Sequoia Coast ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
The coast.

There wasn’t a cloud in sight where the sky reigned. It was just two golden wolves, the ocean, and the sun that kissed their pelts. Adah’s enthusiasm was contagious, bright and bubbly as she could be even though they were virtually still strangers to one another. Cassian saw her smile and mimicked it then took some seconds to mull over the woman’s question. What did he think?

“I think…”

A second passed by, a gust of wind pressing itself through the man’s fur before ending with the latter half of his thought.

“...that it’s pretty.”

A simple enough statement, but one that Cassian truly did believe in. When the man came to reality, Cassian was born in a vast expanse of lush green. There’d been a pond, the trails of scattered prey, an irony scent that dripped its jagged path down his maw, and forests lined with foreign scents at the time. Now, he knew they were packs, and that was likely what Adah was sniffing for right now. That, and any sign of her brother. While she sniffed, Cassian sat down. The trek here wore its weight on the man’s paws and any moment that they could simply relax and enjoy the moments for what they were was one that held its weight tilted towards his favor.

“Hey, Adah, what’s Canada like? You said you came from there, right? I don’t know what it’s like. All I really know is the place where I was…”

Where he was…what? Cassian blinked, trailing off as a numbness tore its merciless path through the man’s psyche. Brown, murky eyes widened the slightest bit before the creases formed by it waned and they returned back to their normal, resting position.

“...huh? What was I saying?” Tilting his head to the right, Cassian soon after lied down fully into the sand. It was so warm! It was like a bed full of warm meals! “Oh well! It doesn’t matter anyways, I think. Do you think there’s food under this warm stuff?”
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RE: ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~ - by Cassian - May 29, 2024, 01:58 PM