Duck Lake waterside
Call me Fighter
61 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
I'm so so sorry I let this drop T-T
Would you like to end it here or continue? <3

The eggs might be the valley wolf’s backup plan, but Grackle wasn’t about to let them slip through her claws so easily. The thought of warm, golden treasures still made her mouth water, and if she couldn't sink her teeth into them right away, she'd be sure to enjoy a fine duck with a yolky dessert to follow.

The tiny woman's plan seemed sound enough, and Grackle was happy to oblige. Without a word, she veered off in the opposite direction, padding silently through the reeds. If the plan fell apart, well, Grackle would send the birds flying straight into the she-wolf’s waiting jaws just as suggested. There, she crouched, ears perked, eyes sharp, waiting for the signal.

The moment the little wolf made her move, Grackle sprang into action, a black blur against the dusky reeds. Her first lunge fell short, the duck’s frantic quack mocking her miss. But she was nothing if not relentless. On the second strike, her jaws snapped shut with a satisfying crunch, feathers fluttering down like snowflakes as she secured her catch.

Grackle’s lips curled into a triumphant grin around the bird’s neck, her jade eyes gleaming with satisfaction. She glanced over to see if her partner had fared as well, already contemplating the best way to crack open an egg with her teeth without spilling too much of the good stuff.

Am I past repair?
Messages In This Thread
waterside - by Vale Enid - May 04, 2024, 06:48 PM
RE: waterside - by Grackle - May 23, 2024, 03:34 AM
RE: waterside - by Vale Enid - June 04, 2024, 12:28 AM
RE: waterside - by Grackle - June 04, 2024, 06:59 PM
RE: waterside - by Vale Enid - June 11, 2024, 01:34 AM
RE: waterside - by Grackle - June 11, 2024, 10:44 PM
RE: waterside - by Vale Enid - July 30, 2024, 01:14 AM
RE: waterside - by Grackle - August 21, 2024, 12:26 PM