturbed by the approaching stranger. From his perch upon the roots, he took a few breaths to decipher whether this would be a very nice encounter at all. Of course, hardly any encounters made Marruz anything more than lukewarm; unless it had something to do with the stars.

As the wolf approached, he was further assured that there was no impending danger - or, at least, not in the immediate sense - so even as the distance lessened between them, he kept his sights upward. It slightly agitated Marruz when he was addressed, having planted a seedling of hope that his presence would be dismissed. Nevertheless, this was only translated through a disdainful sniff. His mind, meanwhile, chided him. You fool, you're as dark as night on a blanket of pure white snow. And the bitter thought somewhat palliated his sullen temperament. 

This man's cheerfulness was taxing on the boy's emotional energies. He already felt his muscles clenching at the jaw; tightening the more the brute spoke. He furrowed his brow hard when the breadth of the sky was mentioned and struggled to bite back his thoughts on the comment. 

Instead, he waited - simmering - for the horrendous words to draw to a close. Then, he shifted a few paces away and gruffly shook tumbles of snow from his Stygian fur. He feared that if he tried to speak, the sheer action of parting his maw would compel him to do far worse than simple chastising to this flea adjacent him.

Oh, look, meanwhile, his brain remained whirring along. There's Mars. 

ابن النجوم
"son of the stars"
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RE: giant steps are what you take, walking on the moon - by Marruz - January 24, 2019, 09:28 PM