Wapun Meadow A bed of flowers, a good place for a nap
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The meadows manifested a stranger. A silver woman with a graceful stride. Announcing herself with her voice, she drew Vale's attention. As she neared, Vale loosened her posture. The hardened focus melted away into a politely lax demeanor. Her head lifted to regard this new wolf, ears cupping forward.

This woman carried an invitation upon her lips and an appraising look to her eye. Vale's own gaze drew across the silver stranger. Bigger than she was, the newcomer was strong and dignified. The curve to her flanks kept no secrets of her condition. Vale's head tilted slightly, pondering if this woman was associated with a pack of these lands.

She didn't dwell on that thought for long, answering the question quickly, I would be happy to! The eagerness of her own voice brought a rush of warmth to her cheeks. How desperate could she sound? With a friendly sway to her tail she closed some of the distance between them, taking a position in line with the stranger's shoulder. If you lead, I will follow.
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RE: A bed of flowers, a good place for a nap - by Vale Enid - May 31, 2023, 08:51 PM