Dahozhoni Meadow forgive me peter
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Are you CRAZY?!

Oh, if only this poor woman knew.

The question sprung forth and if Cassian were tethered to a sound, concrete reality in any fashion then he might’ve responded with an impromptu apology. Instead, the damned wolf found himself wary of his own sprinted footsteps as a laughter bubbled from within his chest. It spilled out in warm, giddy pools in a shamelessly foolhardy manner. He couldn’t help himself! The expression that wrought itself on the stranger’s face was far beyond priceless! Oh, and not to even mention the tone. Genuine distress! What was there to be stressed about? She could’ve taken another angle to vector off away from this trouble and been done with it all!

”You won’t like the answer you’ll get if I answer that question, so let me save my breath! It’s my neck on the line, after all. Granted, can you blame me? I didn’t know he wasn’t the kind to share! I mean, look at him! So cute, cuddly, warm, and brown. If I didn’t know any better, he wanted me to have that meal! Poor little fella just doesn’t know how to express self love and care!”

For somebody that was running short on breath, Cassian’s ineptitude for keeping that trap of his clamped shut was practically a skill at this point. Together, they ran. Where she felt panic Cassian instead found joy. If he were to die this way then so be it! A bear was a formidable foe, but that wasn’t to say it was a prospect the wolf entirely favored. Oh no, if that were the case then he wouldn’t even be running in the first place! Paws crashed against the earth, bones screaming in agony due to the constant, repeated, forceful pressure put onto them. It would be one thing if Cassian constantly engaged in hunts that kept his stamina and strength in check, but without a pack to follow and motivate that was far from the case.

Rocks. Dozens of them, haphazardly strewn about, came into purview. There were a few that were lower to the ground meant for resting, but the broader, taller ones were the only safe haven they would have from their lovely, bubbly friend that just couldn’t get enough of them! They might have not had much in common as strangers, but a need for survival conjoined them together right now and that was enough for Cassian to stick to their conjoined endeavor!

”Haha, so do I! I’ve never climbed a surface like that before. Wish me luck?”

Their eyes met. Green glossed over brown and in that split moment Cassian bore a grin wide and true. Warm, ginger, and an entirely offset contrast to the uneven pacing of the man’s own heart. It wasn’t until they got close enough to their sole salvation that Cassian’s haunches stopped for a split second before springing upwards and onwards. Claws scraped at the boulders in an aggressively alive manner and…

He failed.

The bear grew closer and there was only one real way out of this predicament now.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Almost. Oh man, his teeth are REALLY scary. OK NOW GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO.”

Vectoring off to the right at the last second, Cassian watched as the bear failed to halt its momentum and crashed its skull against the cemented stone. There was a momentary period large enough to scale its back and then jump off, but not without confused, heavy, deft paws scrambling after the wolf. This time, he did not fail. This time, he made it to the top of a boulder that was far too tall and sleek for this bear to climb. This time, Cassian stared from the top and…

He watched.

Cautiously, eyes pinning to the creature as heavy, jagged breathing sloppily ground its way out of his way. The stranger from earlier, were they okay? His gaze did not wish to avert from the danger for now, so instead…

”Hey! Lady! You alright? I was too busy playing with Mr. Greedy over here to really check to see if you’re alive. Woo! Man, I am OUT of breath. If you are alive, maybe stop breathing for a bit so I can get some of that oxygen from this blue trapped bubble and recover faster? K? Thanks!”

Playful, down to the very core and awfully unaware of just how dangerous of a situation this had truly been. But, who cared! They lived!
Messages In This Thread
forgive me peter - by Menthe - May 21, 2024, 12:12 PM
RE: forgive me peter - by Cassian - May 22, 2024, 05:23 AM
RE: forgive me peter - by Menthe - May 22, 2024, 08:50 AM
RE: forgive me peter - by Cassian - May 22, 2024, 10:57 AM
RE: forgive me peter - by Menthe - May 22, 2024, 07:30 PM
RE: forgive me peter - by Cassian - May 23, 2024, 08:27 PM
RE: forgive me peter - by Menthe - May 27, 2024, 08:34 AM
RE: forgive me peter - by Cassian - May 29, 2024, 02:43 PM
RE: forgive me peter - by Menthe - May 30, 2024, 09:40 AM
RE: forgive me peter - by Cassian - May 30, 2024, 06:29 PM
RE: forgive me peter - by Menthe - June 03, 2024, 09:10 AM