Stone Circle I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I have talked to Inkeri about this and if everything is ok with the two of you I would appreciate if this could be my home, or heim, as you call it. I assume I'd need to somewhat learn the language your companion speaks if I do join though." Ethan said.

"I need a place, I don't really have one, and my pups are expected in a few days, if even that." He added

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
Messages In This Thread
RE: I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds. - by Ethan - September 02, 2022, 06:47 PM