Sequoia Coast ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Cold most of the year? That didn't sound too bad! It didn't get all too cold here, but then again Cassian hadn't ventured off to the more tundra-like areas of this domain yet. If Adah said that it was cold then it must've been just that! Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold! Her explanation of the area was fascinating, though. If Cassian closed his eyes, which he did, the man could almost imagine it. Pleasant temperatures, daylight during the chilly winter days, blankets of snow, and trees that were verdant as they were full of life.

Whatever image he was relishing in soon evaded the golden man, however. Adah went on to ask him about what he remembered. Murky, brown eyes opened once again and this time scanned out towards the ocean. The sun, hanging high above the horizon reminded Cassian of an orange. The juicy, sweet, tart ones that would rarely be sprawled out on the forest floor. Disgusting things, but they were fun to play with and kick around.

"What I remember, huh? That's the funny thing! I don't really remember much. One day, I opened my eyes and I was just....alive. I was near a lake and I walked my way down south. I could taste this weird, metallic taste in my mouth and it drooled down to the floor. My stomach felt heavy. I don't really know how to explain it, but there was this nice wolf that told me about territories. Gave me a warning about staying away from them if I didn't want to eat up hurt or worse. So, I've been following that advice since then. I guess before I was born again I just remember....nothing. If I try, my head hurts. Everything gets...fuzzy, that's the best way I can describe it. But, I'm not too worried about it. I've met some decent souls. I've met you! And I think that's good enough for now. I'm not too concerned with the kind of life I lived up until then. I'm just concerned with living the kind of life I want to live now!"

A smile worked its way on Cassian's face, stretched with genuine traces of positive intention.

"What about you? When you find your brother what kind of life do you want to live? Have you thought of anything past that point? I don't mean to pry, but I think it'd be nice to know. You know, the real you. The soul that you normally are when you aren't on a tracking mission, you know?"
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RE: ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~ - by Cassian - June 21, 2024, 08:04 PM