Whitefish River tonight i'll have a look and try to find my face again
236 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He manages to focus on what Evergreen is saying after a moment, trying to push back thoughts about how awkward he's probably making this whole thing long enough to process it properly. It isn't exactly what he'd expected. Oh, He says, quiet for a moment as he tries to figure out the right words for his own response. I um — I noticed their scents in the territory, actually. He swallows, suddenly painfully aware of the way his friend is watching him. His skin prickles, and he shifts, trying to keep his expression neutral. Thanks for the warning, though.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
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RE: tonight i'll have a look and try to find my face again - by Winterbourne - September 26, 2019, 03:50 PM