Stone Circle I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan noticed 2 wolves approaching the area where he and Inkeri had built a den. He usually didn't mind others, but being quite pregnant, and with their presence so close to his den, he got a little defensive. Rising, Ethan padded over tensely towards them, not getting too close though

"Hello, is there a reason you're here?" He asked. Perhaps they were friends of Inkeri and were looking for her.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
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RE: I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds. - by Ethan - August 06, 2022, 07:36 AM