Northstar Vale there's a road to the righteous, that doesn't lead through hell
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel
Tysm! Yours is rather lovely as well. (Reiko is so cute!) <3

The praise is met with a bashful duck of her slim head, heat rising to her cheeks beneath a cover of snowfall. 

"You are most kind, mi'lady," the pallid woman murmured genuinely, raspy tones vaguely hushed - as if uncertain in the fact that she deserves such commendation. 

Hopeful eyes rose, landing tactfully upon the Empress' ivory cheek, only to drop again anxiously at the leader's impending 'however'. Concern and weariness warred within her hidden heart, dreading the expected rejection. There were so many reasons after all: crowded ranks, lack of prey, her exotic bloodline. 

But the question that comes is not what she expects, though the Druid will likely berate herself for that later. 

"I.." How much to say? How much to reveal? 

Daring to chance a glance upwards once more, her eyes flitted away restlessly upon meeting the northron lady's. 

There was no choice; yet, the ruin of a mother choose to see the silver lining: to tell Reiko because some intuitive instinct whispered that she was trustworthy, that this land was the safe haven she sought. Not because there was no other option. 

"I vas, you say?" Awenfen began again after a hesitant little clearing of her throat, trailing off as she struggled for the proper term. "Silit," the waif offered in the tongue of dragons. "Ehm..a slave, no?" 

"Ta Druids traded fer me vhile I vas in service of Grinestone Ravine." 
Her jaw set just so, as if the name itself pained her, withholding a shudder. 

"T'ey vere in need of a midvife, the leader's vife 'ad suffered a miscarriage ta season befor an' 'er pregnancy vas difficult. I earned my freedom vhilst among t'em but.." 

"A, em, coallition to the vest arrive' at ta borders one day - a neighbour, Dredguild." 

"One of t'eir men took a liking to me, vanted me fer 'is bride. So, I vas surrendered to 'im," 
here she shrugged the tiniest of shrugs, a forlorn twist to her mouth that suggested a failed attempt to smile. 

"He is...vile," came the broken, hollow whisper - a sound like wind whistling through the shattered window of a haunted house. "He..I von't disturb ye vith details mi'lady but I vould 'ave two daughters at me side if not for t'at beast."

"Dredguild is small and I know not if t'ey bother to seek a fleeing vife so far from 'ome but 'e may come for me," 
she admitted, warned, shoulders hunching with a collage of defeat and shame as that shudder won out - rippling through her tense frame. 

"I apologise, sincerely," the battered woman lilted softly, "I understan' if ye vould not like that risk." 
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
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