Two Rivers Isle eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night
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Shortly after meeting Legend, Totoro decided to head south rather than investigate the scents they detected to the north. They followed the winding riverbank, passing between two distant peaks until they came across a watering hole. They spent a few hours fishing the waters, then continued plodding due south into a great forest.

A strange feeling came over them the farther they ventured into the wood. Totoro slowed and came to a stop, trying to make sense of the apprehension thrumming through them. Their blue eyes scanned the forest, gray ears pricked to pick up any peculiar noises. Everything appeared calm and lovely.

Nonetheless, they found themselves turning and allowing their presentiment to guide them back in the direction they had come. Totoro moved at a steady clip, retracing their steps along the riverbed. They could see the plateau in the distance, the waterfall sparkling in the April sunlight. The closer they came, the louder the rush in Totoro’s ears.

Their instinct prodded them to veer west and go around the plateau, toward those smells. The river began to widen ahead and finally Totoro began to slow again, proceeding with caution. The niggling feeling released them, leaving the gray wolf to peer curiously at their surroundings and wonder what force of nature wanted them them here.

Totoro is just south of the isle but I wanted to put this here for visibility. :)
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eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night - by Totoro - April 11, 2023, 08:44 AM