Ouroboros Spine And do you ever feel things here aren't right?
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I'll keep her ranked then, she's coming back for sure <3
Oh, I haven't decided! Everywhere! She laughed, all brimming excitement and fraying nerves. We visited many packs together. I think I would like to take word of my trade to the others, and to the lone travelers also.

And wherever I am needed, I will go, Nasamiituuq finished simply, glimmering with a hesitant pride of her own as she searched for her grandmother's approval in her gentle jade eyes. When the last labors of the season have ended, it will be Moonglow again. Until I'm needed again.
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RE: And do you ever feel things here aren't right? - by Nasamiituuq - May 24, 2024, 12:13 AM