Hoshor Plains you were the song stuck in my head, every song that i've ever loved
236 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Evergreen confirms his suspicions with his next words; something had happened, and his companion blames himself.
Oh, He says, letting out a breath as Evergreen's eyes meet his. A few moments pass before he speaks again. I was upset, too. I wanted her to stay, or bring our family here, but… I know she would have thought of that, if she wanted it. But she doesn't want to be here, and I do. I was upset, I still am, but we both made a choice. He pauses to take in a slightly shaky breath, remembering the moment he'd voiced his own decision and realizing he has something far more important than this to say. Maybe now isn't the time or place, maybe waiting would be the wiser option — but he's never thought of himself as wise, and he's starting to learn that life will not wait for anyone. Still, his heart lodges itself in his throat the moment he realizes he's really going to say it. I stayed for you.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.