Sequoia Coast ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
"Seeing nature and all of that is nice. Everything changes so much no matter where you go! So, I can see why you take a liking to that. Although, I have more fun with engaging in nature than actually seeing it, I think. Catching fish, chasing down things to eat, and learning things that keep me busy...that sort of stuff is fun! The birds are okay but I've always wanted to steal some of their eggs just to see if they'd taste any good! You know? Or maybe they're like rocks and I'll chip a tooth or something if I'm not careful enough with them."

Basic information likes the insides of an egg or where birds flocked to were not privy to Cassian, but there were things the man had been able to pick up here and there simply through trial and error. It wasn't as if the man's instincts left him when he'd been inflicted with amnesia, after all. Those never left and likely never would up until the last breath was breathed from this soul. Onwards she continued to speak and Cassian clung to every word. Her answer about what she would do after finding John was one that the blonde could get behind, too. Travelling with her was engaging so far! If it stirred up Cassian's dopamine then that would be the high he'd continue to chase. Was it her though or just the situation? It was difficult to tell.

"Travelling with you sounds like loads of fun! It already is, I've come across new areas I wasn't exactly aware of before and it's nice having someone I can chatter off to about things. Especially when you keep offering fun things! Splash in the waves? Sure thing! I'll race you!"

Chivalry was a dead concept to Cassian. The moment the words left his mouth the wolf sprinted off towards the waves. Would she win? Would he win? It mattered little to him, actually. So little, in fact, that the wolf's eyes were closed up until he crashed into the salt water and felt it rush over his fur. Only then did they open and immediately sought out his companion.

"Woohoo! This is fun! How far out do you think I can swim? I see some islands off in the distance! Think I could make it?"
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RE: ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~ - by Cassian - July 04, 2024, 11:44 PM