Two Rivers Isle eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night
36 Posts
Ooc —
Their lips pressed together as they listened to Iseul’s voice, her accented speech making Totoro think of Marie. They gently set all thought of her aside and focused on what their new friend was saying. The pack was new, not old, like the others. They wondered about these other packs, though they reserved any questions until she was finished speaking.

I understood you perfectly! they hastily reassured Iseul. This is Two Rivers Isle and you are its deputy, serving your leaders, Ulrich and Ady. Everyone is treated like family. They paused thoughtfully before asking, Is it just the three of you? Are you family by blood or by choice?
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RE: eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night - by Totoro - April 17, 2023, 11:34 AM