Ankyra Sound I knew you were trouble when you walked in
156 Posts
Ooc — Bees
all's perfect!!

oblivious to an audience, he traced the line of the horizon, the open ocean melding with cottony clouds.

"aend daddyyy dijn't giiive atten'ch'n,

ooh, to th' fact thaet mami dijn't caaare,

king jeremyy th' wiiickeeed,

ouuh~ouuh ruled..."

he saw them then, a lean pale shape, vary on the edge of hardy grass and clean sand.


and by their feet; a child. his small suprise turned to a grin.


slavuj stopped, heavy tail evenly swaying. with flourish added to by flow of tassels, he bowed deeply to the pair.

"gooed daey!" he called out, lifting his head. "was mai performance up tchu standard?"
[Image: MOP6.png]
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RE: I knew you were trouble when you walked in - by Slavuj - May 07, 2023, 08:46 AM