Firefly Glen [PHE] black point
82 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
bear with me if what i gleaned of the space is not what you were intending, i can edit if needed!

The seal hunter turned to face him and Kyrell could see in full the scars upon his body. While he did not ogle, per say, he gave them an appreciative eye. They did not appear accidental. How curious. He is not unaware of the attention upon his ears. The tags were far less interesting by all of Kyrell's account.

Kyrell offers a beat of his own tail and listens to the hunter explain the nature of the trap. Emerald eyes turn to study the man's work. His gaze traveling up and down the artificial incline, analyzing the work that had been completed and attempting to conjure the seal hunter's final vision within his own mind. He circled past Chakliux and turned around, trying to feel out the direction and flow the elk would take.

This trap,he started slowly,it is to funnel them one way and prove difficult to return, yes?
Messages In This Thread
[PHE] black point - by Chakliux - 7 hours ago
RE: [PHE] black point - by Kyrell - 5 hours ago
RE: [PHE] black point - by Chakliux - 4 hours ago
RE: [PHE] black point - by Kyrell - 2 hours ago