Ouroboros Spine you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless
my mind turns your life into folklore
120 Posts
Ooc — Chan
His expression shifted as he spoke, and she noticed the change. While his time traveling interested her, she clung to the fact that his mother had died when he was born, and she felt herself frown as she took another step towards him. I'm sorry, Pan, she said, wanting to wrap him in a big 'ol hug. But, instead, she'd thought of something else that could lift his spirits. 

Do you wanna play? she asked. While he was big and grownup, there was something about him that betrayed his young age. I have that board over there, and I was going to try and ride it in the lake, she said, glancing over her shoulder and motioning towards the item. I dunno if it's going to work, but ... it's worth a shot, right?
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RE: you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless - by Nantahala - August 01, 2024, 01:52 PM